Liu Cong called many times, but there was no response from the system. He walked back and forth in the room anxiously.

After successive attempts to no avail, Liu Cong was also tired and planned to take a nap before making any plans.

After all, he has to get up early tomorrow and go to the space launch base. The satellite will be launched in the next two days. Of course, Liu Cong must watch the first batch closely.

The next day, Liu Cong and Lieutenant General Li Hu arrived at the space launch base early in the morning.

Before that, everyone knew about Liu Cong's deeds. After seeing Liu Cong coming, everyone even held a welcome ceremony for Liu Cong.

Liu Cong was also very touched when he saw that these people were so busy and still celebrating themselves.

"Academician Liu, congratulations! I watched the entire live broadcast yesterday. What you said is really good!!"

Academician Zhang Bin was full of praise for Liu Cong.

"Academician Zhang, you are ridiculous. We are all engaged in scientific research. I actually didn't do anything. We all serve the people."

In front of everyone, everyone applauded Liu Cong after he said this.

Liu Cong also gradually lost himself in the bursts of applause, so he just said a few more words to everyone.

Everyone also knew that they had a heavy task, so they went off to do their own things.

"Academician Liu, the launch date of our Starlink satellite has been scheduled, which is tomorrow."

"Our staff are now assembling the satellites into the rocket one by one. If nothing else happens, they will all be completed in the afternoon."

"Before this, I also learned that the United States is now at a critical stage. It may be that their satellites will be launched during this period."

After listening to Academician Zhang Bin's report, Liu Cong nodded.

"Academician Zhang, you have really worked hard during this period. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have been able to finish it so quickly."

Academician Zhang looked at Liu Cong, smiled and said: "Didn't you just say that we scientific researchers should be like this? What's the point of being tired? As long as we can help the country, no matter how tired we are?"

After saying this, Academician Zhang Bin smiled, and so did Liu Cong.

Afterwards, Academician Zhang Bin took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and handed one to Liu Cong.

Liu Cong looked at the cigarette handed over by Academician Zhang Bin, and even though he didn't smoke, he took it.

Academician Zhang Bin then lit a cigarette for Liu Cong skillfully. Seeing Liu Cong smoking in that posture, Academician Zhang Bin smiled.

"Academician Liu, you don't know how to smoke!"

Liu Cong looked at Academician Zhang Bin, and then smiled awkwardly.

"Yes! This is my third time smoking. Don't I want to relieve stress?"

After listening to Liu Cong's narration, Academician Zhang Bin laughed.

"Yes, smoking can really relieve a lot of stress. Sometimes if you have any troubles that cannot be solved, smoking one will immediately make you feel much better, and then you can devote yourself to work better!!"

"Yes, sometimes I have a lot of worries, but I don't like smoking very much, so I can only digest them slowly by myself."

Liu Cong squatted on the ground and talked about cigarette ashes like Academician Zhang Bin beside him.

"Hiss, it's so hot!"

Seeing Liu Cong's embarrassed look, Academician Zhang Bin laughed.

"It turns out that Academician Liu doesn't know how to do it. This is not how you play cigarette ashes..."

Under the guidance of Academician Zhang Bin, the two had a great time playing.


When I went back in the evening, it was already eleven o'clock at night.

After seeing Liu Cong come back, Zhang Guimei quickly ran to the kitchen to heat food for Liu Cong. Now Liu Cong's status can be said to be rising steadily.

After eating, Liu Cong took a bath and then lay lazily on the bed.

"Liu Cong!"

This shout startled Liu Cong, "Who, who is calling me?"

"Host, I'm behind you."

Liu Cong turned around and saw a super invincible beautiful girl standing in front of Liu Cong. Liu Cong was dumbfounded by this.

"Are you Tuantuan?"

[Yes, am I beautiful? 】

As he said that, Tuantuan was still spinning in a circle.

"Why did you become an adult? Have you upgraded again?"

[Yes, your world popularity increased very quickly this time, so I upgraded, and I now have a physical body]

Seeing a real beauty standing in front of Liu Cong, Liu Cong felt panicked. If his family saw that he was hiding a beautiful woman, he would be dead.

[Host, I know what you are thinking. Don’t worry, no one else can see me except you. Only people who are bound to me can feel and see me.]

Liu Cong swallowed and nodded.

"After a long time, you upgraded last night. I called you so many times last night and you couldn't hear me. I thought you were dead!!"

The system looked at Liu Cong and showed a professional fake smile.

[I know, but I was inconvenient last night]

[I will announce your results this time to the host now]

[This time the host has gained 140 million reputation points, plus the previous one, the host has 220 million reputation points]

【Ding! The host China's popularity increased to level 60, and it obtained a nuclear weapons interception system]

【Ding! The popularity of the host world has been increased by five levels, and the current popularity is level 11. The host will be rewarded with a set of weather control weapon information]

Liu Cong was frightened by the things presented by the system, "Tuantuan, you don't really want to do it!"

"Why are the things you reward now all strategic weapons!!"

The system looked at Liu Cong and nodded honestly.

"Yes, there will be no peace in the future. While it is still relatively peaceful now, we must manufacture all these useful things."

"The fate of China and the world lies in your hands. Whether you can protect it or not, these weapons are the key."

Looking at the two USB flash drives that appeared in his hand, Liu Cong fell into deep thought.

"Is it really going to be like this?"

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