After hearing these words from the system, Liu Cong only felt that there was a long way to go.

He was just an ordinary student, and he never thought that one day he would be connected to the lifeline of the country.

"Tuan Tuan, can you tell me when the United States will take action against us?"

Liu Cong looked at the system beside him nervously, hoping for an accurate answer.

[To be precise, it will be half a year later, that is, late August this year. By then, it will not only be his country that will do this to China, but also the northwest countries in the Eastern Hemisphere, as well as the island countries adjacent to China...]

The system revealed a lot of things to Liu Cong that he didn't want to hear, but had to hear.

After listening to this, Liu Cong suddenly realized.

"What you mean is that that country may become our enemy by then. It seems that China's situation is indeed not very good!!"

[Yes, if China cannot survive this wave, the world will be disrupted later. You also know what I showed you that day. Humanity may become extinct by then! ! 】

Liu Cong lay on the bed, lost in thought. He had never been so stressed.

Since ancient times, war has caused indelible damage to human beings. It was better in the past. In the era of cold weapons, at most a few more people died. But it is different now. A nuclear weapon can destroy a city. This The harm caused is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

"I remember, I will work hard. When my space base is finished, I will start other plans. The prerequisite for not being bullied is to have strong strength. I will not let them succeed!!"

Having said this, Liu Cong gradually clenched his fists and looked at the ceiling with sharp eyes.

[By the way, after this incident, we must also step up the development of civilization, and strive to allow Blue Star to break through the first-level civilization as soon as possible, so as to avoid civil strife and foreign invasion]


"Are there any more aliens?"

Tuantuan nodded.

[Yes, but you don’t have to worry, they won’t do anything to us in the short term. Your goal now is to try to stop this battle. Once you avoid this disaster, everything will be fine in the future]

Of course Liu Cong believed 100% in what the system said.

"I know, I will definitely work hard on this matter. I will spare no effort for my family and China."

The reason Liu Cong said this is because he loves his country and every piece of land in China, and he does not want this land to be polluted by outsiders.

Moreover, the devastation caused by the war is not what Liu Cong wants to see. In Liu Cong's eyes, all lives are equal, so he does not want this war to happen.

Of course, this is beyond Liu Cong's control. If you don't want to declare war, others won't agree with you.

After thinking about it, Liu Cong lost all sleep, so he entered the system and simply learned these two technologies.

The more he studied, the more Liu Cong felt the terror of these two weapons. The anti-nuclear bomb system can not only intercept nuclear weapons, but also launch them back along the previous route. This means that the weapons you use to defeat us can be reversed. Hit you, this kind of technology can be said to be very awesome.

The weather weapon is even more terrifying. It can cause blizzards, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, heavy rains and other super-large natural disasters anytime and anywhere. If this kind of weapon is used on the battlefield, it will be really destructive.

As long as it is used well, it can even destroy a country in a few days.

Liu Cong looked at it without feeling sleepy anymore. In this way, Liu Cong kept watching all night long.

Early the next morning, Liu Cong spent hundreds of thousands of reputation points to buy a potion that increased his mental power, and then followed Lieutenant General Li Hu to the space launch base.

Because today's matter was very important, Liu Cong did not dare to neglect it at all.

As long as Starlink satellites can be successfully launched, this means that China has a weapon that can threaten neighboring countries in the short term. After all, this kind of thing can detect the movements on the ground at any time, and can use Starlink satellites to carry out precise strikes at any time.

When Liu Cong arrived at the space launch base, the square was already packed with people.

Next to Liu Cong, there was someone holding a camera to record.

If the launch is successful, it will definitely be reported by major media. By then, Liu Cong may become popular again.

Of course, being famous or not means nothing to him.

"Academician Liu, you are here!"

When Academician Zhang Bin saw Liu Cong coming, he took the initiative to walk in front of him.

"Academician Liu, you are here. Our satellite launch is scheduled for three o'clock in the afternoon, and the maintenance personnel are now making final preparations."

Academician Zhang Bin stood next to Liu Cong and reported to Liu Cong the next satellite launch process one by one.

"Well, just get everything ready!"

"Before the satellite is launched, we must make all preparations in advance. We must not make any mistakes, otherwise we will fall short."

Liu Cong looked at the engineers on site and spoke to them in a commanding tone.

"Academician Liu, please rest assured, we promise to complete this mission!!!"

Liu Cong was also very pleased to see that these people who were older than him had such mental strength.

"Okay, I'll trouble you this time. After the matter is completed, I will definitely report it to my superiors and give you the best treatment. The treatment of our scientists cannot be bad!!"

Hearing what Liu Cong said, everyone turned around and devoted themselves to their work as if they were getting blood.

Throughout the morning, Liu Cong took Academician Zhang Bin to the rocket to inspect various equipment in person. This made Lieutenant General Li Hu anxious and insisted on going up with Liu Cong.

Liu Cong took the special testing equipment and looked here and there, for fear of finding any mistakes.

Liu Cong was also nervous. If the launch failed, his progress would be delayed. Of course he didn't want that.

"Academician Zhang, ask the engineer on the side to bring the oscilloscope!"

Liu Cong said to Academician Zhang Bin who was also doing maintenance like Liu Cong.


In this way, several people were busy until one o'clock in the afternoon before stopping, and even missed lunch time, but Liu Cong was very satisfied, because he checked the rocket up and down and found nothing wrong.

"Let's go down and fill our stomachs first, and then we'll wait for the good news."

Later, Liu Cong and Lieutenant General Li Hu, Academician Zhang Bin, returned to the land from the elevator on the side. People on the land were also very busy at this time, preparing for the first launch.

At the same time, the US LAISAI Space Agency's rocket was also in the final maintenance stage. However, due to previous delays, they could only delay the launch for two days.

What they didn't know yet was that China had already launched before them. If they had known about it in advance, they wouldn't be able to give up this opportunity even if they didn't sleep.

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