The time came to 2:30 in the afternoon, and the square of the launch center was packed with people just like last time, but people were more excited this time, because they were about to witness a historic moment, whether it was a success or a failure. , and everything can be known in the last half hour.

"Academician Liu, everything on our side is ready and the fuel has been filled up."

"The data on our side is all normal and nothing unusual has been found!"

"Report to Academician Liu, everything is normal in the central control room and rocket launches can be carried out at any time!!"

"Report to Academician Liu, everything is normal!!"


At this time, various departments reported to Liu Cong their current situation, and they were all ready.

Liu Cong's heart slowly began to become nervous along with these voices.

"Academician Zhang, are you nervous now?"

Watching Academician Zhang Bin smoke one cigarette after another, he would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. He was also very nervous.

"I'm so nervous! How can I not be nervous? In a sense, this launch is of great significance."

"There is no rocket in China that can launch 60 satellites at once. If this succeeds, we will set a world record again."

Maybe Liu Cong didn't understand the meaning of this. His purpose was to successfully launch Starlink and thus establish his own Starlink network.

"So, Academician Zhang, we have to work hard. We can only succeed this time!!!"

Time is like water, flowing continuously.

This half hour passed extremely long. Everyone was waiting. They were waiting for the rocket to launch. Everyone's face was filled with worry and excitement at the same time.

This launch will prove whether their efforts over the past few months are meaningful.

The time came to 2:58 in the afternoon, and the broadcast in the square had already started the countdown.

Academician Liu Cong and Zhang Bin stood in a row, looking at the rocket that was about to be launched, with a smile on their lips.

"The results of several months are finally coming to fruition. I don't know why, but I don't feel nervous at all now. Instead, I feel very relaxed."

Academician Zhang Bin looked at Liu Cong and said.

Liu Cong also nodded, "Yes! I have the same idea as you, and I also think we will succeed this time."

"After all, the people above are paying attention to the footage of this launch. I believe we will succeed!!"

"Yes! It will definitely succeed!!" Academician Zhang Bin said firmly.

The time has come to the last ten seconds, and all units are ready at this time.

When the engineers on the side saw this scene, cold sweat broke out on their faces.

With the last five seconds left, Liu Cong's mood gradually rose to his throat as he listened to the passage of time.





The next second, thick fog enveloped the entire rocket, and the huge roar made many people present unable to help but cover their ears.

Ten seconds had passed since the rocket took off. There was no big problem with the rocket at this time, and everything was running as planned.

Liu Cong knew that the key point was not here, but how to send the satellite to a specific orbit. This was the most difficult thing.

At this moment, Mr. Shu, Academician Sun and other senior executives were sitting in a conference room, watching the launch of the rocket live.

"Shu Lao, I really didn't expect that the aerospace base of your Chinese Academy of Sciences, which has been abandoned for so many years, would be taken over by Academician Liu, and it would make such a big fuss."

"If it really succeeds this time, it will be another big news. I think the lungs of people in the United States will explode by then."

A hearty laughter sounded in the conference room.

"Hahaha, yes! I didn't expect him to do this suddenly."

"Since young people want to do it, then we must support the older generation!! Whether it succeeds or not depends on what happens next."

"But I believe he will not let me down, because he never fights an uncertain battle!!"


Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the rocket gradually left the atmosphere.

At this time, Academicians Liu Cong and Zhang Bin also moved from the central square to the central control room. The large screen in the central control room was showing the specific movements of the rocket.

The rocket that left the Blue Star's atmosphere had now reached the designated orbit.

"Report! The hatch will open in ten seconds."










With a series of calls, the hatch of the rocket where the Starlink satellite is placed was opened.

Sixty Starlink satellites were coming out of the hatch in an orderly manner at this time. Seeing this scene, Liu Cong felt even heavier, because the next step was the top priority.

Because of the previously designed programs, these satellites can only find their own orbits by themselves, and they have no control over them.

The Starlink satellites that came out all turned on their solar panels according to normal procedures. With the energy supplemented, they were finding their orbits one by one according to the procedures they had set in advance.

One, two, three, four...

Each Starlink satellite also sets off towards its own specific orbit, and there have been no mistakes so far.

Looking at this scene, Liu Cong's lips gradually showed a smile.

Because he knows that this matter will most likely be successful.

Ten minutes later, all sixty Starlink satellites had come out of the rocket's hatch and all reached specific orbits.

In the other central control room, all the screens were lit at this time, and countless photos of space were sent to this central control room.


"We made it!"

In the hall, there were thunderous cheers, and everyone hugged each other excitedly, because the Starlink satellites have now formed a preliminary network, and this network will become more and more comprehensive as more and more satellites are launched in the future.

Meanwhile, the rocket was already on its way back.

When Academicians Liu Cong and Zhang Bin saw this scene, they were also very excited. However, they were leaders and could not hug each other like other people. Only laughter could express the joy in their hearts.

"Academician Liu, we succeeded!"

"It really worked!"

Liu Cong burst out laughing when he heard what Academician Zhang Bin said.

"It's not successful yet. The rocket hasn't been recovered yet. What we have to do is set a world record!!"

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