Hearing Academician Sun ask this, Liu Cong didn't know how to answer him.

"It's just that I feel that the world is no longer as peaceful as it used to be, so I have to take precautions before it happens."

After this reason was stated, Academician Sun could accept it.

"Yes, after all, the current international situation is indeed not peaceful. I don't know if China will have further conflicts with the United States one day. After all, they have been unhappy with us for a long time."

"Yes, Academician Sun, I am worried about this, so I proposed to develop an anti-nuclear system, and I am confident that this project will be done well!!" Liu Cong said.

When Academician Sun heard what Liu Cong said, he paused on the other end of the phone for a few seconds, and then said slowly: "I will go back and discuss this matter with Mr. Shu. This is not a small matter after all."

"If you have time now, you can come over now."

If he wants to go out, Liu Cong may not be able to do so now.

"Academician Sun, my neighborhood is blocked by those reporters. I really can't get out now, and I have no choice. If not later, I'll see if I can find a chance to come over, and we can discuss it carefully."

As of now, this is the only way.

"Okay! I will report your matter to the superiors as soon as possible. For the sake of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and your face, the superiors will not disagree with you starting this project."

"To be honest, I really admire you now. You said that you are so young and more capable than the older generation like us. I don't know what is in your mind? Young people like you are simply the only ones in China. If It would be great if China could have more like you!"

While chatting, Academician Sun began to sigh.

Next, Liu Cong briefly told Academician Sun some of his affairs at the space launch base, and then the two hung up the phone.


In the next few days, Liu Cong stayed at home and did not go out.

Because he was about to face the siege of countless reporters when he went out. As a scientific person, he knew that it was not good to be in the public eye all the time. For a moment, he wanted to change his residence, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was not necessary.

This morning, Liu Cong was sitting on the sofa in the living room as usual, watching the TV series he had not finished watching a few days ago.

At this time, Academician Sun's call came in again.

Liu Cong put down the remote control in his hand, then turned around and answered Academician Sun's call.

"Hey! Academician Sun."

"Academician Liu, we have reached an agreement over there, but the superior will meet with you. Do you agree?"

Academician Sun's words made Liu Cong confused for a moment. He didn't know what superior he was referring to, but he couldn't control so much. As long as the plan could be completed, nothing mattered to him.

"No problem, just today?"

"Yes, it just so happens that he has time today." Academician Sun said.

Liu Cong thought for a while and felt that he should go out. These reporters had not seen him in the past two days and they probably thought that Liu Cong no longer lived here. Moreover, Liu Cong did not see anyone squatting on him when he was walking in the past two days. reporter.

"Okay, when will I come over!!"

"In the afternoon, let's set it at three o'clock in the afternoon!"

Liu Cong thought for a while and then agreed to Academician Sun.


At around two o'clock in the afternoon, Lieutenant General Li Hu took the initiative to contact Liu Cong. He may have just received the order from his superiors.

This time, Liu Cong did not take a helicopter with Lieutenant General Li Hu, but got into a bulletproof car, which was specially equipped for Liu Cong.

Under the leadership of Academician Li Hu, Liu Cong came to a military compound. This place was different from the last time Liu Cong went to Lieutenant General Li Hu. The defense here was even stricter.

Liu Cong didn't know who he was meeting next. He didn't ask Lieutenant General Li Hu himself, and Lieutenant General Li Hu didn't tell him either.

In this way, Lieutenant General Li Hu took Liu Cong to the door of an office. Before entering, Lieutenant General Li Hu gave Liu Cong a meaningful look.

"This person inside is not an ordinary person. You must be careful what you say next."

After listening to Lieutenant General Li Hu's words, Liu Cong nodded gently. For someone who could be said so by Lieutenant General Li Hu, his identity must be extremely extraordinary.

As usual, Liu Cong first knocked gently on the door, and the next second, a deep voice came from inside.

"Please come in!!"

Liu Cong pushed open the door, and the next second it was his turn to be surprised.

The man in front of me is about sixty years old, but just from his appearance, he doesn't look sixty years old at all.

He had seen this person many times in front of the TV and was also the object of Liu Cong's admiration. He never expected that this person would actually come to see him in person.

"Hahaha, Academician Liu, don't be nervous, sit down!"

Then, the old man asked the assistant next to him to bring stools to Liu Cong and Lieutenant General Li Hu in turn. Liu Cong was not polite and sat down.

"Why are you here in person today? I really admired you before!" Liu Cong said excitedly.

"Oh? Then you don't worship now?"

Hearing this, Liu Cong waved his hands repeatedly, "That's not what I meant. I have always admired you."

After listening to Liu Cong's words, the old man laughed again.

From beginning to end, Academician Li Hu on the side had his head slightly lowered.

"That's it. We've met in person, so I'll get straight to the point. After all, everyone's time is precious, and I took the time to come over and see you."

While the two were talking, the assistant served tea to the three of them one after another.

"Okay, chief, I will listen to you in everything!"

The old man looked at Liu Cong and nodded, then gave the assistant behind him and Lieutenant General Li Hu a wink to signal them to go out. After they all went out, the old man said: "Tell me, why do you want to develop an anti-nuclear bomb system?"

Liu Cong did not hesitate, and immediately explained to the old man in front of him: "For the peace of the country, and for the people to live and work in peace and contentment."

Liu Cong's words made the old man in front of him raise his eyebrows, and then he fell into deep thought.

"Why do you have such an idea? How do you know what the country will look like in the future?"

"If I guess correctly, you are the descendant of the dragon, right?"

The old man's words struck Liu Cong as if they were struck by lightning. They struck deep in Liu Cong's heart and made him tremble.

"Chief, do you know everything?" Liu Cong looked at him in surprise.

The old man just smiled softly, "It's you indeed! I really didn't expect that there would be such a genius in China."

"Academician Liu, do you know how much contribution you have made? Do you know that we have been looking for you during this time, but there has been no news."

"Until you stood in front of me today and said these words to me, combined with the various deeds you have done before, you can directly connect them together!"

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