Liu Cong suddenly realized what he said after listening to what the old man in front of him said.

Later, the old man continued: "Since the last time, various official websites in China were attacked by unknown hackers. In the end, they were restored to normal with the help of one person, and then all major official websites in the United States were paralyzed."

"We felt from the beginning to the end that it was not done by one person, until we received the secret email from you."

After hearing this explanation, Liu Cong couldn't help but sigh: "Chief, it's a pity not to be a detective if you have this ability."

"That email was indeed sent by me, and I know all the conspiracies in the United States. That's why I made these plans to prevent this tragedy from happening."

Liu Cong looked at the old man with firm eyes. Since his identity had been revealed, he might as well explain all his thoughts to the old man, so that he would support his work more in the future.

"It is an honor for the country that you have such an idea. We have the right to strongly support it. We agree with your plan!"

"You just need to do research and development, and we will definitely take care of the logistics and won't put you in any trouble."

"In addition, all your funds will be paid directly to you by us, so you don't have to worry."

Liu Cong looked at the old man, smiled and said: "Chief, I'll trouble you!!"

Afterwards, the two had a long conversation in the office for an hour. During this hour, Liu Cong and the old man mainly focused on what the United States would do next.

Of course, Liu Cong already knew a lot of unknown things before this, so he explained everything that might happen in the future to the old man.

Of course, he didn't say it as absolutely as the system did. He just said it all in a possible tone.

After hearing this, the old man nodded repeatedly.

"Academician Liu, what you said makes sense and is consistent with many of our conjectures."

"But you just told me that all lives would be destroyed. We didn't expect that. Will the United States really launch nuclear bombs across China?" The old man was very doubtful.

Of course he didn't know this, because he didn't have the ability to predict the future, but Liu Cong did.

In order to convince the old man even more, Liu Cong said: "Chief, it is essential to be on guard against wolves!"

"Judging from the United States' attitude towards those small countries in the past, they will probably treat us the same way in the future. It's just because China is too big. If they don't use these to sanction us, it will definitely not work."

"But let's not worry too much, because I have already thought of a countermeasure. If they want to fight us, they will fight them!"

The confidence revealed in Liu Cong's bones startled the old man, "How to fight?"

"Although we have developed rapidly now, compared with them, we are still far behind, both in terms of economy and technology."

Liu Cong smiled and said: "Because I have a trump card!"

Liu Cong waved to the old man to come closer to him, and then said something into the old man's ear. He was very surprised after hearing this.

"What! You want to develop this?"

"Once this kind of weapon is developed, it will be devastating! Are you sure it can be developed?"

The old man was full of doubts about this matter.

One is that the time is very tight, and the other is that the technical content is too high.

Liu Cong looked at the old man and nodded gently.

"Okay, after I make some progress here, I will start the next project, and I will ask the chief to support me then."

The old man patted the table, "No problem, as long as what you do is not illegal, I will support you unconditionally! Just do it with confidence and boldness."

With the chief's approval, Liu Cong now has a lot less worries. As long as he can create the anti-nuclear bomb system within half a year, it will definitely be popularized.

Besides, this kind of research is nothing more than a slightly more complicated technical process. In terms of complexity, it is much simpler than building a rocket.

"Thank you, chief!"

"You don't need to thank me. You earned these by yourself, and I didn't do anything."

"If we really want to thank you, we would also like to thank you. Without the email you sent, we would not have known about the conspiracy over there. Without your scientific research, our country would not even have usable technology in many fields. No……"

The old man said a lot to Liu Cong. Liu Cong, who was listening on the sidelines, didn't know that he had done so many things. He himself had forgotten some things, but the old man still remembered them in his heart.

"Academician Liu, to be honest, it is China's honor to have you. People like you should be known to the people across the country and let everyone learn from you."

Facing the old man's commendation, Liu Cong could only smile.

"Chief, this is what I should do!"

Later, the two of them saw that it was getting late, and the old man still had many things to deal with, so the simple meeting ended.

On the way back, Lieutenant General Li Hu kept praising the leader for how great he was and what his contribution was. It could be heard from Lieutenant General Li Hu's excited voice that he really admired the leader who was over 60 years old.

When Liu Cong returned home, it was already after five o'clock in the evening. Since Lieutenant General Li Hu was here, Liu Cong called Lieutenant General Li Hu to have dinner at his home.

He was very embarrassed at first, but when he learned that Liu Cong's father was a military fan, the two began to talk freely.

In the end, the two of them chatted more and more enthusiastically, and even forgot that they wanted to have dinner.

"Professor Liu, your military knowledge is in some ways better than that of an expert like me. You are worthy of being Academician Liu's father!"

Lieutenant General Li Hu's words instantly touched Liu Yang's heart.

During dinner, Liu Yang deliberately brought out the old wine that he had collected for many years, and the two of them got drunk while chatting.

In the end, the two of them even wanted to worship on the spot. If the Prime Minister was placed in the living room at home, they would probably kneel down on the spot.

In the evening, after Lieutenant General Li Hu sobered up, he said goodbye to Liu Cong, but he still let his subordinates drive the car on the way back.

In the evening, Liu Cong returned to his room after washing up. Chen Qiong had been too busy with company matters in the past two days and returned to his apartment too late in the evening. Liu Cong finally had some free time to do research.

When I turned on my computer and looked at the photo wallpaper Chen Qiong had set for myself on the desktop, I couldn't help but think of Chen Qiong.

"How can I be like a woman? Women can only block my progress."

Liu Cong gave himself a scratch, deleted all the bad thoughts from his mind, and then continued to do research.

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