Seeing Liu Cong's serious expression, Jiang Wanying was actually stunned for a long time. In his impression, Liu Cong had always been a cheerful person. He only occasionally became serious, but it was really rare to be so serious. .

"Oh~ okay, I'll take you to see it now."

"This system has been set as super secret by our company. I'll get the key. You wait for me at the door."

With that said, Jiang Wanying ran to the safe in the next room, took a key, and then took Liu Cong to a room on the third floor of the office.

After opening the door to the room, there was a safe inside. After opening the safe, there was a very high-end USB flash drive inside.

In order to show it to Liu Cong in person, Jiang Wanying inserted the USB flash drive into a computer that was not connected to the Internet. In this case, she had to make sure that nothing went wrong.

Even though the performance of this computer was considered to be top-notch, it still took more than ten or twenty minutes to open the system. During this period, Liu Cong could vaguely feel the smell of the graphics card being burnt.

Fortunately, thanks to Liu Cong's efforts, this system was opened. Due to limitations of computer performance, Liu Cong could only see a few functions of this currency trading system, but this little function was enough.

First of all, what Liu Cong saw was a transaction page, which is also the page that people from all over the world will see when they log in to the official website.

There is a dot in the upper right corner where you can set the language at will. Of course, the default is Chinese.

The upper left corner of the page is where the user's account information and account balance are displayed.

The middle module is very profound. It covers the exchange rates of currencies around the world, as well as the real-time prices of crude oil and gold. This includes a lot of things that cannot be explained clearly in a short while.

The performance of the computer was there, so Liu Cong could only briefly browse the web page and some major precautions, especially the code of the security protection system. Liu Cong also looked at it specifically.

After Liu Cong stared at the screen and scanned it, he found that there was no problem, so he was temporarily relieved.

When Liu Cong was about to check other projects, the graphics card of the only computer in the room burned out.

Jiang Wanying looked at Liu Cong awkwardly, with a bit of embarrassment on her expression.

"Sorry! I didn't think about it so much at the time."

Liu Cong didn't show much anger, because it was already very good that this computer could bring up this system.

"That's okay. I know that such a system requires the assistance of a server, so be it! I also know the general idea. Didn't you just say that it has gone through several rounds of testing?"

"Do you have the video and surveillance of the scene?" Liu Cong asked.

"Well, yes, we have someone on site to record the video." Jiang Wanying replied.

"Okay, then take me to see the video. I can hand it in after confirming it is correct!"

"I'll take you to see it right away!"

So, Liu Cong followed Jiang Wanying to the employee office building. When the employees in the company saw Liu Cong coming, they ignored the work at hand and immediately surrounded Liu Cong.

Good opportunities for Liu Cong to show up in person are rare. Moreover, Liu Cong is now a national husband-level figure. Netizens on the Internet now call Liu Cong that.

Because Liu Cong is young, handsome and talented, he is loved by young people.

"Academician Liu, please sign your name for me!"

"I was here first, sign it for me!"


For a time, the scene was in chaos.

Fortunately, Liu Cong came to a department. If he had gone to the crowded office hall downstairs, Liu Cong probably wouldn't be able to get out today.

Now that he's here, Liu Cong had no choice but to sign it. He didn't even expect that his popularity would be so high now.

After all this work, these people returned to their jobs, and Liu Cong and Jiang Wanying breathed a sigh of relief.

"You are really amazing now. You are more popular than those A-list celebrities!" Jiang Wanying on the side joked.

"Stop teasing me. I used to think it was okay to be famous and to be popular, but now I think it's better to be an ordinary person!"

While chatting, Jiang Wanying took Liu Cong to an office again.

After watching this video, Liu Cong was still very satisfied. From the video, Liu Cong could conclude that this system is fully usable and the safety index is extremely high.

Seeing this, Liu Cong couldn't wait to hand over the completed system to his superiors.

"In this way, you can give the company's employees ten days of paid leave in turns to give them a good rest. This period of time is really hard for them."

"Okay, I'll give them a meeting later."

"Then what should we do with this currency trading system now?" Jiang Wanying asked again.

Liu Cong thought for a while, and finally felt that it was better to hand it in directly, the sooner the better.

"Well! Let's do this, just give me this USB flash drive, and you don't have to worry about the rest!"

Seeing Liu Cong say this, Jiang Wanying nodded.

"I know, I'll get this USB flash drive to you right away!"

Before leaving the company, Liu Cong called Lieutenant General Li Hu. This was the only time Liu Cong asked for a military escort. This also made Lieutenant General Li Hu on the other end of the phone a little confused.

However, Lieutenant General Li Hu did not ask so many questions and still complied.

About half an hour later, armed armored vehicles parked in rows at the entrance of the company. This made the security guard dumbfounded, so he contacted Jiang Wanying on the spot.

Finally, with Jiang Wanying's consent, the cars slowly drove towards the company's parking lot.

The first person who got out of the vehicle was Lieutenant General Li Hu, and then a dozen soldiers with armed guns also got out of the armored vehicle. This was the first time Jiang Wanying had seen such a scene.

In order not to cause any unnecessary scenes, Liu Cong directly took the USB flash drive and got into Lieutenant General Li Hu's car.

"Let's go! Don't make too much noise."

"Okay! Let's set off now!"

In this way, Lieutenant General Li Hu and Liu Cong drove armed vehicles and left Liu Cong's company.

On the way, Lieutenant General Li Hu saw Liu Cong being so serious and couldn't recognize him and asked.

"Liu Yuan, what's going on? Why do you feel a little nervous today?"

Liu Cong took a deep breath and said, "There is indeed something. Please take me to the Chinese Academy of Sciences now. I want to see Academician Shu!"

Liu Cong didn't know who he was going to hand over this currency trading system to, but Mr. Shu knew.

With this trading system, as long as a country joins, China will be able to completely get rid of the shackles of the rice dollar, and people can trade on it.

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