This matter is extremely beneficial to both Liu Cong and Hua Xia.

Liu Cong can successfully develop this currency trading system, which will bring his fame and reputation to a higher level, and China can use this system to break the economic sanctions imposed by the United States on itself. Kewei said this is Kill two birds with one stone.

Lieutenant General Li Hu did not ask any questions and took Liu Cong directly to the Chinese Academy of Sciences. When he came, many people were off work. Academician Sun was not at the Chinese Academy of Sciences today because he had to help Liu Cong with research and development.

In this way, Liu Cong asked someone to find Shu Lao. At this time, Shu Lao was still guiding the doctors around him to conduct research. It is not easy for someone in his eighties to be so dedicated.

After seeing Liu Cong coming over, Shu Lao didn't hesitate at all and came to see Liu Cong on crutches.

"Academician Liu, I see you are so anxious. Have you encountered something that you can't solve?"

Shu Lao came to Liu Cong and was very concerned about Liu Cong's current condition.

Liu Cong looked at Mr. Shu with firm eyes, "Academician Shu, can you help me contact the manager of the Central Bank of China?"

"I have something very important to hand over to him now, something that is related to whether our country can get rid of U.S. sanctions in the future!!"

Seeing Liu Cong being so serious, Mr. Shu's expression slowly changed from kind to serious.

"What did you just say? Do you have any other major inventions?"

Liu Cong nodded, "Yes, I have developed a currency trading system."

"I originally thought I would discuss this matter with you in two days, but I didn't expect it would be so soon. Even I just got this system into my own hands!!"

Having said this, Mr. Shu was already very uneasy.

In the past few months, the country has been in dire straits. Due to the sanctions imposed by the United States on China, the Chinese currency has devalued by 6%, and domestic inflation has also increased significantly.

What's more, many people have been unemployed at home for several months due to economic sanctions.

The above have also thought of many ways to solve this problem, but this problem cannot be solved in a short time.

As long as we don't find a way to get rid of the cage of the US dollar, we will always be influenced by that country. Even our stock market is influenced by the US. As long as they let loose, we won't be able to hold it back.

There is no way around this, after all, their Mi Yuan has formed a system all over the world, and they cannot get rid of it no matter what.

Otherwise, the Bear Country would not have lived so miserably under the economic sanctions imposed by the United States.

China has always had the idea to research a currency trading system of its own before. Once the transaction is successful, people all over the world can trade freely here, and it will not be affected by the World Bank of the United States, and all transaction records will not be affected by that system. Side upload.

In this way, people around the world will have much freer transactions, and by then the Chinese currency can officially become the dominant currency, replacing the rice dollar.

The reason why such a system has not been developed is because the technology is not up to par and it is easy to be hacked. By then, the system will be obsolete.

However, according to the security index of Liu Cong's current currency trading system, their hackers are definitely unable to break in, because Liu Cong has completely changed the compilation mode and has long stopped using the American compilation mode.

Moreover, with Liu Cong's current hacking skills, he dared to say that no Blue Star hacker could be his opponent.

Of course, Liu Cong is not afraid that no one will use this system. Many countries have long been dissatisfied with the hegemony of the United States. If such an easy-to-use trading system comes out, big countries like Xiong Country will join in as soon as possible.

With the backing of big countries, other countries will eventually join in. In the end, China has the final say.

Thinking of this, Mr. Shu couldn't wait for a long time.

"Have you really developed it? This is no joke. You know the current predicament of our country. Do you know what the system to be developed can really be used?"

"This currency trading system was developed in our country ten years ago and was secretly put into use. However, it was hacked within a day of use. Since then..."

Shu Lao stood in front of Liu Cong with a cane and told Liu Cong all the previous history. Liu Cong didn't know anything about these things because there were no reports in the world at all.

"Academician Shu, according to you, we in China have had such a plan before, but this goal has never been achieved?" Liu Cong asked.

Mr. Shu nodded, "Yes, this can be considered a scandal, so no one reported it."

"In the ten years since then, China has not stopped researching and developing the currency trading system, but unfortunately it ended in failure."

"There is a saying that once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of the rope for ten years."

"China is really scared by this incident. As you know, this is not only about China itself, but also about other countries, and it is also about the trust between countries."

"Fortunately, the United States did not let us do this that time. If it attacks us later, our China will face a world-wide crisis of trust. By then, no one will really want to play with our China. !!”

Having said this, Shu Lao sighed helplessly.

It shows how much he wants to make changes, but he is helpless and unable to make any changes.

"Academician Shu, please believe me. I am here with sincerity this time. I promise I will not let you down!"

Seeing Liu Cong's sincere eyes, Shu Lao hesitated for a while, but decided to believe Liu Cong.

"Okay, I'll contact you now!"

"Okay! Thank you, Academician Shu!"

Liu Cong looked at the already dark sky with an unspeakable feeling in his heart.

Whether it succeeds or not depends on this period of time.

If it succeeds, China will be able to establish its own world economic network. By then, China will have the final say on the economy, and it will not be as embarrassed as it is now.

While waiting for others, Liu Cong and Lieutenant General Li Hu had a casual dinner in the canteen of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

At a little after eight o'clock in the evening, two cars drove into the courtyard of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and then about seven or eight people got off.

Because it was too dark at night, Liu Cong could not see what these people looked like. Liu Cong could only see that the leader was about the same age as Teacher Shu.

"Lao Yang, why did you show up in person today! Such a scene is really rare!"

Shu Lao looked at the old man in front of him and sighed.

"Oh! Teacher, what are you talking about? Why am I here today? Why don't I come for such an important thing?"

"Besides, for the sake of you and Academician Liu, I want to come over. To be honest, I haven't met Academician Liu in person yet. Today I want to get to know this legendary young man!!"

Having said this, Liu Cong slowly walked down the steps at the back, then walked to Shu Lao's side and looked at the old man in front of him.

"Hello, my name is Liu Cong!"

Liu Cong extended his right hand in a friendly manner. The old man in front of him looked at Liu Cong and did not react for a while.

"Oh~ hello hello!"

"Are you Academician Liu? When I met you today, you are indeed as talented as the outside world said!"

After being praised by the old man, he smiled at the old man.

"Excuse me. What's your name?"

When the old man saw this, he introduced himself immediately, "My name is Yang Guoshan, and people call me Lao Yang!"

When Liu Cong heard such a call, he absolutely did not dare to call him like that. The old man probably meant that his peers called him Lao Yang.

Just now, Liu Cong heard Shu Lao call the old man in front of him this way. It can be seen that the status of the old man in front of him must be not much different from Shu Lao.

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