"Let me give you a brief introduction. The person in front of you is an authoritative expert in the field of our country's economy. Every reform of the Huaxia currency is inseparable from the person in front of you!"

After hearing Shu Lao's introduction, Liu Cong suddenly realized that the person in front of him was also at the same level as Shu Lao, equivalent to an academician-level figure.

If China didn't have the title of academician of economics now, the person in front of him would have been an academician of economics.

Later, Mr. Yang introduced all the people behind him to Liu Cong one by one. Everyone here can be said to be a leader in China's economy. Such a terrifying scene is very satisfying to Liu Cong. Save face.

"Everyone, let's go in!" Shu Lao looked at everyone and said.

They also knew the purpose of coming here tonight, and no one wanted to waste time, so they entered the room one after another.

After everyone was seated, Liu Cong also sat with Mr. Shu in the upper right corner. After all, he was the protagonist tonight, so it was inevitable to be in the C position.

"Everyone is here, and we won't waste everyone's time. After all, it's already so late!" Mr. Shu said to everyone.

"Academician Liu, can we start now?"

Later, Mr. Shu turned to look at Liu Cong and asked for Liu Cong's opinion.

Liu Cong nodded, "It's time to start!"

Because the system is so large, it cannot be opened just by relying on the computer in the conference room.

Moreover, because Liu Cong was too anxious at this time and did not have time to make PPT, he directly copied the test video that Jiang Wanying showed him.

Liu Cong took out a black USB flash drive from his pocket and inserted it into the computer port.

There are six videos in total, and the total length is about two hours. Due to time constraints, Liu Cong absolutely cannot show every video to everyone.

Therefore, Liu Cong selected two videos that he thought were more representative.

"I know that everyone is familiar with the term currency trading system. I believe that Hua Xia Bank has never stopped researching and developing it for so many years. I don't think everyone knows its importance even if I don't mention it."

"I won't explain too much because everyone's time is precious."

"Since everyone is here to show their respect, I, Liu Cong, will definitely not disappoint everyone tonight!"

Liu Cong stared at everyone sitting confidently.

Seeing Liu Cong's confident look, Mr. Shu and Mr. Yang looked at each other and smiled.

"Enough talking, let's watch the video!"

Liu Cong clicked on video three in the next second. At the beginning of the video, a large number of experimenters were debugging something in front of the server. There were people walking back and forth next to them. They looked very nervous.

The next second, the video screen was pulled up to the computer, and densely packed Chinese character codes appeared on it. Such an operation shocked everyone present on the spot.

"Here I will explain it to you. This is a new type of code I developed, called Cangjie. I believe everyone is familiar with it, because it is the code used in the browser kernel that has been making a lot of noise in China before!"

When Liu Cong said this, Mr. Yang's curiosity was instantly aroused.

"Academician Liu, you mean that the technology you use is the same as that company, so what is your relationship with that company?"

Mr. Yang was referring to Jingwei Software Technology Co., Ltd., but he didn't know yet that this company was run by Liu Cong.

"Yes, it's this company, and this company belongs to you."

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was a little noisy, and everyone present was shocked.

Because the systems and browsers they currently use on mobile phones and computers are inseparable from this company.

It can be said that in the eyes of Chinese people, Liu Cong's software company is no worse than the top software companies in the United States.

"I really didn't expect that this company actually belongs to you. According to what you said, you are the developer behind it?"

The reason why Mr. Yang asked this was because Liu Cong had brought him too many surprises during this period.

"Yes, I don't want to hide anything from you now, I just do."

"And this currency trading system is also made by me, and I typed out the underlying logic one by one."

"But there is no professional equipment on site, so I can't demonstrate it to you. As you know, this needs to be driven by a server."

When Liu Cong said this, everyone nodded unanimously.

Afterwards, Liu Cong didn't waste any more nonsense and started playing the video again. The whole process took a little more than an hour, and everyone watched it carefully.

After watching it, everyone was stunned. They were not ignorant. From the video, they could see many things that professionals could not see.

"Academician Liu, this currency trading system of yours is really powerful. The whole process is written in Chinese code, and it uses a new technology. People who don't understand it can't break into such a system at all."

After watching the video, Mr. Yang was full of praise for the system developed by Liu Cong.

"Not only that, even if they learn this, they can't break me!" Liu Cong replied confidently.

This time, everyone completely believed in Liu Cong.

Even Shu Lao on the side was extremely shocked after watching this video. Although he was engaged in physics research, he also understood the significance of this technology.

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