At this moment, Liu Cong is everyone's idol. They did not expect that one day they would be impressed by a young man. The main reason was that the level of strength Liu Cong showed really shocked them.

"Academician Liu, what are you going to do next? We all listen to you."

At this time, Mr. Yang on the side spoke.

Liu Cong was also very shocked when he saw Mr. Yang's performance.

"Mr. Yang, this is not possible. I came to you this time just to ask you to give me more advice."

"I still need to rely on you to complete the next project. Without your support, I would never be able to do this."

Before Liu Cong could say anything, the next second, Mr. Yang, who was sitting in his seat, clapped his hands.

"Academician Liu, don't worry, we must support you. Don't worry, since you gave us this system, we will put it in the bank for testing tomorrow."

"At that time, we will still need to rely on you, Academician Liu, to give us more advice!!"

Judging from Academician Yang's facial expression, she was very excited at this time, but then his emotions quickly calmed down.

"Academician Liu, I believe you also know that we have experienced two failures before, so in the next few years, our bank has been developing such a system, but the safety index is not good enough."

"After seeing your video today, we are even more convinced that your system will be successful."

"So, we need your help, Academician Liu, and we can afford it no matter how much it costs!"

It can be seen that Mr. Yang is indeed concerned about this matter this time.

Now that the international situation has become like this, China is also very uncomfortable under the economic suppression of the United States. Once this currency trading system is launched, as long as other countries join in, the Chinese currency will become the dominant currency in the world in the near future. By then, the United States will We can no longer impose economic sanctions on China.

"Mr. Yang, don't worry, I don't charge a penny from the country. I can only get here now because of the country's protection of me."

"This system is a gift from me to the country. As long as it can help my motherland, I will be very happy."

"If you need my help in any way, I'll be happy to help you."

"This system can be used when you go back and directly connect to the server. I don't need to go to the site to provide personal guidance. If you have anything to do at that time, you can just contact our company directly. I have already explained it to them in advance."

Liu Cong was sitting on the seat in the upper right corner, looking at everyone with a relaxed expression.

Everyone present, including Mr. Shu, was in a state of complete confusion. Only Mr. Yang performed slightly better. Maybe he knew this aspect better.

Later, Liu Cong directly handed the original system file to Mr. Yang without any ink marks.

"Mr. Yang, this is a problem with the original system. You may need to prepare more encrypted servers when you go back, otherwise you may not be able to bring the system up by then."

Liu Cong spoke to Mr. Yang, and Mr. Yang nodded his head after hearing what Liu Cong said.

No one here thought that the always aloof Mr. Yang would nod and bow to a young man.

"Mr. Yang, what are you doing? I really can't stand it, junior. Please don't do this!"

Liu Cong quickly stepped forward to stop him, but Mr. Yang didn't feel anything was wrong.

"Academician Liu, I, Yang, have only admired two people in my life. One is the mouse, and the other is you. I'm really not kidding."

Seeing Mr. Yang's serious look, Mr. Shu beside him couldn't help but laugh.

"Lao Yang, are you okay?"

"Of course, that's it. I'm serious. Don't laugh."

Hearing what Mr. Yang said, everyone in the audience laughed. The scene at this time could be described as peaceful.

"Mr. Yang, in this case, I will ask Lieutenant General Li to escort you back, and I will just follow Academician Shu's car."

"After all, this currency trading system is still very important. We must not make any mistakes!"

Under Liu Cong's strong request, Mr. Yang had no choice but to agree to Liu Cong's request.

Before leaving, Mr. Yang looked at Liu Cong with gratitude.

"Academician Liu, thank you very much for your selflessness. If you find anything useful in the future, you can directly tell Yang. Yang will not hesitate to do so."

Of course Liu Cong was very happy. With a big boss in the financial industry backing him, transferring money from the bank would be just a matter of words. Liu Cong would not lose money in this transaction no matter how he looked at it.

"Then I will thank Mr. Yang. If you need help in the future, Liu Cong will be welcome."


In this way, the group of people split into two groups.

Liu Cong followed Mr. Shu, and Lieutenant General Li Hu escorted Mr. Yang to transfer the currency trading system.

In the car, Mr. Shu couldn't help but feel excited when he thought about Liu Cong's performance just now.

"Academician Liu! What trump card do you have that you haven't brought out? My heart is not good, old man. You can't surprise me from time to time. This is too scary!!"

Shu Lao touched his chest, looking very uncomfortable.

"Academician Shu, actually I have no trump cards anymore. You all know my trump cards. The next step is to develop an anti-nuclear bomb system."

"This is particularly important for our country, so the number of people in that institute may not be enough, and we still lack nuclear talents."

At this point, there is no need for Liu Cong and Mr. Shu to be polite. As long as the experiment is completed quickly and implemented within half a year, it will be the greatest comfort to him.

"Don't worry, just tell Academician Sun how many people you want. If it doesn't work, you can get everyone from the Chinese Academy of Sciences to your current research institute!"

Shu Lao's words gave Liu Cong great confidence.

"Academician Shu, your words are enough, so I won't be polite!"


In the evening, Liu Cong, who had been busy all day, lay exhausted on the big bed in his room, thinking about what he had done today, a smile appeared on Liu Cong's lips.

But when he thought of the United States' conspiracy against China and even the world, Liu Cong's smile gradually faded away.

"It seems that my progress should be faster. I can't let their conspiracy succeed, otherwise life will really be ruined!"

Speaking of this, Liu Cong sighed slightly.

Not sure if he was tired, Liu Cong looked at the ceiling of the house and fell asleep unconsciously.

In his sleep, he also had a very beautiful dream. He dreamed that with his own strength, he led China to prosperity, and the United States' conspiracy did not succeed.

Finally, a figure appeared in his dream. This figure was extremely blurry, and Liu Cong couldn't see his true face clearly.

But judging from the outline, this figure does not have the shape of a human.

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