The next day, a ray of sunshine in the early morning shone into Liu Cong's bedroom.

After Liu Cong got up, he simply washed up and went to the Nuclear Research Institute. Liu Cong will continue to work here in the next few months.

Dozens of minutes later, Liu Cong drove his car to the entrance of the research institute.

The difference here is that troops can be seen guarding here at any time within a radius of 500 meters.

At this time, everyone also had weapons in their hands.

Now, Liu Cong has become a popular figure across the country, and few people say they don’t know Liu Cong.

When the soldiers saw Liu Cong passing by in his car, they all gave way to Liu Cong.

When he arrived at the door, Liu Cong didn't even have to stop his car. The soldiers came up and parked Liu Cong's car.

Not far from Liu Cong, Li Hu took several personal guards with him to protect Liu Cong's safety. They breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Liu Cong entering safely.

"Hey, people are really afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of getting strong. Since Liu Yuan's fame has become more and more famous, I have become more and more stressed. When I go home at night, I will ask my wife to get a kidney to replenish it for me!"


After entering the research institute compound, Liu Cong saw no one outside.

Although it is only eight o'clock in the morning, people in the institute have already arrived to start research.

This is an order from superiors and Liu Cong.

Now, he must race against time and not waste a moment. If these precious time are really wasted, China will be in a dangerous situation.

Liu Cong walked along the corridor of the research institute, then turned a corner and came to his office.

This office was specially prepared for Liu Cong by Academician Sun, and Academician Sun's office is next door.

Liu Cong came to the door of his office. The door was unlocked and he could enter by pushing it open.

"Well, this office is great!"

Liu Cong looked at the environment in the office and couldn't help but sigh.

Although there is no mahogany furniture here, there is a scientific atmosphere everywhere.

The walls around the office are covered with portraits of various celebrities, and there is also a large bookcase filled with various scientific books.

Perhaps because he heard the noise next door, Academician Sun saw that the door of Liu Cong's office was open, so he came in directly.

"Academician Liu, you came early enough!"

Liu Cong turned to look at Academician Sun, "Academician Sun, please stop teasing me. Everyone is already working and I only came here. I'm ashamed!"

"Academician Liu, please don't say that. Everyone knows that you have a heavy burden on your shoulders. It would be great if you can come."

"And I heard Mr. Shu say last night that you did another great thing. I really admire you."

With that said, Academician Sun gave Liu Cong a thumbs up.

"By the way, how did you come up with the idea of ​​developing a currency trading system?"

"Such a huge trading system, something that even the top hackers have a headache for. You can actually complete a huge framework by yourself. I really want to kneel to you!!"

Academician Sun's expression at this time was extremely rich, and he didn't look like an academician at all.

"Academician Sun, you have given me the award, and it is all for the sake of the country!"

"Now that Lao Mi has imposed such severe economic sanctions on our country, I was thinking about developing a trading system that would allow us to get rid of Lao Mi's World Bank constraints, so I thought of developing this."

"Of course, we can't be happy too early. After all, we still don't know whether this thing will succeed!"

Although Liu Cong said this, he was still confident.

"By the way, I came here today just to take a look at the major research laboratories. I also have to go to the bank in the afternoon, so I'm sorry to ask you to take care of me here!" Liu Cong said politely.


Later, Liu Cong followed Academician Sun to the site for inspection.

Overall, this institute is relatively large and is divided into two areas: front and back.

In the front is the experimental area, in the back are two factory areas, and there is a not too big square in the middle.

Liu Cong followed Academician Sun to the second floor of the experimental area.

After going up the stairs, the two came to the second room on the left.

Opening the door, there were about a dozen middle-aged people inside, standing in rows in front of the experimental table, discussing something.

After seeing Liu Cong and Academician Sun coming over, the originally noisy laboratory became quiet.

"Academician Liu, Academician Sun, you are here!"

The leading middle-aged man took the initiative to greet the two of them.

Afterwards, Academician Sun introduced the people here to Liu Cong one by one, and Liu Cong greeted them one by one.

After some research, I learned that these ten people were all nuclear experts, and they were all sent by Shu Lao to complete this experiment.

Some even took special flights overnight from the northwest region.

This experiment can be said to have assembled the most powerful scientific research team in China.

Seeing these people, Liu Cong became more confident to advance the progress of the experiment.

"I believe that all the seniors have read the information I provided you."

"The purpose of our research and development this time is to use an anti-nuclear bomb device to 100% intercept the nuclear bombs fired at us by the enemy!"

"My anti-nuclear bomb device is so powerful that it can launch a small spherical object, thereby destroying the enemy's nuclear bomb in an instant."

"The reason why nuclear bombs can be intercepted is because of this spherical object."

Liu Cong pointed at the PPT.

"He has a nice name, Poseidon!"

"Don't look at this inconspicuous thing..."

Liu Cong gave a speech to everyone for nearly two hours based on the content on the PPT.

In order to make everyone listen more clearly, Liu Cong even allowed everyone to interrupt him at any time to ask questions.

After all, this group of people is still the leading force in the laboratory. No matter how powerful Liu Cong is, he cannot teach so many people.

As the saying goes: It is better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish.

This was fully exploited by Liu Cong.

Until noon, Liu Cong finally finished all the important content.

"Do you have any more questions?"

Seeing everyone shaking their heads, Liu Cong breathed a sigh of relief. His mission this morning was successfully completed.

At noon, Liu Cong and Academician Sun had a simple meal in the cafeteria, and then prepared to leave for their next home.

When Liu Cong drove out, he saw Lieutenant General Li Hu squatting on the green belt on the side of the road, taking a big gulp of food with a lunch box in his hand.

There were several soldiers accompanying him.

Seeing this scene, Liu Cong felt distressed and funny at the same time.

He was a mighty lieutenant general, but now he was reduced to eating box lunches on the roadside.

"Hey! Lieutenant General Li, I'm here!"

Liu Cong rolled down the window and shouted loudly.

After Lieutenant General Li Hu saw Liu Cong coming out, the lunch box in his hand instantly lost its aroma.

"Eat slowly, I'll wait for you!"

"Hey! Okay!"

When Lieutenant General Li Hu heard what Liu Cong said, he was as happy as a child and started to eat big again.

(Everyone, I'm sorry, the frequency of recent updates may not be high enough. The reason is that the author's book is too poorly written and his income is very small. The author is deeply honored that everyone can read it. During this time, I also deeply reflected on myself, I still decided to start a new book. This book will be updated occasionally and I will never give up. I was also a reader before, and I also understand that it is very unfriendly to readers if a book is unfinished or interrupted. Thank you again for your support. New book I will meet you soon, and the manuscript is currently being saved.)

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