Liu Cong waited for Lieutenant General Li Hu and his party to finish their meal, and then set off according to the navigation.

It was still about ten kilometers away from here to the Huaxia Central Bank. About twenty minutes later, the group arrived at the door of the Huaxia Bank.

Looking at this tall and gorgeous building, Liu Cong couldn't help but sigh, "Hua Xia Bank deserves to be Hua Xia Bank!"

Lieutenant General Li Hu behind him also came here for the first time. If he hadn't come with Liu Cong, he would never come to this kind of place.

"Yes, Liu Yuan, this central bank is really impressive!"


Before the group reached the door, they were stopped by soldiers at the bank door.

But after learning the identities of Liu Cong and Lieutenant General Li Hu, the soldiers immediately reported the matter.

It didn't take long for Mr. Yang to come out of it in person.

After seeing Liu Cong, he was also extremely polite.

"Academician Liu, thank you for your visit!"

"Come in, come in!"

At Mr. Yang's warm invitation, several people's cars drove into the Central Bank compound.

After the cars were parked, Liu Cong followed Mr. Yang into the building of the Central Bank of China.

The entire building of the Central Bank is probably more than 80 stories high, and it is considered a relatively famous characteristic building in Beiping.

"Academician Liu, Lieutenant General Li, please!" Academician Yang said politely.

The two of them didn't be polite to Mr. Yang and got on the elevator directly.

Then, Mr. Yang pressed the elevator to the seventy-seventh floor.

The elevator arrived shortly after it started. It can be said to be very fast.

When he arrived at the seventy-seventh floor, there were not many rooms on this seventy-seventh floor like other floors, so he divided it into two rooms on the left and right.

After entering, a room has about 800 square meters of space. It is like an office hall and is filled with computers.

The people working here are the top talents in the entire Chinese financial industry and even the IT industry.

Each of their faces was extremely serious, as if they were debugging something.

A group of people in the middle were huddled together and discussing something.

"Academician Liu, they are debugging the system now."

Mr. Yang introduced the situation to Liu Cong in a low voice, for fear of disturbing them.

Liu Cong nodded gently, "Well, I will be here this afternoon. If you don't understand anything, just ask me."

"By the way, have you solved the server problem?" Liu Cong asked.

"Academician Liu, don't worry about this. Regarding the server, we informed you last night."

"The location of the server is in the Yellow River waters 500 kilometers away from us. That is also the central server used by our Central Bank of China."

"We have never given up on the research and development of the currency trading system, so we have prepared the server in advance. Even if there are billions of users logging into our system at the same time, our server will not crash!"

After hearing Mr. Yang's explanation, Liu Cong was relieved.

"Well, that's good. We need to be fully prepared. It is urgent to launch the currency trading system."

"Academician Liu, don't worry. According to our preliminary estimates, this system will be officially put into use in a short time." Academician Yang assured Liu Cong with a confident look.

At this time, the conversation between several people instantly attracted everyone's attention.

When everyone saw Liu Cong coming, there was quite a wave in the crowd.

Liu Cong is now the object of national adoration and will be sought after by others wherever he goes.

Not to mention that when everyone heard that this currency trading system was created by Liu Cong.

After seeing Liu Cong coming over, everyone was very enthusiastic. They put down their work and greeted Liu Cong enthusiastically.

Next, countless questions came to Liu Cong, which were not much different from those in the morning.

Everyone's enthusiasm also made Liu Cong feel honored. If everyone had questions, Liu Cong would patiently answer them one by one.

In this way, Mr. Yang stayed here with Liu Cong until the evening.

During this period, Liu Cong not only helped them answer some professional questions, but also personally solved some problems.

"Okay, everyone has finished asking questions. I have personally helped solve some of the more important processes."

"The next step is to debug it. I will come over from time to time in the past few days to help you solve difficult problems."

"If there are any fundamental problems that cannot be solved, you can ask Mr. Yang to contact me or the company!"

When Liu Cong said this, everyone nodded in agreement.

After Liu Cong left the bank building, it was already dark outside.

Mr. Yang also knew that Liu Cong was usually very busy, so he did not invite him to have dinner with him in the evening.

Later, Liu Cong and Lieutenant General Li Hu left the Central Bank of China under the watch of Mr. Yang, and then drove towards their home.

When he got home in the evening, since no one had eaten, Liu Cong called Lieutenant General Li Hu and others to his home for a light meal.

After eating and seeing off Lieutenant General Li Hu and others, Liu Cong simply washed up and returned to his room.

After returning to the room, Liu Cong turned on the computer and continued to study the work at hand.


In the United States, far across the ocean, a very intense discussion war is going on within their senior leadership.

"Chief, do we have to wait any longer? I really can't bear it anymore."

A bald middle-aged man kept slapping his hands on the table in front of him to express his anger.

Everyone present, including everyone present, was already blushing.

"Lithography machines, controllable nuclear fusion, nuclear aircraft carriers, independently developed browser kernels, and now even Starlink, which we have been studying for decades, has been launched ahead of us!"

"This nation is really terrifying. If we don't eradicate them until the end, we don't know they will do things that we didn't expect!"

In the conference room, someone heard the bald man protesting and expressed his own opinion.

Hearing what the blond and blue-eyed young man in front of him said, the dissatisfaction in the conference room became even more obvious.

At this time, the leader sitting in the middle of the seat looked very ugly.

"Stop talking, don't I know what you are talking about?"

"China is not a small country. I can't fight it just because I say it. Then I have to get the consent of the person above me."

"Besides, we still have a third of the plan to kill them. If we act rashly now, we will lose everything we have accomplished."

"So I firmly disagree with your suggestion. If we want to fight, we have to wait until half a year at the earliest!!"

After hearing what the chief said, the originally irritable members of Congress fell silent.

"Chief, what you said makes sense, but we really can't delay it any longer. Even if we don't fight during this period, I can't make them feel better!"

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