Liu Cong's words made everyone calm down, and the scene became quiet at this time.

The only sound that can be heard is the alarm that the system has been compromised.

But at this point, everyone has doubts. It was obvious that they started to invade their currency digital trading system half an hour ago.

But up to now, even if the system alarm sounds continuously, their trading system is still able to run.

Even a minute ago, Xiong Guo had another transaction with the Central Bank of China.

This puzzled everyone.

"Don't be so nervous. I believe everyone has watched the five videos of the previous system security test. With their current level of hacker strength, I won't let them get in for a whole day."

"Mr. Yang, prepare a computer for me now, one with Cangjie editor. I want to meet these ignorant guys on the spot!"

Seeing Liu Cong's expression gradually becoming serious, Mr. Yang did not dare to neglect at all.

"Xiao Li, hurry up and prepare a computer for Academician Liu, the one with the best performance!"

After a while, a high-performance computer was lifted in front of Liu Cong.

Liu Cong didn't do any ink, he directly brought the stool from the side, then opened the editor and started operating.

There were not many opportunities for Liu Cong to write code on site in person, so everyone immediately surrounded Liu Cong.

Seeing everyone's enthusiasm, Liu Cong asked Mr. Yang's assistant to get everyone a projection screen so that everyone could sit and watch.

Of course everyone was very happy to hear what Liu Cong said.

In this way, Liu Cong started editing his own program.

Because Liu Cong abandoned the American way of editing code, many people in the hall didn't understand what Liu Cong was doing at this time, so Liu Cong started to explain.

The main control room instantly turned into Liu Cong's classroom, and everyone listened with interest.

"Everyone, watch out. I will build another library in the source file. According to Lópida's Law..."

Liu Cong's fingers were typing rapidly on the keyboard, which could match the speed of someone who had been single for thirty years.

Under Liu Cong's patient explanation, everyone slowly understood what Liu Cong wanted to do.

This is clearly a virus system.

At this time, a bold person at the scene saw Liu Cong doing this and asked: "Academician Liu, this is obviously a virus!"

As soon as everyone heard that it was a virus, bursts of sighs immediately erupted from the scene.

Co-author Liu Cong was not coding patches just now, but coding viruses!

At this time, no one dared to say or ask what this was for.

"Don't be surprised, everyone. You will know what I am using this virus for later. You all should learn from it."

Liu Cong kept talking to everyone, and his fingers flew across the keyboard.

Mr. Yang on the side looked stunned. Even at his age, he didn't know what Liu Cong had come up with. He could only wait quietly on the side.

Time passed by, and when Liu Cong pressed the compile button, everyone's breathing became rapid.

After thirty seconds, the system prompts that the compilation is successful.

Everyone at the scene was shocked when they saw this scene. They had rarely seen someone write ten thousand or twenty thousand lines of code without making any mistakes without any preparation.

Of course, this kind of strength may only be possessed by Liu Cong.

Seeing that the compilation was successful, Liu Cong was not idle and started encapsulating the code directly.

Five minutes later, Liu Cong encapsulated the code into a patch with a size of only tens of kb.

At this time, many people at the scene had guessed what Liu Cong was going to do.

That is to implant viruses into the system for hackers to attack.

Of course, the technical difficulty of such an operation is too great, and few people have done it so far, because as long as the technology is slightly bad, the entire system will be backfired by the virus, causing the entire system to be paralyzed.

This is a very serious situation.

Of course, Liu Cong personally operates it, so everyone is very relieved.

For someone who can develop such a huge structure alone, this small problem should not be too difficult in his eyes.

Therefore, under everyone's watchful eyes, Liu Cong did not know what kind of means he used to directly enter the system.

Everyone looked at the lines of Chinese characters and felt a sense of pride in their hearts.

Liu Cong skillfully built another library from the vast number of libraries. This is a virtual library. Once triggered, this file will automatically disappear and will not have any impact on the operation of the system.

This is Liu Cong's brilliance.

After completing the operation, Liu Cong sat on his seat and gently wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"It's finally done. Now let's see how these bastards get fooled!"

Liu Cong stared at the computer screen and couldn't help but sneered.

Everyone at the scene may not realize the seriousness of the matter. They only know that Liu Cong's IT skills are very good and are not at the same level as them.

"Academician Liu, is this the end?" Mr. Yang on the side couldn't help but ask.

Liu Cong smiled and nodded, "Yes, it's over."


At this time, in a security department in the United States far away on the ocean coast.

Hundreds of the world's top hackers gathered together to break into China's digital currency trading system.

At the beginning, everyone was full of confidence, saying that the system would be fully invaded within half an hour.

However, two hours have passed, and they still haven't found any flaws.

And their initial ambitions were met with madness.

At this time, no one knew who shouted in the hall.

"I found their patch vulnerability!!"

Suddenly, everyone swarmed up in an instant.

At first, they were very excited when they saw the progress bar on the computer that was about to be completed, thinking that the task would be completed soon.

However, the next second someone was completely dumbfounded.

I saw that when my computer was 99% complete, the screen instantly went black.

After about five seconds, nine large blood-red characters appeared on the computer screen.

"Those who offend China will be punished no matter how far away they are!"

Immediately afterwards, the nine fonts scrolled down, and then four words reappeared on the computer screen.

"I'm a tender daddy!!!"

The hackers who didn't understand why were confused.

But when Chinese people who know Chinese language saw these four words, their faces turned green.

Immediately afterwards, more and more people’s computer screens went black.

At first, everyone thought that they had been infected by a small virus and could just repair it.

However, what happened next was not what they thought.

(Written two chapters to generate electricity for love, and continues to prepare for the new book.)

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