At first, the screens on the computers in the lobby went black one after another.

However, then all the computers in the entire building went black.

Computers with a black screen will eventually have those nine characters appear on the screen, followed by the four characters I am a young father.

No matter how they operate, these four big characters will remain motionless unless they unplug their power.

What kind of existence is the United States Security Agency?

That is the place with the highest level of network security in the world.

But now because of a small virus, all computers are paralyzed.

The reason is that Liu Cong's virus will replicate. As long as there is one computer like this, all computers will not be immune to this problem.

Soon after, the head of the U.S. Security Bureau seemed to realize the seriousness.

So he immediately ordered all servers to be shut down.

However, it was too late, Liu Cong's virus had successfully penetrated into their server.

Soon after, all servers were declared paralyzed.

Suddenly, the whole building was in chaos.

They never imagined that just a small virus could paralyze their security department. What kind of power is this.

Seeing that the incident was out of control, the U.S. security department immediately summoned other departments to carry out emergency repairs.

But what they don't know is.

How could Huaxia Hongke, who had been attacking their security department, give up such a free period so easily.

When the hackers discovered that the U.S. server was down, they stole a large amount of information from the U.S. security department before they cut off the power.

Moreover, while the information was being stolen, it was all uploaded to the relevant departments and units of the country.

It can be said that they suffered a big setback this time.


At this time, in the central control room, Liu Cong stood with his hands behind his back, watching the red dots on the big screen disappear, with a smile on his lips.

"Academician Liu, why is there no movement from their side now?"

Mr. Yang was very surprised when he looked at the screen. Not only was the red reminder on the screen gone, but the alarm sound was also gone.

Moreover, the system is still running.

"Mr. Yang, I believe you will know about this soon!"

Liu Cong looked confident.

He believed that his virus implantation had definitely dealt a huge blow to the opponent.

Compared with the last online battle, it was even worse.

A few minutes later, a call came to Liu Cong's cell phone.

The caller was from the head of the delivery room, Zheng Ping.

"Academician Liu, did you do that just now?"

Liu Cong stood in the corner. Facing the chief's questions, Liu Cong directly admitted that he did it.

"Chief, I did do this, but I didn't take the initiative. They provoked us first."

Afterwards, Liu Cong explained all the events of this matter to the leader opposite.

After hearing this, the leader was shocked.

"Incredible! You are really incredible!"

"It seems that we have to strengthen your security protection. If you don't protect it, the other side will notice your existence sooner or later. We cannot afford their retaliation by then!!"

Even though the chief said this, Liu Cong still felt indifferent.

He was born in such a peaceful country, and he didn't worry about spies plotting against him.

Moreover, he was protected by Lieutenant General Li Hu, so he was considered safe.

"Chief, I appreciate your kindness, but you really don't need it now."

"I am safe enough with Lieutenant General Li by my side. I no longer need the protection of others!"

Faced with Liu Cong's tough attitude, the chief did not want to force himself.

After the two briefly exchanged a few words, they hung up the phone.

After all, the other party's identity is very special, and there are some things that are not convenient to talk about on the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Cong walked back into the public eye. Seeing everyone looking at him, Liu Cong was ready to tell everyone about this matter.

"Well, there was a call from above just now, we won!"

"The U.S. security department has been completely paralyzed. They may not launch the next round of attacks on our systems during this period!"

Hearing this, thunderous cheers came from the stadium.

Mr. Yang was so excited that he was speechless, and his face was red from suppressing it.

He still vaguely remembered the shadow a few years ago, but it was all over now.

"Great, great, really great!"

After a long pause, these words came out of Yang Lao's mouth.

Liu Cong looked at Mr. Yang who couldn't calm down for a long time, and smiled slightly: "Mr. Yang, don't worry, the era when we were bullied is completely over. If anyone dares to bully us, we will fuck him!"

Liu Cong's tone was a little excited.

"Well, if anyone comes to attack us now, we will fight back. We are no longer who we were before!"

In this way, after Liu Cong and Mr. Yang had a brief conversation, they planned to leave Hua Xia Bank.

Afterwards, with everyone watching, Liu Cong returned to the Institute of Nuclear Physics under the secret escort of Lieutenant General Li Hu and others.

By the time Liu Cong arrived at his destination, it was already six or seven o'clock in the evening, and the lights in the experimental building area in front were lit up little by little.

After a simple dinner in the institute's cafeteria, Liu Cong and Lieutenant General Li Hu came to the institute to continue fighting with these researchers.

For so many days, Liu Cong came to the research institute whenever he had time.

Sometimes Liu Cong would go to the aviation base to check on the progress there.

Since the first successful launch, subsequent Starlink satellites have also launched into the sky one after another, forming a dense network over China.

All the information transmitted back to the land by these Starlink satellites will be transmitted to the relevant departments of the country as soon as possible.

Liu Cong stayed in the laboratory until nearly twelve o'clock in the evening, and then planned to go home under the escort of Lieutenant General Li Hu.

However, on the way home tonight, Liu Cong vaguely felt someone following him, but when he asked Lieutenant General Li Hu next to him, Lieutenant General Li Hu said that nothing happened.

After coming back to his senses, Liu Cong felt that he was tired, so he didn't pay too much attention to this matter.

After going back in the evening, Liu Cong started to devote himself to scientific research again after a simple wash.

As long as he feels sleepy, Liu Cong will immediately spend millions of reputation points to buy a spirit-enhancing liquid in the system mall. Drinking it will not only relieve his sleepiness immediately, but also improve his intelligence.

Anyway, he now has more than 100 million reputation points, and he doesn't care about it anymore.

In this way, Liu Cong kept sorting out the information until dawn. After dawn, Liu Cong went to the research institute to accompany everyone in research.

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