That night, after Liu Cong came out of the research institute, he headed straight for home as usual.

Just as Liu Cong's car was about to drive into his community, a gunshot almost killed him.

Because Liu Cong was driving his own car this morning, and the car did not have bulletproof glass, criminals may have taken advantage of this to launch an attack on Liu Cong.

"Boom, boom!"

The two consecutive shots were all aimed at Liu Cong's head. Fortunately, Liu Cong usually took a lot of physical strengthening potions and mental potions.

One of the two shots hit Liu Cong's shoulder, and the other grazed his shoulder.

Liu Cong endured the pain, stopped the car, and then found a place to hide in the car.

This is the first time Liu Cong has faced this kind of situation, and it is also the first time he has been shot. He would be lying if he said he didn't panic.

Lieutenant General Li Hu, who was following behind, discovered this situation and immediately got out of the car to escort him. ,

At the same time, he immediately contacted the military.

When they learned that Liu Cong had been assassinated and shot, they immediately dispatched the most elite troops.

Immediately, the entire city of Peiping was put on lockdown.

At the same time, countless helicopters and armed vehicles continued to pour out of the troops.

Liu Cong's assassination was definitely a big deal for them, and they would never tolerate it.

Lieutenant General Li Hu came to the car and immediately checked Liu Cong's injuries. He felt bad when he saw that Liu Cong's shoulder was pierced, because the bullet was shot at an angle and might injure his lungs.

"Liu Yuan, are you okay? Are you still conscious?"

Lieutenant General Li Hu has never been so scared in all the years he has been in the army.

If protecting Liu Cong was his mission at the beginning, then now he respects Liu Cong from the bottom of his heart and doesn't want him to be harmed in any way.

Liu Cong was still quite conscious now. He just felt the coldness in his body, and then he coughed up a mouthful of blood.

Seeing this, Lieutenant General Li Hu became even more worried.

"Liu Yuan, keep on holding on, the ambulance will be here soon!!!"

Just as General Li Huzhong finished speaking, two more gunshots rang out outside, all aimed at Liu Cong's direction.

Fortunately, Liu Cong's coat was still strong and the two shots did not penetrate it.

Upon seeing this, Lieutenant General Li Hu immediately got out of the car and formed a human wall with several soldiers outside to protect Liu Cong's safety.

Just when Liu Cong's consciousness became increasingly blurred, the system came out.

I saw her holding a bottle of potion, then opened it and poured it into Liu Cong's mouth.

Liu Cong drank all the potion in a daze. After a while, Liu Cong's consciousness slowly became clear, and then he saw the adult system sitting next to him.

[Host, are you okay now? 】

[I just gave you a little potion to revive the dead. You are fine now. It’s all because Tuantuan fell asleep just now and didn’t notice what was going on around him]

[The perpetrators are on the top floor of the Sunshine Building, one kilometer away from us. They haven’t left yet. They probably want you to stay here tonight]

When Liu Cong heard this, his crotch tightened. If he had to explain this tonight, he would be very unwilling to do so. He still had many things to do, and he couldn't die yet.

At this time, Liu Cong's consciousness had improved a lot, so he immediately knocked on the car window.

Upon seeing this, Lieutenant General Li Hu ran in immediately.

"What's wrong, Liu Yuan? Are you okay?"

Lieutenant General Li Hu looked worried, and Liu Cong shook his head to indicate that he had nothing to do now.

"Lieutenant General Li, listen to me. I visually determined that the murderer is on the top floor of the Sunshine Building, one kilometer away from us."

"You immediately ask them to seal off the Sunshine Building and let them fly a helicopter directly up."

Seeing that Liu Cong's tone was so certain, Lieutenant General Li Hu immediately complied without asking.

At that time, Lieutenant General Li Hu and the soldiers immediately transferred Liu Cong to his bulletproof vehicle during the gap.

During the transfer, another soldier was shot and wounded while protecting Liu Cong.

Fortunately, Liu Cong was successfully helped by several people to the bulletproof vehicle, so he was safe for the time being.

Residents walking nearby did not dare to stay when they saw this situation. They thought they were filming a movie.

After all, in a peaceful country like China, it is almost impossible for a shooting to occur.

Liu Cong was feeling much better after getting in the car. The remaining bullets inside made him feel bursts of pain, but he was considered to be out of danger.

On the Sunshine Building one kilometer to the right of Liu Cong, five people wearing casual clothes holding sniper rifles patted their thighs.

"Wang Sang, it seems we didn't succeed!"

The young man on the side looked anxiously at the middle-aged man holding a sniper rifle next to him.

"Let's go, let's leave before they find us! If we don't succeed this time, we'll have a chance next time!"

"However, according to what I just checked with the binoculars, I shot the kid in the shoulder, and visually it has passed through the lungs. If we are lucky, we will see the news that he died tomorrow!"

Hearing what the middle-aged man said, the other four young people were delighted.

"That's great. If we succeed this time, we won't have to worry about it in the next life!"

"Then we won't have to leave our hometown!"

Hearing this, everyone smiled happily.

However, just before their smiles disappeared, the sound of propellers reached their ears.

When they looked up, their smiles instantly froze.

At this time, three helicopters were heading towards the Sunshine Building directly in front of them.



However, what they didn't know was that they were surrounded from top to bottom.

The five people brought their own firearms and didn't stop for a moment, planning to run downstairs.

But he happened to bump into three soldiers walking towards the top floor.

Seeing that they could no longer run, they planned to pick up their weapons and fight the soldiers in front of them.

However, soldiers are soldiers.

Under the capture of the three men, none of their bullets hit them.

Moreover, three of the five people were shot in the legs. Even if they wanted to commit suicide, they could not commit suicide.

At this time, the soldiers in the helicopter also got off the helicopter.

Soon, the five people were taken away by helicopter.

At this time, Liu Cong had been successfully taken into the ambulance, and Lieutenant General Li Hu accompanied him throughout the process.

Seeing that Liu Cong was fine, Lieutenant General Li Hu felt completely relaxed.

"Liu Yuan, are you okay now? Don't sleep!"

Lieutenant General Li Hu, just like his old father, warned him again and again.

Liu Cong saw Lieutenant General Li Hu sweating profusely and smiled: "It's okay, I won't die!"

After hearing Liu Cong's words, Lieutenant General Li Hu also smiled.

At the same time, Lieutenant General Li Hu's phone also rang.

Lieutenant General Li Hu couldn't hide his excitement when he learned that the murderer was caught on the top floor of the Sunshine Building.

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