However, when Lieutenant General Li Hu looked at Liu Cong lying in front of him, his original smile gradually faded away.

"Liu Yuan, the murderer has been found. Don't worry, the superiors will definitely give you an explanation. You will never be injured this time in vain."

When Liu Cong heard that the murderer had been caught, he couldn't hide his joy, but the pain in his shoulder and inside couldn't make him happy at all.

If it weren't for the bullet still remaining in his body, Liu Cong would have been fine by now.

Liu Cong forced out a smile, "That's good!"

Afterwards, Liu Cong was quickly sent to the hospital, and he didn't know what happened after that.

After waking up, Liu Cong found that he was already lying on the bed.

At this time, Lieutenant General Li Hu next to him was sleeping soundly on his bed.

Liu Cong did not wake him up. Liu Cong guessed that Lieutenant General Li Hu was very tired after being with him all night.

In this way, Liu Cong stayed in bed playing with his mobile phone until eight o'clock in the morning, when Lieutenant General Li Hu slowly woke up.

After seeing Liu Cong wake up, Lieutenant General Li Hu immediately stepped forward and began to care about Liu Cong's current physical condition.

"How about now?"

Liu Cong moved his sore shoulders and said, "Look, I can move my arms now. Do you think everything is okay?"

Seeing Liu Cong in such good spirits, Lieutenant General Li Hu also breathed a sigh of relief.

"As long as it's okay, it's okay. It really scared me to death last night. If you have any shortcomings, I will have to live in repentance for the rest of my life!!"

Seeing the worried look on Lieutenant General Li Hu's face, Liu Cong was also very moved.

In addition to his parents, Lieutenant General Li Hu took great care of him in his daily life.

"Lieutenant General Li, please don't say that. No one wants to see this kind of thing. If it weren't for you last night, I'm afraid I would have told you there."

At this moment, Liu Cong's door was pushed open.

It was Liu Cong's parents and his girlfriend Chen Qiong who came.

When they saw Liu Cong lying on the bed safe and sound, tears flowed down the corners of Zhang Guimei's eyes.

"Son! Are you okay?"

Seeing his mother lying on his hospital bed, Liu Cong comforted him: "Mom, I'm fine, it's just a skin injury, it's okay!"

When Liu Cong said this, the whole family felt relieved. They had no idea how dangerous last night was.

"What happened to you last night? Isn't it serious?"

At this time, Liu Yang also stepped forward and began to care about Liu Cong's current condition.

"Dad, it's okay. I just accidentally collided with someone else's car and suffered a minor skin injury."

Lieutenant General Li Hu on the side also echoed.

"Liu Yuan is fine now. The doctor said he will be discharged from the hospital soon!"

After hearing Lieutenant General Li Hu's words, the three of them nodded at the same time.

At this time, Chen Qiong, who was standing aside, handed Liu Cong a small box. The small box contained winter melon and pork ribs soup.

"Son, Xiaoqiong personally made this for you, please try it and see if it tastes good!"

Zhang Guimei urged.

Liu Cong looked at Chen Qiong's expectant eyes, reluctantly propped up his body, and picked up the soup Chen Qiong had cooked for him.

At this time, Chen Qiong on the side wanted to feed Liu Cong, but Liu Cong refused.

"I'll do it myself!"

Liu Cong drank the soup in the bowl into his mouth with great hope.

The next second, Liu Cong regretted it.

This soup is otherwise normal, but it's not that salty.

"Does it taste good?" Chen Qiong blinked and looked at Liu Cong expectantly.

Liu Cong couldn't bear to let Chen Qiong down, so he drank the soup in one gulp.

"Well, it tastes delicious. My Qiongqiong's cooking skills are getting better and better!!!"

When Liu Cong praised him like this, Chen Qiong turned away in embarrassment.

"Okay, if you want to drink it, I'll make it for you every day!"

When Liu Cong heard this, it was inappropriate.

"No need, your company is so busy every day, and I will be discharged from the hospital soon."

When Liu Cong said this, Chen Qiong gave up.

Because everyone still had work, after learning that Liu Cong was fine, they all went back to busy themselves with their own affairs.

At the same time, Lieutenant General Li Hu's phone rang again.

Lieutenant General Li Hu, who answered the phone, originally had a smile on his face.

After receiving the call, his expression darkened a little bit.

After hanging up the phone, Lieutenant General Li Hu looked at Liu Cong seriously.

"The identity of the murderer is clear!"

Liu Cong looked at Lieutenant General Li Hu and was also very concerned about who was causing trouble behind the scenes.

"Have you found out? Who is it?"

Lieutenant General Li Hu paused for a few seconds, and then said: "The person who assassinated you was a Japanese!"

When Liu Cong heard this fact, he was dumbfounded.

Although he hated this country very much, he had never provoked them unilaterally. How could they assassinate him for no reason?

"Have you found out the reason?" Liu Cong asked.

Lieutenant General Li Hu shook his head, "They refuse to admit it, and the military has nothing to do, but I believe there will be results soon!"

Liu Cong also believed that the higher authorities would definitely get to the bottom of this matter.

But Liu Cong couldn't understand why Xiaoli would send someone to assassinate him.

Of course, it’s better to let things go if you don’t think clearly about them.

After one night, Liu Cong's injuries have almost recovered.

In order to pretend to be more like him, Liu Cong had to still lie on the bed.

Later, the military personnel came to see Liu Cong in person in civilian clothes. They seemed to be relieved after learning that Liu Cong was okay.

However, when they talked about their childhood, their eyes were full of anger.

Liu Cong knew that this matter might not be simple anymore.

After the military personnel left, Liu Cong immediately got out of bed. He really couldn't stay any longer.

Lieutenant General Li Hu had nothing to do with Liu Cong, so he could only ask Liu Cong to walk around the corridor.

After the lesson last night, the hospital was full of soldiers in civilian clothes because they were also afraid.

Liu Cong walked around the corridor of the hospital twice like a normal person, and then returned to the VIP ward where he was.


At this time, Japan was a thousand kilometers away from China.

"Chief, our man was caught, this assassination was not successful!"

After hearing this report from the young soldier on the side, the chief frowned.

"We were discovered? How did they find our people?"

The young soldier on the side heard the chief's question, so he told the story honestly.

When the chief heard the young soldier's story, he was not panicked at all.

"Don't worry, even if we assassinate their country's academicians, they won't dare do anything to us!"

The middle-aged man in front of him looked confident and didn't care at all about the consequences of doing so.

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