And there is a reason why they are not afraid.

However, they underestimated Liu Cong's influence on China.

This matter will definitely involve the relationship between the two countries.


Sure enough, on the second day after Liu Cong's accident, specialized Chinese personnel came to Japan for negotiations, and the attitude of the Chinese side was also extremely tough.

At first, the other party thought it was just a small fight.

However, gradually they also discovered that the development of things seemed to have exceeded their imagination.

"Representative of China, we really don't understand this assassination. They must have done it on their own initiative."

"How could we do something that harms the friendship between the two countries?"

The negotiator sent by Japan said with a smile on his face to the Chinese negotiator sitting opposite.

Even though the Japanese side has brought up the topic that has risen to the level between countries, the Chinese side still does not want to give this face.


"You are really very nice. The people over there have explained everything. You think you did it perfectly, but you don't know that God is not as good as God. Your assassination failed this time!"

After listening to what the Chinese envoy said, the Japanese still didn't think anything.

"I think you have indeed misunderstood. We will not do such a thing, and your words are unfounded. How do we know if you are bluffing us?"

The negotiator from Japan still had a smile on his face when he said this.

If it were not for negotiation, some people might even think that China is humiliating them.

In fact, this nation has revealed hypocrisy since ancient times.

They appear to be gentlemen on the surface, but behind the scenes they are ambitious and will use any means necessary to achieve their goals.

Moreover, this nation is extremely insidious and miserable.

The crimes they committed in China last century still do not admit their crimes to this day.

The negotiator on the Chinese side smiled slightly when he heard what the other party said.

"You want evidence, right?"

"Okay, then I will satisfy you today!!"

Then, the people around him took out their computers from their computer bags and connected them to the projector in the conference room.

Then they showed the entire process of interrogating the prisoner to everyone present.

Because the interrogation scene was so bloody, people here in Japan frowned after watching it.

The people on the Chinese side quickly observed various expressions on the other party's face.

"Oh, by the way, we know you won't admit it after watching this video, so we brought this!"

As he spoke, the person on the side took out a few more badges from his bag.

These badges are all round, with all kinds of strange lines engraved on them.

"As far as we know, this is a badge that only your Japanese navy has, right?"

"And each one has a number on it, so you can't rely on it now, right?"

When asked, everyone on the other side was dumbfounded.

The fake smile that was on everyone's face just now is gone.

"What's wrong? You guys should say something!!!!"

This roar startled everyone present.

Including our own people on the Chinese side, they didn't know that a middle-aged man sitting in the corner would have such a big reaction.

This person's name is Zhang Zhaoyang, and he is the first commander of the North China Military Region.

This time, he came to Peking on a business trip. When he learned about Liu Cong, he had to come with him no matter what.

"I'm telling you, just forget that you have been doing little things in China, including along the coast, and we just pretend we didn't see it!"

"Because we in China have valued peace since ancient times, and we don't want to argue with you."

"But what about you? A small place has actually put your hands in!"

"If the tiger doesn't show its power, you think we are hellokity!!!"

"I tell you, we are not here to reconcile with you today. Just wait for our Chinese wrath!"

"Don't mess with anyone you mess with!"

Zhang Zhaoyang patted the table very hard.

"What kind of jb thing!"

"let's go!"

There are people here in Japan who can understand Chinese language, because they have admired Chinese culture for a long time.

Including their daily diet, writing, and clothing, many of them were imitated from China.

Just when Commander Zhang Zhaoyang and his men were preparing to go out, a group of Japanese soldiers blocked their way.

"You can't leave!"

At this time, a middle-aged man appeared behind the soldier.

This person is none other than Yamamoto Haka, the commander-in-chief of a certain military region of the Japanese Navy.

After seeing such a formation, China knew that things might not be that simple today.

When Zhang Zhaoyang saw the commander opposite, he showed no signs of panic and remained indifferent.

"Take them away!"

Yamamoto Haka ordered the soldiers behind him to take away all the people on the Chinese side.

However, Zhang Zhaoyang could not live up to what these people wanted.

"You want to take us away, but you don't even look at my identity!!"

"Let me tell you, we knew you were going to do this, so before we came, our three aircraft carriers including five cruisers were already heading towards you."

"If you dare to touch me, we will fight today!!!"

The translator on the side broke into a cold sweat after hearing Zhang Zhaoyang's words, and quickly reported the matter to Yamamoto Haga on the side.

After Yamamoto Haka heard the translator's words, his face instantly turned green.

He didn't expect that China's reaction today would be so great.

They have done something similar before, locking up people from China for a few days, and then China will send people to negotiate again.

After repeated negotiations, the people were released.

This is Japan's habit, but this time it didn't follow their script at all.

"I don't care if you are a devil leader or a petty official."

"I will put my words here today. What I just said is all true. Believe it or not!!"

"If I, the great commander of China, am afraid of you guys, then my position as an official will be in vain!!"

Even when Zhang Zhaoyang spoke and spattered the other party's face, the other party didn't react at all.

Because this nation has a characteristic, in the face of absolute strength, they gain strength faster than anyone else.

Only towards China, they are always confident, this seems to be their innate nature.

"Take all these people away!"

Yamamoto Haka wiped the smear star on his face.

In this way, several negotiators sent by China, including Zhang Zhaoyang, were all arrested by Japan.


In the waters still a hundred nautical miles away from Japan, three aircraft carriers and five cruisers are heading towards Japan with all their strength.

"Commander Li, Commander Zhang has lost contact now!"

A young soldier said to Commander Li, who was about sixty years old and wearing a blue military uniform.

Commander Li frowned when he heard that contact had been lost there.

"Damn it!"

“Give them the courage!!”

"Go full speed ahead!"

The crew members in the main control room heard Commander Li giving orders and said in unison: "Yes!"

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