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Chapter 404: The aircraft carrier group arrives at the coast of Japan

Just when they were still eighty nautical miles away from Japan, several Japanese frigates found that there were several ships approaching them in front of them.

When they saw such a formation, everyone was completely dumbfounded.

In recent decades, they have never had so many large ships, and they are still at the aircraft carrier level.

At that time, everyone in Japan was completely dumbfounded.

Quickly contact the military in Japan.

At the same time, they were still shouting with loudspeakers that this is their own platform and they are asking you to quit.

At this time, Commander Li was so angry that he could still hear their shouting.

"What a bunch of bastards!"

"If they don't give in today, they'll be waiting for you with artillery shells. Don't worry about them, just charge forward!!!"

After receiving the order, everyone was rushing towards Japan with all their strength.

The frigates on the opposite side saw how brave the other side was. Their frigate was like a small kayak under the huge aircraft carrier. They temporarily chose to give way and kept shouting at this side with their loudspeakers.

But Rabbit didn't take it seriously at all.


Before the people from Japan were brought to the interrogation room, the urgent information from the military region reached Yamamoto Hachi's ears.

When he heard that the ships of his neighboring countries were sailing to his own country, his face turned dark.


Yamamoto Haka's originally suppressed mood completely broke out.

Zhang Zhaoyang, who was on the side, laughed happily after seeing Yamamoto Baga's expression.

The angrier the other person becomes, the happier Zhang Zhaoyang becomes.

"If I had known you would do this, if you hadn't let us go today, I wouldn't have known what the consequences would be."

Zhang Zhaoyang held his head high and held his chest high, not afraid of Yamamoto Haka at all.

Because he believed that Japan would not dare to do anything to him.

Sure enough, after Yamamoto Hachi vented his emotions, his face returned to expressionless.

Then, he whispered something to the informant around him.

Later, Yamamoto Yaka took Zhang Zhaoyang away.


At this time, Commander Li's army was only thirty nautical miles away from Japan's port.

In order to defend its dignity, Japan sent a large number of naval warships.

However, no matter what, under the suppression of the aircraft carrier, they seemed so small at this time.

Dozens of Japanese Navy warships lined up in a row, trying to advance here.

But Commander Li, who is so angry, can't control so much now.

"You are the only one of these little brats who still want to stop me!"

"If they don't let me go, push them over. If they want to beat us, we will accompany them at any time!"

"We were too good to them in the past, so we tolerated it when they dared to sit on our heads and shit on us. But if they dare to take advantage of Academician Liu, then we have to show you some color!! "

"Full speed ahead!!!!"

The aircraft carrier's horsepower had reached its peak. Seeing that the other side had no intention of retreating, the frigates originally lined up in a row also dispersed to both sides.

Otherwise, the huge aircraft carrier can really crush them to pieces.

The reason why Japan did not use force was because they were still enduring.

Whoever uses force first will violate the universal convention first and will be punished.

However, their actions have violated the world's conventions.

However, they seemed not to be afraid at all in order to seek justice for Liu Cong.

Soon after, the aircraft carrier group successfully arrived near the coast of Japan.

The Japanese military has no way to deal with such a thing.

"I'm here to take our people back. I won't be able to contact our people within twenty minutes, so don't blame me for using force!!"

Here he held a loudspeaker and shouted to the Japanese navy opposite.

This dispatch of such a large force was the largest that Rabbit had done in recent decades, and they were completely angry because of Liu Cong.

It's also because Rabbit can't bear it any longer. If he doesn't show any more color, he will be completely looked down upon by the other party.

This shout did not move the other party, but instead caused more and more of their naval self-defense troops.

It seems that he wants to touch the rabbit head-on.

Liu Cong, who was more than a thousand kilometers away in Peiping, had no idea that the country had sent all its aircraft carriers into Japan in order to seek justice for himself.

At this time, Liu Cong insisted on being discharged from the hospital despite Lieutenant General Li Hu's dissuasion.

"Lieutenant General Li, I really have nothing to do!"

As he spoke, Liu Cong got out of bed and jumped a few times.

The hospital was filled with the smell of formalin. Liu Cong really couldn't stand the smell.

"No, this is an order from my superiors. I absolutely cannot take this risk, otherwise I will be a sinner of the organization."

No matter what Liu Cong said, Lieutenant General Li Hu refused to allow Liu Cong to be discharged from the hospital.

In fact, ever since Liu Cong drank the resurrecting potion given by the system that night, nothing happened.

But according to ordinary people's recovery speed, an injury like Liu Cong's would still require him to stay in the hospital for a week.

Finally, after the two struggled, Lieutenant General Li Hu agreed to discharge Liu Chongmingtian from the hospital.

At this moment, Lieutenant General Li Hu received a call from his superiors, and his expression changed instantly.

After hanging up the phone, Lieutenant General Li Hu looked at Liu Cong with a serious face.

"Academician Liu, just now, our country's aircraft carrier group has arrived in Japan!"

Liu Cong was originally sitting on the bed playing with his mobile phone. When Lieutenant General Li Hu said this, he got off the bed instantly.

"What did you say!!"

"The aircraft carrier group has arrived in Japan!"

Over the years, this is the only thing that has excited Liu Cong.

"Did they say why?" Liu Cong then asked.

Lieutenant General Li Hu took a deep breath and said, "It's like this. Originally, our country sent the negotiator to fight your injustice."

"But our country has always known the urinary nature of small lives, so we dispatched the aircraft carrier group in advance."

"Anyway, we have long been unhappy with these ghosts. If we really want to do it, we will crush them!!"

Liu Cong could tell from Lieutenant General Li Hu's expression that he supported the attack on Japan with both hands and feet.

"Just do it. When the country needs it, I can provide technical support unconditionally. They are really too rampant."

"Compared to the United States, I hate ghosts more." Liu Cong also echoed from the side.

This time the two people's opinions were surprisingly consistent.

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