
The entire aircraft carrier group of Rabbit Country is parked only about five nautical miles away from the Japanese port.

Faced with large-scale group building, the rabbits did not panic at all.

"People on the other side, listen up!"

"This is our country. If you dare to go deeper, don't blame us for being rude!!"

The fleet on the opposite side shouted to Rabbit in awkward Chinese dialect.

Commander Li laughed when he saw this scene. He had threatened them just now, but now they were threatening him.

"Hey, these ghosts are pretty cool!"

"Xiao Li!"

"I am here!"

"Repeat what I just said to me. If the person on the other side doesn't send me over, I'll just give him some color!"

"I believe Commander Zhang will understand me!" Commander Li looked at the crowded self-defense ship group opposite and couldn't help but sigh.

"I'm afraid this won't work!"

"If Commander Zhang is killed by them..."

The soldier didn't dare to say anything else, but Commander Li also understood what he meant.

"I was just kidding."

"Don't worry, even if you give them a hundred courages, they won't dare to do anything to Commander Zhang."

"If they are really like this, then we really won't give them face!"

After hearing Commander Li's words, the young soldier relaxed.

"Commander Li, I'm going to call you right now!"

Just like that, both sides were in a stalemate, as if no one was giving in to the other.

As there are more and more ships on the opposite side, Rabbit Country seems to be a little isolated and helpless.

But with the huge advantage of the aircraft carrier, the opponent dare not do anything.


At this time, Zhang Zhaoyang had been taken to an interrogation room alone.

When Japan confirmed Zhang Zhaoyang's identity again, his face did not look good.

They also did not expect that a dignified commander of the land military region would come to negotiate with the negotiators.

Of course, with Japan's urine quality, they won't let you go so easily. They will definitely get some benefits from you before they let you go.


Seeing that twenty minutes were almost up, Commander Li still couldn't contact him inside.

At this time, his originally indifferent face turned into a curve.

"Major Ma!"


"Listen carefully, if there is no response in one to twenty minutes, use missiles to wipe out the self-defense ships in front of me immediately!!" Commander Li pointed at the warships in front of him and said.



Seeing that twenty minutes had passed, there was still no response from Commander Li's walkie-talkie.

In fact, the opponent is also betting on whether you have the courage to attack him.

However, their bet was wrong this time.

"Hit me with short-range missiles! If they dare to resist, immediately dispatch the battleships behind them."

Upon hearing Commander Li's order, the missiles on the three aircraft carriers fired towards the opposite side.

Such a formation completely frightened the opponent.

They thought that the rabbit might attack them, but they didn't expect it to be so sudden.

Moreover, three aircraft carriers launched simultaneously.

Within ten seconds, a dozen self-defense ships in front of the aircraft carrier sank in front of them.

This scene directly caused the Japanese high-level officials to panic instantly.

Even they didn't expect that Rabbit, who had always valued peace, would take the initiative to attack them today.

Faced with such a situation, they could only immediately launch a counterattack.

But before that, they had no preparation at all.

Some self-defense ships don't even have gunpowder installed on them.

Japan, who was still a little arrogant at first, is really not happy at all now.

Today they lost a dozen warships and Japanese soldiers.

In such a peaceful era, casualties are generally very few.

But this time the rabbit couldn't bear it anymore.

Liu Cong and the Huaxia Negotiation Team are at best a trigger.

"Let me tell you again, let me go immediately, otherwise you will be greeted by more than just this firepower."

Now that things have happened, Japan is really scared.

Without the help of the eagle behind them, they would never dare to confront the rabbit head-on.

Sure enough, force is the solution to all problems.

Not long after, in order to calm down the anger on the rabbit side, the Japanese side could not withstand the pressure and sent people over.

At this point, the two commanders were finally reunited.

"Commander Li, you really played a good card!"

"If they don't compromise if you do this, we will all be staying there today!"

Commander Ma Zhaoyang pointed at the negotiator behind him and himself.

After Commander Li heard Commander Ma's words, he looked up and laughed.

"I'll tell them that they brats don't dare!"

"Let me tell you, this time we have used half of our naval power, and they are all behind us!"

"Since the higher-ups found out that Academician Liu was assassinated, they told us that we were in a dead end with them!"

Commander Li said this, which made Commander Ma feel a little incredible.

"You didn't tell me about this before! I'm really afraid that I won't be able to come back, otherwise I will really become the first commander of Japan's GG."

It was obvious that Commander Ma was really aggrieved.


Although Commander Ma was released by the opposite party, it was not over yet.

Rabbit has sunk so many Japanese frigates and self-defense ships. It is absolutely impossible for them to sit idly by.

This incident is likely to become the trigger for war between the two countries, and may even lead other countries to join the war.

For example, an eagle.

However, as Rabbit has accumulated over the past few decades, its current national strength is very different from before.

Now they can't be bullied casually.

Seeing that this mission has been completed, we are ready to return home.

Since there was no preparation at all in advance, Japan did not dare to do anything to the rabbits, not to mention that they had detected a large number of rabbit navy troops two hundred nautical miles away, so they did not dare to take this risk.

As a result, three aircraft carriers were escorted by cruisers.

We arrived at the eastern coast at 9:30 pm Beijing time.

The war soon became known to the people at home.

In no time, it became a hot search topic.

The people of the whole country have no fear, only excitement.

Because, since ancient times, beating up imps has been engraved in the hearts of this nation.

If you say that getting up at three in the morning to work may not be possible, if you say that if you say that you get up at three in the morning to play small time, then everyone will be able to stay up all night.

People cannot forget hatred and cannot forget it.

However, the repercussions of this incident were huge.

Since Rabbit left, Japan has begun to summon all the troops from across the country.

The specifics will depend on what happens to his master later.

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