
When the rabbit entered the Japanese waters, they had actually started to notice it.

The unanimous opinion given by the superiors was that if we can't fight, we won't fight.

Because they know very well that Rabbit, one of the world's top three military powers, will not fight back as long as others do not put ship cannons at their door.

However, they completely miscalculated this time.

Rabbit abandoned his previous principles and directly used force.

Japan was immediately caught off guard.


At the same time as the rabbit left, Japan immediately started to contact the eagle.

Eagles also watched the entire process from satellites.

Originally, they planned to let the eagle vent their anger, because the eagle had long been unhappy with the rabbit.

Because the people above Japan are vaguely aware of Eagle's plan.

As everyone knows, in the face of this active attack by the rabbit, the eagle will choose to remain silent.

When Japan received the news of rejection.

For a moment, they didn't know what to do.

Just by relying on them, I definitely don't dare to scream again.

Well, now there is only one way.

That is to criticize the rabbit's behavior in the world in order to win the sympathy of the world.

I have to say that this method is really effective.

Soon after, many embassies, including the country's official news, released news asking Rabbit to apologize to Japan and compensate for the huge losses.

On the other hand, this time Japan became the victim.

And everyone has always believed that assassinating an academician would not trigger a war, and besides, it has not been successful yet.

However, in the face of these criticisms and abuses, Rabbit simply chose to ignore them.

Out of sight out of mind.

The Japanese side tried to send a delegation to negotiate, but was directly rejected by the Rabbit side on the grounds of inconvenience.

For a time, no one could do anything about this problem.

After all, in this era, if you have strength, you are the king, and everything else is empty.

Moreover, the Eagles have not expressed their position, so other countries will not dare to act rashly.

Being able to say good things to Japan is already the greatest respect for them.


On a sunny day, Liu Cong was finally discharged from the hospital.

Only a few people knew about his assassination.

After experiencing this incident, his superiors became more protective of Liu Cong.

As long as Liu Cong moves within a three-kilometer radius, there will be troops guarding everything there.

Now I'm afraid it will be difficult for others to come in and take advantage of Liu Cong.

"Liu Yuan, should we go home now or what?"

Lieutenant General Li Hu sat next to Liu Cong and asked Liu Cong for his opinion.

At this time, the car had stopped at the traffic light intersection.

One side is left and one side is right.

Liu Cong pointed to the right direction without thinking.

Let's go to the laboratory. I want to see how the progress is there.

"Liu Yuan, you have just been discharged from the hospital and your body is still very weak. You can't abuse your body like this!!!"

When Lieutenant General Li Hu heard that Liu Cong was going to the research institute, he became anxious instantly.

However, the red light has ended at this time, and if you don't leave, you will block the path of the traffic behind you.

So, the driver had no choice but to obey Liu Cong's order and drive the car in the direction of the laboratory, even though he was very reluctant.

"Lieutenant General Li, there is nothing wrong with my health."

As he spoke, Liu Cong stretched out to Lieutenant General Li Hu, looking completely normal.

"You and I are the same. Our purpose is to protect our country!"

"The minor injuries on my body are really nothing. If this delays the country's overall research and development progress, then I will really be the sinner of the entire Chinese nation!!!"

Liu Cong's words directly made Lieutenant General Li Hu, who was almost over fifty, burst into tears.

"Academician Liu, your words really speak to my heart!"

"The Chinese people are really lucky to have such a good academician like you, and it is also my blessing!"

"But no matter what, you must take care of yourself! What should we do if you collapse from exhaustion!"

"The Chinese people cannot do without you, a good scientist!"

At this time, everyone including the driver in front of him was full of tears and took the initiative to persuade Liu Cong to go back to recuperate.

However, Liu Cong has made up his mind to leave, and no one can stop his determination.


Half an hour later, Liu Cong appeared in the research room of the institute.

In the above, I talked with researchers from various institutes about various difficult problems.

At this time, they did not know that Liu Cong was hospitalized due to injuries.

They only know that it is very hard-won to hear Liu Cong imparting knowledge, and they must listen carefully.

Liu Cong was explaining the knowledge diligently, but Lieutenant General Li Hu on the side could not see that Liu Cong was an injured person at all.

This also made Lieutenant General Li Hu feel relieved.

It was noon. After Liu Cong finished his lecture, he went to the cafeteria for lunch as before.

Then in the afternoon, he devoted himself to the research and development of anti-nuclear bomb devices.

Through the unremitting efforts of all scientific researchers, the experiment has been completed more than half.

Judging from the smoothness of the site, it will not take long to complete and then achieve military mass production.

In this way, we can more effectively prevent the damage caused by nuclear strikes to China.

In addition, Liu Cong's plan to develop weather weapons is already being implemented secretly.

There is no need for Liu Cong to take over there yet. The most important thing at the moment is the anti-nuclear bomb system device.


Time has moved forward a few days.

In the past few days, the international situation between Rabbit and Japan has become increasingly tense.

Sometimes the fleets of both sides even meet directly at sea.

Even so, they still didn't dare to take action first, even if the rabbit sank more than a dozen of their warships.

The higher-ups here seem to be on level one alert.

As long as the other side dares to cross the line, the rabbit will settle the old and new accounts together.

In the end, under the pressure of strong force, Japan temporarily gave up its plan to use force against Rabbit.

On the other hand, their domestic situation in recent years has been severe due to natural disasters and economic downturn.

We can no longer support them in fighting like this.

If we really want to fight, it will be a huge loss to the whole country, and the economy will be set back for at least several decades.

In this way, they will never even think about landing on the Rabbit Country mainland in the future.


Liu family,

"When were you discharged from the hospital? You have only been in hospital for a few days. Didn't the doctor allow you to stay at least a week?"

"Go back to the hospital quickly!"

"You rebellious son, if your father and I weren't busy, I would never have agreed to let you out of the hospital!"

Zhang Guimei looked at Liu Cong with a distressed expression.

Fortunately, Liu Cong didn't tell Zhang Guimei the truth, otherwise he would have been even more distressed.

Faced with Zhang Guimei's accusation, Liu Cong smiled lightly.

"Mom, I'm fine. I just scratched a little on my shoulder and it's scabbed now!"

"The doctors in the hospital are bluffing you. Look at how your son is so alive and active now, how he looks like a patient."

Zhang Guimei heard what Liu Cong said and carefully observed Liu Cong's mental outlook.

Very spiritual indeed.

"That's right, the young man's blood color looks quite normal!"

Zhang Guimei pinched Liu Cong's cheek, and Liu Yang couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene.

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