In the blink of an eye, a few more days passed.

After struggling with the rabbit for a few days, the Japanese gradually lost their voice.

During this period, Eagle also made a special trip to Japan.

After that time, the two of them seemed to have achieved a goal.

Since then, he has never dealt with rabbits again.

After the eagle came out of Japan, it successively visited the countries surrounding the rabbit.

It must be obvious what the purpose is.

However, in the face of such provocation, China did not care at all.

Because they know that they are just using this method to arouse the rabbit's anger.

However, the rabbit will not fall into the trap of the eagle, because they have more important things waiting for them to do now.


In the past two days, the currency trading system has been rumored in China.

There are even domestic entrepreneurs now using this trading system.

Liu Cong is one of the members, and all of his company's wealth has been transferred into the currency trading system developed by his own company.

Because Liu Cong firmly believes that his system cannot be cracked by any country.

Even the United States, which has the most powerful hacker technology today, cannot.

Because they had already seen China's strength last time.

The last attack caused them heavy losses.

For a time, they will no longer harass China.

They will definitely think of the best solution. After all, they do not allow other countries to share such a big cake with them.

On this day, China deliberately launched this trading system launch conference to the world.

In order to protect Liu Cong's personal safety, the people above did not let Liu Cong appear in public view.

If Liu Cong had not shown up last time, Liu Cong would not have been assassinated later.

When the Chinese people saw the introduction of the functions in the system, they were no less excited than when the browser kernel was developed before.

In the initial setting of this system, Liu Cong not only faced large customer groups, but also covered small groups.

Although the world is now dominated by mobile payments, as long as the money is stored in a digital bank account, Liu Cong can ensure that people's money is absolutely safe.

Anyway, Liu Cong has now handed over this system to the state, and this aspect will definitely be popularized in the future.

However, this technology is very attractive to other countries around the world.

Many of their places now pay in cash. As long as the digital currency developed by Liu Cong is opened to these countries, it will be a huge benefit to the country.

In just one week, many countries have joined China’s digital currency trading system.

Among them are relatively developed countries such as the Bear Country, the Black Country, and the Romantic Country.

When they experienced using the digital currency system to trade things with other countries, they found that they could no longer go back.

Moreover, for their convenience, the digital currency system is also bound to banks in various countries.

This also makes them easier to operate.

Compared to the World Bank in the United States, they still prefer China’s digital currency trading system.

Because they can enter the system at any time to view the currency exchange rate of their own country, as well as what goods they have transacted with that country, what the tariffs are, and whether there are any other additional fees.

All of these are converted by the system for you during the transaction.

Moreover, China has given full discounts for half a year, which can also ensure the safety of transactions in various countries.

Compared with the United States, this online currency trading system is more portable and safer.

Because they can directly bypass the rice dollar transaction and directly trade in their own country's currency.

Alternatively, they can trade via HuaXia Coin.

Originally, as long as we controlled the world's crude oil and gold, we could control the world's currency.

However, as soon as such a system appeared, it immediately weakened Mi Yuan's position in the world.

In a short period of time, the emergence of digital trading systems caused the rice dollar to depreciate by one-third.

This kind of thing has not happened in decades, and it can definitely be recorded in history.

The value of Huaxia coins has increased by more than 20% during this period.

It suddenly became the third currency in the world.

over time.

Liu Cong believes that it will be a matter of time before the Huaxia Coin becomes the world's No. 1 currency.


At this moment, Liu Cong was sitting on the sofa at home watching the live broadcast.

Seeing that many countries sent representatives from their banks to speak on stage, Liu Cong raised a smile.

"It seems that this time it was a success!" Liu Cong said to himself.

The press conference ended soon, and this matter came to an end one after another.

What happens next has nothing to do with Liu Cong.

Liu Cong looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was already past twelve noon.

Later, after Liu Cong had a simple meal at home, he called Lieutenant General Li Hu.

Today, he wanted to take advantage of this afternoon to visit the space launch base.

He hadn't been there for almost half a month. He was worried and wanted to take a look.

Soon after, Liu Cong and Lieutenant General Li Hu embarked on the journey to the space launch base.


At two o'clock in the afternoon, Liu Cong and the others arrived at the space launch base.

Since this was a secret visit, Liu Cong did not tell anyone, including Academician Zhang.

In this way, Liu Cong and Academician Li Hu arrived at the main control room.

However, what they don't know is that the main control room has now been moved to the building next to it.

Arriving at the sixth floor, Liu Cong and Li Hu continued to go deeper.

When Liu Cong stood at the door of the main control room, he found that it was dark inside, but he could vaguely see the light of the computer screen.

Academician Li Hu wanted to open the door and go in, but Liu Cong stopped him and told him to keep quiet.

Liu Cong looked outside for a while through the window.

I saw a young man sitting next to the main control computer with a notebook in his hand.

Since there was no light, Liu Cong couldn't see any clues.

So, Liu Cong directed Lieutenant General Li Hu to take a look in the monitoring room.

At the same time, he also dialed Academician Zhang's phone number immediately.

When he learned that there was someone in the main control room, he felt bad.

Soon after, Lieutenant General Li Hu also returned.

When Liu Cong learned that all surveillance on this floor had been cut off, his heart tightened.

At the moment, all he could think about was that important information had been stolen.

At this moment, the young man held the computer and carefully opened the door.

Then get ready to run away.

This young man is still wearing clothes specific to the space launch base.

In other words, he is at least a researcher here, otherwise he would never be able to enter this building.

When Liu Cong and the young man looked at each other, the young man who was still a little happy suddenly lost his smile.

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