Liu Cong's expression was extremely serious. He really did not want to see Academician Zhang resign as an academician.

Although Academician Zhang is approaching the age of retirement, aerospace engineering talents like Academician Zhang are very important.

Looking at the whole of China, you can count them all on your fingers.

If an accident made him regretfully retire, Liu Cong would not be able to escape the blame.

Because Academician Zhang was only invited by him, the real person behind this should be himself.

So, whatever.

Academician Zhang cannot take the blame for this.

Moreover, it is uncontrollable for something like this to happen.

The main blame is that the people above were not serious when reviewing people, which gave others the opportunity to take advantage of them.

After eating, Liu Cong and Lieutenant General Li Hu prepared to return.

On the other side, a large number of troops have arrived at the space launch base.

Going back and forth, about thirty helicopters arrived.

It seems that they plan to search here all night.


On the way back, Liu Cong was still discussing this afternoon's affairs with Lieutenant General Li Hu.

But as soon as Liu Cong mentioned what happened this afternoon, Lieutenant General Li Hu's back began to feel cold.

If Liu Cong was hit by a bullet today, not only would his reputation be at risk.

It is very likely that Lieutenant General Li Hu’s superiors will not be able to keep him.

For the country, Liu Cong is now a figure that cannot be lost at all.

"Lieutenant General Li, I just don't understand why they would do this?"

"And aren't they afraid of hurting their families and future generations?"

The more Liu Cong thought about it, the less he understood.

Because in his opinion, this is not cost-effective.

Lieutenant General Li Hu sighed when he saw Liu Cong thinking so hard.

"I can't even understand things that you can't understand."

"In my eyes, the country is the most important!"

"A country has a home."

"I really don't understand what these people are thinking. They give you your information, and in the end they use the information you provide to check and balance you, and even destroy your country and your family!!"

"What are you trying to do!"

Speaking of this, Lieutenant General Li Hu kept shaking his head.

Liu Cong looked at the scenery below the plane and saw the bright lights below, and he knew he was almost home.

No one knows the specific situation now, we can only wait for the notification from above.


Two more days passed,

On this morning, Liu Cong had just finished watering the flowers when Lieutenant General Li Hu called.

After learning that the matter had come to an end, Liu Cong immediately put down the kettle in his hand and ran out to join Lieutenant General Li Hu.

After seeing Lieutenant General Li Hu, the two couldn't wait to get in the car.

Seeing Lieutenant General Li Hu breathing so rapidly, Liu Cong wanted to know the outcome of this incident even more.

"The autopsy report has come out, and the identity of the other party has also come out!"

Lieutenant General Li Hu looked unhappy, and Liu Cong didn't know what happened.

But it looks like it’s definitely not good.

"What do you mean, has the identity of the other party been found?" Liu Cong asked.

Lieutenant General Li Hu nodded, "Found it, it's different from what we expected!"

When Lieutenant General Li Hu said this, he clenched his fists involuntarily.

"After the above investigation, we did not find any relevant information about the deceased in the system at first."

"Then, we really had no choice but to search further down based on the school he graduated from."

"Later we discovered that this person was not from our country at all, so he did not have a household registration!"

When he heard this, Liu Cong already felt something was wrong.

"Lieutenant General Li, you mean that these two people are not nationals of our country!"

Liu Cong was shocked at this time. He had thought of all possibilities, but he had never thought of this possibility.

"Yes, after investigation, it was found that they all attended a Japanese school in Shanglu in middle school."

"Later I was admitted to Beiping University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and then I also studied in aerospace as a graduate student."

When Lieutenant General Li Hu said this, Liu Cong was like a bolt from the blue.

When there are rats in the sewer, we can no longer stay in such a bright place.

This is not a good thing for the current situation.

"Lieutenant General Li, I'm afraid this matter will be a bit difficult to handle!"

"We have a mole here!" Liu Cong said with a serious face.

Lieutenant General Li Hu nodded, his expression very serious.

Then he took out a piece of paper from his pocket and gave it to Liu Cong. After Liu Cong took the paper, his expression gradually became serious after looking at the dense words written on the paper.

“Look across the country, there are so many of them in schools!!”

Liu Cong felt terrible just thinking about it.

"Lieutenant General Li, I really didn't care much about these things before."

"Looking at it now, it's time to clean them up."

"A rat in the sewer has been jumping around for so long. If we don't clean it up, it will be really lawless."

“In their current form, they have penetrated into all walks of life after graduating from these schools!!”

Liu Cong held the paper full of words in his hand, his eyes filled with anger.

This is often the scariest.

If a large number of traitors really appear in a country, they will control all walks of life.

Then, the ultimate direction of this country is the abyss! !

Therefore, in the face of such a problem, we absolutely cannot tolerate it, and it is impossible to tolerate it at all.

"Liu Yuan, don't worry!"

"Now the highest-level procuratorate has begun to fully investigate this matter!"

"We will never let these ghosts take advantage of us."

"Our country is now strong, and I believe the higher authorities will do a good job in this kind of thing."

Lieutenant General Li Hu looked at Liu Cong with very firm eyes.

Similarly, Liu Cong also deeply believes that his motherland will handle this matter well. ,

The little dwarf country is thousands of times bigger than China.

That is one underground and one heaven.

No matter how they jump, no matter how they steal.

A dwarf can never defeat a giant, let alone we are stronger now.

They don't even want to catch our attention.

Liu Cong folded the paper in his hand and handed it to Lieutenant General Li Hu.

"I believe this matter will come to an end soon. Their little tricks can't defeat us!"

"You have been keeping an eye on me for the past two days. As soon as you have any news, tell me immediately."

After Lieutenant General Li Hu took the paper, he assured Liu Cong: "Liu Yuan, don't worry about this!"

"I will let you know as soon as possible what progress there is."

"However, the person who escaped has not been found yet, but I believe that soon, he will not be able to escape anywhere."

While the two were discussing, a phone call came to Lieutenant General Li Hu.

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