Lieutenant General Li Hu looked at his phone and then answered the call.

"Lao Hu, why are you calling? Have you discovered anything now?"

Lieutenant General Li Hu's expression was a little nervous, for fear of missing some information.

During the conversation with the other party, Lieutenant General Li Hu always had a serious face.

"okay, I get it!"

Li Huzhong hung up the phone with a serious expression, and then put the phone in his pocket.

"Liu Yuan, the person has been found!"

Liu Cong looked happy when he heard that the person had been found.

However, what Lieutenant General Li Hu said next made Liu Cong a little at a loss.

"But when we found him, there was no sign of life, and the computer was destroyed by him!"

This sentence instantly made Liu Cong fall into deep thought.

What is certain now is that there is a high probability that the data has been transmitted to the other party.

And now there is another piece of evidence being destroyed, making it even more difficult to find evidence.

Due to their urinary nature, they will not admit it without conclusive evidence.

Unless you put the evidence in front of them, they will shamelessly admit it.

But he will also throw the blame afterwards.

If you don't give them a good lesson, they won't know the pain of your fist.

In addition, some time ago, Rabbit used force against them in the Japanese waters, which intensified the relationship between the two countries.

There will definitely be greater conflicts in the future.

Liu Cong looked out the car window and sighed softly.

I don't know how many times he sighed today.

"Leave this matter to the motherland. I believe the motherland will handle this matter well."

"Although that information is a confidential document, even if they take it away, they can't produce it anytime soon."

"After all, they can't master the technical difficulty."

"When they develop it, we will also undergo reforms here. Maybe we can fly out of the solar system by then!"

What Liu Cong said is not impossible. After all, he still has information about the antimatter spacecraft in his system.

It's just that Liu Cong feels that the current level of civilization in Blue Star has not reached that level, and some things cannot be created in a short time.

However, China has now mastered controllable nuclear fusion technology.

It is still possible to develop a controllable nuclear fusion spacecraft.

Moreover, as early as when controllable nuclear fusion was developed, relevant departments were already doing such research.


Looking at Liu Cong's confident look, Lieutenant General Li Hu didn't understand much about this.

I can only nod along. "That's fine, as long as the kid can't get it out."

Lieutenant General Li Hu's relieved expression made Liu Cong smile.

"Hahaha, don't panic, it's not a big problem!"

Liu Cong's future goal is not in Blue Star, his goal is the stars and the sea.

Therefore, these are not a big deal in his eyes. At most, they cannot pass this level in his heart.

He didn't want his hard-earned research results to be stolen.

"Lieutenant General Li, let's leave for the research institute!" Liu Cong said.

Soon after, the car stopped outside the entrance of the institute.

Liu Cong went in with his computer as usual.

Today, Liu Cong is going to talk about the last knowledge point.

That is the assembly part of the anti-nuclear bomb device.

Before this, all steps have been completed.

Liu Cong opened the PPT on his computer, and what appeared on it were all the pictures he had worked so hard to draw.

Among the people sitting in the audience, those with the lowest academic qualifications are at the Ph.D. level.

"First of all, it's been really hard work for everyone during this period. We were able to increase the research and development progress by more than half in such a short period of time."

“The next step is the physical assembly and system development.”

"However, our company has already started research and development on the system, and I believe the progress there will be completed soon."

"This process will take about another month and a half."

“These are the results of everyone’s hard work!”

After Liu Cong finished speaking these words, there was warm applause from the audience.

At this time, Academician Sun was also sitting on the stage, applauding Liu Cong with a smile on his face.

"Okay, I won't take up too much of everyone's time. Next, I will talk about the things that need to be paid attention to during assembly!"

"When installing the base, what we need to pay attention to is the issue of accuracy..."



I don’t know how many times Liu Cong stood on the stage and sweated. He seemed to subconsciously feel that he was a teacher.

However, Liu Cong does have the potential to be a people's teacher.

After finishing speaking, there was warm applause from the audience.

"Academician Liu, what you said is great!"

"Oh, after Academician Liu's guidance, I suddenly realized it!"

"Academician Liu, can you give me a copy of the PPT information you have?"


After-class discussions have become a must-do for Liu Cong and these scientific researchers.

"Don't worry, everyone, I will answer your questions one by one."

"I will send the PPT I have to our internal group later, and everyone will have it."

In this way, Liu Cong spent about an hour answering everyone's doubts.


It's one o'clock in the afternoon,

Talents such as Liu Cong and Academician Sun appeared in the cafeteria.

"Academician Liu, according to our current progress, this experiment will be completed by the end of May."

"It only took four months from development to completion."

"Our progress is two months ahead of schedule!" Academician Sun sighed.

Liu Cong smiled and said: "Academician Sun, this is not much different from the time I expected."

"Because we still need to carry out mass production and equipment transportation, these are all included."

"So, combined with the actual situation, I feel that the time is just right!"

While talking, Academician Sun handed Liu Cong a bowl of soup.

"Academician Liu, you should be more considerate."

"According to your calculations, the time is really just right."


After the meal, Liu Cong, Lieutenant General Li Hu and others left the research institute.

On the way, Liu Cong came up with an idea that surprised Lieutenant General Li Hu.

"Lieutenant General Li, what do you think of me becoming a teacher?"

This sentence directly woke up the sleepy Lieutenant General Li Hu.

"Liu Yuan, did I hear you correctly? Do you want to be a teacher?"

Lieutenant General Li Hu looked at Liu Cong with wide eyes, a look of surprise on his face.

"Yes, I have given so many lectures."

"Since I can be a doctoral student and even an academician, why can't I teach college students?"

"My power alone is limited after all, and the scientific and technological development of the motherland cannot rely on me alone."

"I have also figured out a lot through these two assassinations. The knowledge cannot get out of my mind. I need to pass it on!"

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