Many people in the office graduated from these two universities, and they know how difficult it is to achieve this ideal condition.

Whether it is Yanjing or Huaqing, they are among the best in the world's university rankings.

As Peking University of Technology has only been transformed into an undergraduate university for a few years, it is not even ranked in the world rankings.

Talking about catching up, this is simply impossible in the eyes of everyone.

"Academician Liu, are our goals set too high?"

Deng Chao on the side looked at Liu Cong in disbelief.

Liu Cong looked at Deng Chao and shook his head.

"Principal, this goal is actually not difficult to achieve."

"The main reason is that our school has not established undergraduate programs for a long time, and there are still junior college students in the school, but this does not affect our goal."

"Our biggest flaw now is that we don't have a disciplinary position!" Liu Cong said to everyone.

"Discipline positioning?"

"Yes, it's the subject positioning."

Liu Cong looked at the principal firmly.

"Although our school now has a complete range of majors, we don't have a specific position."

"Although our school is called Beiping University of Technology, as far as I know, the school's subjects are now more liberal arts majors."

"And we don't have a good positioning yet. This is something worthy of our reflection."

Having said this, everyone nodded in unison.

In fact, the school has long been aware of the problems Liu Cong mentioned.

But is change really an easy thing?

Obviously it is not easy.

After all, Peking University of Technology has only officially enrolled students in the past two years, and it is lacking in many areas.

Although the school has worked very hard to change, there are still some gaps compared with ordinary 211 colleges and universities.

This title of 211 was awarded largely for Liu Cong's sake.

"So, we must make some changes now!" Liu Cong said.

"Then how to change it?"

At this time, a middle-aged female dean looked at Liu Cong in confusion.

"That's a good question!"

"First of all, we have to match the name of Peking University of Technology."

"My position is science and engineering!"

"Since our country lags behind other countries in semiconductors, high-precision machine tools, software, etc., then let's do these!"

"If there is no funding, I will apply. If there is no talent, we will spend a lot of money to recruit them!"

Liu Cong's words made everyone present feel extremely excited.

After hearing Liu Cong's suggestion, Deng Chao sat stunned in his chair and did not dare to speak.

"Principal, do you have any good suggestions?"

Liu Cong looked at the principal beside him, "I have no problem, no problem. I will obey Academician Liu in everything."

"If you want to be the principal of the school, I can give it to you right now!"

This is not the first time Deng Chao has said this. He said similar words as early as half a year and a year ago.

Liu Cong smiled and said, "There's no need for it, principal, I'm not interested."

"I just want to be a teacher."

"Compared to you calling me Academician Liu, I prefer you to call me Teacher Liu!"

"There is a high probability that I will teach in the School of Electrical Engineering in the future, and my classes are all open classes. Students can come anytime they want."

Speaking of which, the principal could imagine what it would be like for Liu Cong to be in class.

It was definitely a huge crowd.

Teaching by academicians is rare in any university.

"Academician Liu!"

"Call Teacher Liu!"

"Oh, no, Teacher Liu!"

"You can arrange your classes by yourself. When and what classes you want to take, just tell Director Wang of the Academic Affairs Office directly."

Liu Cong's treatment is absolutely unique in the whole school.

"Principal, thank you very much!"

"I am indeed quite busy at ordinary times and may not be able to spare a fixed amount of time. Your words are enough."

Deng Chao did not expect that a few years later, Liu Cong's prediction today would come true.


At noon, Liu Cong followed the school leaders to the school to have lunch in person.

When the students saw famous alumni coming to the school cafeteria to eat, everyone rushed to take photos with Liu Cong.

Countless fans couldn't help but scream when they saw Liu Cong, and some even came up to kiss Liu Cong.

Fortunately, Liu Cong had bodyguards beside him, otherwise these girls would have succeeded.

As time goes by, there are more and more people in the canteen.

Most people come here after hearing the news.

Faced with everyone's enthusiasm, Liu Cong certainly responded.

After lunch, Lieutenant General Li Hu and Liu Cong left the canteen and prepared to go back.

This time Lieutenant General Li Hu was traveling with Liu Cong, and he was really worried.

"Liu Yuan, today is really exciting! I have never seen so many JKs."

Lieutenant General Li Hu's words made Liu Cong almost vomit out the meal he had for lunch today.

"Lieutenant General Li, I never expected it!"

Lieutenant General Li also burst out laughing when he saw Liu Cong's expression.

"Boss, don't talk about second child, you are more diligent than anyone else."

"If I hadn't sacrificed my life to stop you, you would have been harmed by these little girls today!"

Liu Cong glanced at Lieutenant General Li Hu and whispered: "Who asked you to stop me!"

"What did you say?"

"Liu Yuan, are you not full at noon?"


Lieutenant General Li Hu looked meaningfully at the canteen behind him.

"Don't do it!"

"Go back quickly, or they will catch up again soon."

Liu Cong was really frightened into a cold sweat when he came this time.

If it weren't for Lieutenant General Li Hu and his entourage, Liu Cong would have been executed on the spot today.

Fortunately it was a false alarm.

But Liu Cong felt a little disappointed at this time, and he didn't know why.

"Academician Liu, do you really not want to eat?"

"No, let's go, they're catching up!"


Japan Aerospace Department.

A bald old man was studying aerospace information on his computer.

The person in front of me is Hideki Takano, the highest academician of Japan Aerospace Academy.

There were people around him, everyone staring at the computer screen.

"I didn't expect that China would have such advanced aerospace data. This really overturned my knowledge!"

"Our partners have done a great job this time!"

"That's great, that's great!"

While watching, Takano Hideki showed a lewd smile from time to time.

"Our country's aerospace industry will take a further step in the near future. This data is really important to us!"

"Pass on my order and provide the highest welfare to the family of the deceased."

"They are the heroes of our country, and we must not let them feel cold!" Takano Hideki said excitedly.


"Promise to complete the mission!"

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