The day at the end of May is the end of spring and the beginning of summer.

In May, there is neither the coldness of spring nor the impetuousness and laziness of midsummer.

However, May will never be just ordinary.

More than a month has passed since April, and many big events have happened in this month.

More than half of the 16,000 satellites at the space launch base have been launched.

The bank's currency trading system has gradually got on track, and the Chinese currency is about to surpass the rice dollar and become the world's second largest currency.

Liu Cong's graphene batteries have been successfully put into mass production. All the latest generation mobile phones of domestic mobile phone manufacturers will soon be equipped with graphene batteries, which can last up to half a year.

Domestic new energy vehicles are already equipped with graphene batteries, and the new energy field has taken a big step forward because of Liu Cong.

The controllable nuclear fusion power station is also about to be completed in the west, and the electricity produced can be used by the entire city in the east.


On this day, Liu Cong stood in the northwest desert, wrapping himself tightly.

The wind and sand blowing from time to time next to Liu Cong's ears.

Two kilometers away from Liu Cong to the right of Liu Cong is a huge launching device.

And what is contained in this device is a nuclear weapon.

Thirty kilometers directly in front of Liu Cong, an anti-nuclear bomb device was standing there.

"Academician Liu, it's time for us to evacuate from here."

"The big mushroom is about to be launched. We have to go to a safe area."

Listening to the narration of the people next to him, Liu Cong took off his sunglasses amidst the blowing sand and squinted at the launching device next to him from a distance.

"Okay, let's evacuate now!" Liu Cong sighed.

It would be a lie to say he wasn't nervous. In the face of absolute strength, Liu Cong felt how insignificant he was at this moment.

He is also afraid that this experiment will end in failure, and then all subsequent things will not be carried out.

The harm caused will be devastating, and countless Chinese people will die from this disaster. This is something Liu Cong is unwilling to see.

Liu Cong followed Academician Sun and Academician Wang on the side and boarded the helicopter, and then prepared to fly to the launch site a hundred kilometers away from him.

This can ensure that when the anti-nuclear bomb system fails to intercept, they will not suffer too much damage and can evacuate here in time.

An hour later, Liu Cong and the others arrived at the launch site.

After getting off the plane, the group walked towards the launch site.

The launch site is not big, only about a hundred square meters, but it is enough for daily use.

There were about ten people inside, all from Peiping.

"Academician Liu, Academician Sun, Academician Wang."

"We are all ready now and are waiting for your orders."

A young researcher walked up to Liu Cong and others and took the initiative to report to them.


Liu Cong looked around the launch site and found that all the instruments were working normally.

Then, Liu Cong turned around and looked at the two academicians beside him.

"Academician Sun, Academician Wang, I think we can start."

When the two academicians heard that they could start, their expressions were very solemn, and then they both nodded.

"Okay, since Academician Liu can say start, let's get started!"

In the conversations between several academicians, the scientific researchers in the launch institute also felt unprecedented tension.

Immediately afterwards, everyone sat in their seats in an orderly manner.

Everyone was very excited to see the launch site from a hundred kilometers away.

Because they are about to witness history.

As long as the interception can be successful, China will never be afraid of any nuclear weapons in the future.

This is undoubtedly a devastating blow to the United States and the world.

If nuclear weapons cannot kill a country, then what kind of weapons can sanction it?

In order to prevent satellite exploration from other countries, nearly a thousand satellite shielding instruments were installed near the launch site.

These instruments alone are worth hundreds of millions of Chinese coins.

It can be seen that China has really spent a lot of money on this launch.

"Academicians, we are all ready!"

“Always ready to launch!!!”

Everyone in the launch site said in unison.

Liu Cong looked at his watch. It was now 12:53 noon, Peking time.

There were still seven minutes left before their planned launch time.

The anti-nuclear bomb device on the other side has long been ready.

Because the initial positioning of developing this device is fully automatic interception.

As long as he can feel the presence of the big mushroom, he can immediately launch a special interception weapon to intercept the big mushroom.

And it is guaranteed not to explode.

At this moment, the launch hall was very quiet.

Everyone is watching the clock on the wall, and when the time comes they jump into action.

Time passed by minute by minute, and in a blink of an eye, it was time to count down.

In the last ten seconds, someone was already shouting a countdown.









The next second, the big mushroom in front of the big screen took off directly into the air and headed towards the target.

At this moment, the helicopter outside is ready.

As long as there is an accident, Liu Cong and the researchers at the launch site will be protected from leaving.

Seeing the target getting closer and closer, Liu Cong couldn't help clenching his fists.

Just when the big mushroom was about to be two kilometers away from the ground, a round object jumped directly into the sky on the big screen.

He moved towards the big mushroom several times in succession.

Regarding the current situation, no one knows what will happen next.

Because it's out of their sight.

After more than ten seconds, a cylindrical object fell directly into the desert, and nothing happened.

This made the originally quiet launch hall suddenly become a sensation.

"It's done, we succeeded!"

"We made it!"


For a time, the hall was very lively.

Some people even hugged each other excitedly when they saw this scene.

Liu Cong's heart was extremely uneasy at this time.

A successful interception would doom the Eagle to Rabbit nuclear strike plan to a complete failure.

From here, it's a turning point.

As long as the Eagle's conspiracy fails this time.

From now on, his world dominance will be ruined.

By that time, China will be the most powerful country in the world.

"Academician Liu, I really didn't expect it to succeed!"

"All of this is really unrealistic. I have been working in the nuclear industry all my life, and today is really an eye-opener for me!"

Academician Sun is over fifty years old, and at this time he is full of runny noses and tears.

It can be seen how important this nuclear bomb delivery system is to China.

"With him, we will no longer be afraid of Lao Mi!"

Liu Cong looked at the big screen and sighed sincerely.

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