In order to upgrade to a bachelor's degree: Master the photolithography machine technology at t

Chapter 416: Shu Lao officially joined Beiping University of Technology

Afterwards, Liu Cong spent about an hour finishing his PPT.

"My speech is over!"

Liu Cong closed the PPT, and there was warm applause from the audience.

Liu Cong knew very well that as soon as the applause passed, it would be time to vote.

However, after Commander Ma's shot in the arm, Liu Cong was no longer afraid that the project would not pass.

"Okay, that's very well said!"

Commander Ma stood up and applauded Liu Cong again.

"Our Guo Fang Department has agreed to this project!"

As soon as Commander Ma said this, the representatives from the Chinese Academy of Sciences cheered happily.

This means that this project can proceed smoothly.

Moreover, the venue and funds do not need to be provided by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and are all borne by the higher authorities.

This also greatly reduces the financial pressure on the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Liu Cong also smiled when he saw Commander Ma agreeing to this experimental project.

"Then Liu Cong is here to thank Commander Ma!"

With that said, Liu Cong bowed deeply towards Commander Ma.

"Academician Liu, you can't do this. How can you bow to me?"

Commander Ma hurriedly stepped forward to help him.

Everyone was shocked after seeing this scene.

What kind of person is Ma Guoping? He is the commander!

Now he actually willingly laid down his figure for a young man in his twenties.

This is definitely rare.

Seeing that this matter has been finalized, it is time to discuss the venue.

"Commander Ma, do you want to see the venue?"

Commander Ma instantly understood what Liu Cong meant.

"Tell me which venue you like, and I'll apply for it for you!"


"Commander Ma, I really have my eye on a place, but I don't know if the higher-ups will allow it."

Liu Cong looked at Commander Ma with a smile. When Commander Ma saw Liu Cong's expression, he knew that Liu Cong must have no good intentions.

However, in order to keep the promise he had just made to Liu Cong, Commander Ma still answered Liu Cong bravely.

"Academician Liu, just say it and I will apply for you!"

With Commander Ma's words, Liu Cong completely let go.

"Commander Ma, I want that piece of land in Langhe District!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was very surprised.

Where is Langhe District? It is a newly planned district in Peiping.

They originally planned to turn Langhe District into a commercial district within twenty years.

Liu Cong now wants to find a research and development base for meteorological weapons in Langhe District, which is not an ordinary difficulty.

Unless the person above Commander Ma can agree.

Liu Cong knew that his request was indeed a big ask from the lion.

"Commander Ma, if it doesn't work, forget it. I can stay in Northwest China."

When he heard that Liu Cong was going to Northwest China, Mr. Shu was the first to stand up and disagree.

"No, Academician Liu can't go to Northwest China!"

Liu Cong was a little surprised by Shu Lao's attitude.

Seeing Mr. Shu being so anxious, Commander Ma immediately expressed his stance.

"Lao Shu, don't worry, I will go and apply with the person above right away."

"No matter what, I will try my best this time!"

There is no turning back when the bow is drawn.

No matter what, Commander Ma must fulfill the promise he just made to Liu Cong.

"Then I would like to thank Commander Ma in advance for the Chinese Academy of Sciences."

"As long as this project can be approved, I will treat Commander Ma to a drink!"

At this point, Commander Ma could only nod.

"Don't worry about this. I believe the higher-ups will agree to it for the sake of you and Academician Liu."

"You have made such a great contribution to the country, and the country will support you."


Afterwards, Commander Ma took his people to greet Liu Cong and hurried back.

Presumably, I also want to go back and get the project approved in advance.

Doing scientific research is not like other things.

If we can develop substantial things earlier, we will be ahead of the world.

The benefits this can bring to the country are also huge.

Watching everyone in Guo Fangbu leave.

Shu Lao and Liu Cong smiled knowingly.

"Academician Liu, I really didn't expect that Ma Guoping would compromise with you."

"You don't know something, Commander Ma is well-known in the industry."

"If you want him to approve weapons funding and venues, you really have to go through his review at all levels."

"If our Chinese Academy of Sciences didn't really have that much space this time, I wouldn't want to bother him."

Liu Cong could tell from Shu Lao's words that he was stingy towards Commander Ma, which was a very accurate comment.

"Isn't this approved?"

“And not only do we have land, but we also have a lot of funds. We really kill two birds with one stone.”

As they talked, both of them laughed.


in the afternoon,

Liu Cong followed Shu Lao and others to Peking University of Technology.

This is Shu Lao’s first visit to Peking University of Technology.

As soon as the news was released, all teachers and students of Beiping University of Technology were prepared in advance to welcome Mr. Shu.

It can be said to be full of cards.

Deng Chao even came all the way to greet him with more than a dozen school leaders.

When people at Peking University of Technology saw Mr. Shu get off the bus, they all stood up straight on both sides.

The banner at the back is even more eye-catching.

It reads: Warmly welcome Academician Shu to teach at Peking University of Technology.

"Academician Shu, on behalf of all the teachers and students of the school, I would like to extend a warm welcome to you for coming to teach in our school!"

Deng Chao bowed deeply to Mr. Shu in front of him.

At this time, the teachers behind Deng Chao also expressed a warm welcome to Shu Lao's arrival.

"Principal, you don't have to be so polite!"

“I’m an old man, and it’s an honor to pass on knowledge to the next generation.”

Shu Lao looked at Deng Chao in front of him with a kind expression.

"Actually, when I came to teach this time, I was also inspired by Academician Liu."

"Seeing you full of energy now makes me feel much younger."

"It seems that my old man is right!"

At this moment, the scene was peaceful.


In this way, under the leadership of Deng Chao.

Liu Cong, Shu Lao and others entered Beiping University of Technology.

Both sides of Ginkgo Avenue were already lined with students who came to welcome them.

They are like the leaves extracted from the ginkgo, full of vitality.

"Grandpa Shu, welcome!"

"Grandpa Shu, welcome!"


The students' melodious shouts made Mr. Shu grin from ear to ear.


Academician Shu sat in the car, rolled down the window, and kept responding to the students.

Later, Mr. Shu turned his head and looked at Liu Cong in the car, and said with a smile: "I haven't heard the word grandpa for a long time."

"My two grandsons and son are all abroad now and cannot come back even once throughout the year."

When he mentioned his son and grandson, Shu Lao smiled bitterly.

He is a dignified academician, even outside he enjoys unlimited glory.

But he is still a person of flesh and blood, and he will also look forward to a family reunion with ordinary people, full of children and grandchildren.

After Liu Cong noticed Shu Lao's mood, he immediately comforted him: "Academician Shu, maybe your descendants have their own difficulties."

"Maybe they can't come back abroad, but they will always care about you."

After hearing what Liu Cong said, Shu Lao felt better.

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