Then, amid the cheers of everyone.

Shu Lao and Liu Cong got out of the car.

Students are already familiar with Liu Cong.

He has been attending classes at school for several days, and some of the students in the school have also taken classes from Liu Cong.

Deng Chao led Mr. Shu to first visit the school's laboratories.

When he saw the school laboratory, Mr. Shu was not very satisfied.

He is a person with a background in scientific research, and he knows that such a laboratory cannot produce good projects.

Not to mention competing with the world's famous schools in the future.

At that moment, Shu Lao made suggestions.

Vigorously introduce new experimental equipment and continue to build experimental buildings.

Facing Shu Lao's order, Deng Chao didn't even dare to breathe and nodded repeatedly.

Other school principals are very aggressive, but there are not many who are as submissive as Deng Chao.

The main reason is that the people he faces are too perverted, otherwise he would not think of giving up the position of principal.

Liu Cong has already made plans to introduce new experimental equipment.

His current company is making so much money, so investing in some experimental equipment is trivial to him.


After visiting the experimental building, Deng Chao took Academician Shu around the school in the school patrol car.

During this period, Mr. Shu also greeted the students enthusiastically.

Later, Deng Chao took Mr. Shu to a simple meeting to finalize the teaching matter.

The joining of Mr. Shu is undoubtedly a decisive move for Peking University of Technology.

With Liu Cong and Shu Lao in charge, the school's scores will definitely rise significantly in the coming year.

"Xiao Deng!"

"There are some things you need to do better. If you have any difficulties, you can tell me. I will never be stingy if I can solve it."

Shu Lao was responsible for Deng Chao just like he was responsible for the next generation.

After hearing this, Deng Chao also nodded.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"I will definitely make the school better!"


After this visit to the school.

Overall, Shu Lao is quite satisfied.

This also strengthened his determination to teach.


A few days later,

A piece of news instantly pushed Liu Cong to the forefront.

After the decision of the dairy country and other countries in the world, this year's Benol Prize in Chemistry and Physics is intended to be awarded to Liu Cong.

For Liu Cong, this honor is great.

Domestic people know that this year's Chemistry Prize and Physics Prize are both from China, and they are the same person.

The whole country could not conceal their excitement.

In everyone's memory, there are almost no people in China who have won this award.

Every year, many places are taken up by foreigners.

Where else can it be my turn?

However, this year is different.

Liu Cong was able to win two of the Benoir Awards, which are rarely awarded a year or are not even awarded at all.

What an honor.


Liu Cong, who was sitting on the sofa at home, was also surprised when he saw himself on the news headlines.

"Winner of the Benol Prize in Chemistry and Physics, Liu Cong?"

When Liu Cong was about to open the page, a call came in.

"Academician Liu, you are now famous all over the world!"

Academician Sun's voice on the other end of the phone was trembling.

“Are you the one responsible for me winning the Benoir Prize?”

"Yeah, I thought you were busy and didn't get it!"

"Do you know what an honor this is?"

"In the past few decades, only two people from China have won the Benol Prize."

"You have now occupied two places by yourself. What an honor it is!"

Despite what Academician Sun said so much, Liu Cong was still very calm inside.

After a brief moment of surprise, Liu Cong didn't feel that this award would bring him much glory.

But when he thought about possibly getting reputation points and rewards, Liu Cong was still very happy.

"Academician Sun, I never expected to win the Benol Prize."

"However, does the person involved need to go to the scene to receive this award?"

Liu Cong indeed didn't know the rules of the awards, otherwise he wouldn't have asked.

"Yes, you need to go to the scene to receive this award."

"But don't worry, we will have dedicated people escort you there."

"Academician Liu, you have really given us China face this time!" Academician Sun said.

Afterwards, Liu Cong briefly chatted with Academician Sun and hung up the phone.

Before Liu Cong could click on the news, all the calls came in.

Just like that, it was already past midnight after Liu Cong answered the phone.

Fortunately, his parents went to bed early, otherwise what kind of trouble might have happened.


Finally, Liu Cong answered all the calls and clicked on the news page.

First of all, the title is Liu Cong, the winner of the Benol Prize in Chemistry and Physics. ,

Immediately afterwards, Liu Cong continued to scroll down.

The content is probably that Liu Cong developed a cancer cure drug and a graphene battery, and was awarded the Benol Prize in Chemistry.

Secondly, Liu Cong developed controllable nuclear fusion and was known to scientists around the world.

After everyone's judgment, everyone unanimously decided to award Liu Cong this award.

In just half an hour, this official news already had 20 million views.

It would probably be more during the day.

Afterwards, Liu Cong looked at the hot comments below and couldn't help laughing.

Chrysanthemum and wolfberry tea: I’ll drink it! Don’t scare me because of my low education. Can two Benol Awards be awarded at the same time?

Stewed Goose in an Iron Pot: I’m really convinced by the cow country, why can’t I send one more? I haven’t yet!

Cold Makabaka: Wow, wow, this medal can definitely be exchanged for a lot of money.


After brushing and brushing, Liu Cong felt sleepy.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Cong entered his dream.

Early the next morning,

Before Liu Cong woke up, Chen Qiong came to Liu Cong's house.

Then he went straight to Liu Cong's room.

"Get up, get up!"


In a daze, Liu Cong saw two white objects dangling in front of him.

"Am I having an erotic dream?"

"Yeah! It also smells like milk!"

Liu Cong looked immersed.

The next second, Liu Cong reacted and opened his eyes.

I was so embarrassed that I wanted to dig out the three bedrooms and one living room.

I saw my parents standing outside the door, and everything I said just now was heard by my parents.

Seeing this, Liu Cong quickly changed the topic.

"Well, isn't your company very busy?"

"How come you have time to come here today!"

Looking at Chen Qiong with a happy face.

Liu Cong couldn't find any topic for a while.

At this time, Liu Yang and Zhang Guimei, who learned that Liu Cong had won the Benoir Prize, also came to Liu Cong's bed.

He looked at Liu Cong lying on the bed with excitement.

"My son is really making a difference!"

"That's right! It really brings glory to our old Liu family!"

Liu Yang on the side also echoed.

"What do you call the Liu family?"

Zhang Guimei glared at Liu Yang, who immediately dropped his head.

When Liu Cong and Chen Qiong saw this, they laughed happily.

Sure enough, the smile doesn't disappear, it just shifts.

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