Liu Cong walked down the cabin door step by step.

Lieutenant General Li Hu followed behind.

At this time, many armed forces were gathered next to the entire runway.

"it's him!"

Academician Wilson covered his right hand and said to the officer next to him.

The officer looked at Liu Cong, and then winked at the soldiers beside him.

Subsequently, these armed forces directly surrounded Liu Cong.

Liu Cong was not afraid when he saw this scene.

Just crying and laughing frequently.

He thought about it later on the plane.

Many of the troops in the Cow Country are mercenaries from the United States.

These mercenaries not only support the Cow Country, but also the United States.

No matter what, I can't leave today.

If he had been tougher, he might have caused casualties.

It's really not necessary.

"Arrest him quickly!"

The officer in front of him gave the order, and Liu Cong was immediately handcuffed.

Afterwards, they took Liu Cong away directly regardless of the reaction from the Chinese side.

Lieutenant General Li Hu's heart dropped when he saw this scene.

Liu Cong was taken away this time. It was difficult to rescue Liu Cong with just them.

At this time, Liu Cong was forcibly taken into a black extended car.

Under the gaze of everyone, this black car gradually left the public's sight.

Lieutenant General Li Hu wanted to step forward to stop him.

However, there were so many soldiers on the scene that they would not let him pass at all.

Either go back home, or wait here.

The special nature of Liu Cong's status also prevents him from being in any danger in the short term.

But there is no telling whether he will suffer physical pain.


Twenty minutes later, Liu Cong arrived at a local negotiation room in the Cow Country.

The person in charge of the negotiations was the officer just now.

Next to the chief is Academician Wilson.

At this time, he looked at Liu Cong with a proud look on his face, seeming to have forgotten the pain on his hands.

The reason why Liu Cong has such great strength is because he drank potions that strengthened his body several times.

Although Liu Cong is so thin, he can definitely fight better than anyone here.

"Academician Wilson, please follow me to the hospital for surgery now!"

"You can't put it off any longer, or you'll die!"

Academician Wilson, who was originally very proud, changed his expression when he heard about necrosis.

Then, he glared at Liu Cong fiercely.

Then he was escorted to the hospital.

Liu Cong showed no expression when facing the forty-year-old middle-aged man in front of him.

"Academician Liu, you'd better tell the truth about what happened just now."

"Otherwise, you will be responsible for the consequences of what will happen next!"

Even though the middle-aged man in front of him threatened him so much, Liu Cong remained unmoved.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to introduce myself."

"My name is Mike!"

“I think we’ll see each other often in the days to come!”

Mike walked up to Liu Cong and looked Liu Cong up and down.

"Academician Liu, no matter how high your status is, it is unwise to go against our people."

Even though Mike kept talking to Liu Cong, Liu Cong remained silent.

Just when Mike was about to speak again, he received a phone call.

Soon after, when Mike returned to Liu Cong.

The attitude has simply changed 180 degrees.

"Academician Liu, I have a way to get the best of both worlds. Do you want to hear it?"

Seeing that Liu Cong didn't speak, Mike continued: "As long as you join us, not only will today's matter be wiped out."

"We will also give you the highest treatment."

"It will definitely be much more comfortable than you were in China."

"How about it?"

Mike looked at Liu Cong and waited for Liu Cong to give him an answer with a smile on his face.

But after Liu Cong listened, he shook his head and said nothing.

Mike was very patient.

"It turns out you understand what I'm saying."

"Don't refuse in a hurry, the benefits we can give you are beyond your imagination!"

Afterwards, Mike gave Liu Cong a half-hour welfare introduction.

After Liu Cong heard this, not only did he not react, he even started to fight.

However, Mike did not intend to give up brainwashing Liu Cong just like that.

"If you join our country, you can even directly participate in the elections above. We are very free."

Speaking of freedom, Mike looked like he was enjoying it.

However, Liu Cong said something.

He completely lost his smile.

"Don't bother trying to convince me, I won't join your country."

"I love my country!"

"I will never betray my country!"

After saying this, Liu Cong turned his head away directly.

The smile on Mike's face disappeared instantly because of Liu Cong's words.

"Okay, I hope you don't regret the decision you made today!"

"Somebody come!"

"Take Academician Liu away to me!"

Immediately afterwards, several soldiers nearby took Liu Cong and locked him into a small dark room.

When Liu Cong entered, this scene seemed so familiar.

He never thought that one day he would be locked up in a small dark room again.

And it’s a small dark room in a foreign country.

Just when Liu Cong was at his wits' end, a system that hadn't appeared for a long time suddenly appeared.

[Host, I didn’t expect you to be here today]

The appearance of the system cheered up Liu Cong, who was already a little tired.

"How did you become like this?"

Liu Cong looked at the beautiful woman in front of him and instantly felt no longer sleepy.

[Host, because your global popularity has increased, I have grown up]

[However, the host’s current situation does not seem to be that good]

The system looked at Liu Cong with very charming eyes.

"I've already been like this, and you're still here making sarcastic remarks. Do you still have a heart?"

Liu Cong looked at the system in front of him and felt aggrieved for a moment.

[Host, don’t worry, your rescuers are on the way]

[You should go in first and see your system rewards, I’m sleepy]

With that said, the system disappeared directly in front of Liu Cong.

"Hey, why do these girls get lazier as they grow older?"

[Host, do you really think Tuantuan can’t hear it? 】

This sudden sound startled Liu Cong.

Thinking of the last time he was struck by lightning, Liu Cong couldn't help but shudder.

Immediately, Liu Cong shut up.

"Do it yourself and you'll have enough food and clothing!"

With that said, Liu Cong entered the system to check.

When Liu Cong saw the 250 million reputation value on the system panel, he was instantly speechless.


"What the hell!"

After a brief shock, Liu Cong clicked on his system backpack again.

When he saw two new technologies lying in the system backpack.

For a moment, Liu Cong was very curious.

So, after hesitating for a while, he directly clicked on the first technology.

The moment I clicked on it, a lot of knowledge came to my mind.

"Application knowledge of controllable nuclear fusion!"

Liu Cong was very excited.

PS: There will be two chapters later.

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