Previously, controllable nuclear fusion could only be used to generate electricity.

However, power generation and application are two different things.

They are all in different fields.

Logically speaking, China's current civilization level is around level 0.75.

When controllable nuclear fusion is developed, it may reach level 0.8~0.9.

But things are different now.

If only controllable nuclear fusion could be applied to aircraft carriers, satellites, starships, and even family cars.

It is very possible to achieve 100% energy conversion.

First-level civilization is also called planetary civilization.

It means that living things can completely use or reserve all the energy belonging to their planet.

Or, to put it another way.

That is, it can fully utilize the energy provided by the host star received by the mother star.

As long as humans can master controllable nuclear fusion.

It should be said that it is able to reach the first level civilization, that is, the stellar civilization.

From this point of view, the time to reach the first level of civilization is just around the corner.

"really not bad!"

“With this, I will save a lot of unnecessary time.”

After being briefly happy, Liu Cong then opened the second one.

After opening it, a lot of knowledge poured into Liu Cong's mind.

When Liu Cong received this information, his heart could no longer calm down.

The interstellar mining vehicle, something that only exists in science fiction novels, appeared in Liu Cong's mind.

The interstellar mining vehicle uses controllable nuclear fusion technology.

In other words, as long as you can skillfully apply controllable nuclear fusion in your life, it will only be a matter of time before the interstellar mining vehicle is built.

It can be concluded from the data that the speed of the interstellar mining vehicle per second is completely greater than the speed of the third universe.

It actually reached a terrifying fifty-six kilometers per second.

Moreover, there is room for improvement written on the back of his information.

You know, calculated according to Newton's formula.

The speed of the third universe is only greater than 16.7 kilometers per second.

In other words, as Liu Cong improves his tasks, the reward levels he receives are also different.

The emergence of interstellar mining vehicles undoubtedly gives Liu Cong unlimited possibilities for developing space in the future.

With the development of human society, all aspects of energy are also being depleted.

Sooner or later, the energy on Blue Star will be used up.

But space is different.

It is truly inexhaustible for humans.

Moreover, there are countless new energy sources that humans have not discovered yet waiting for humans to explore.

As long as it can continue to develop, Liu Cong believes that reaching the second level civilization is just around the corner.

This undoubtedly gave Liu Cong a lot of confidence.

"System, what you did this time is really awesome!"

"If we have these two things, our future development in Great China will be like a leap to the sky!"

Liu Cong was so excited that he started dancing in the system.

However, happiness is happiness.

When he thought about his current situation, he immediately became unhappy.

After Liu Cong came out of the system, he saw this dark little dark room.

He couldn't help but sigh again.

"I may be the first academician in history to be locked up in a small dark room after awarding an award!"

"Other academicians went home to celebrate after presenting the awards."

"And I'm staying in this little dark room!"

The more Liu Cong thought about it, the more aggrieved he became, but all this was caused by himself.

Of course, they probably have wanted to do this to Liu Cong for a long time.

It just gave them a reason to arrest Liu Cong.

For an academician who can create high-tech technologies such as controllable nuclear fusion, nuclear aircraft carriers, and graphene batteries, which country would not want to take him into his pocket.

Therefore, under this guise, they tried to bring Liu Cong back to their country and serve them.

Who knows, Liu Cong is a tough guy.

In the face of temptation, Liu Cong can remain indifferent and his stance is extremely firm.

The hard end was that he was locked up in a small dark room.

As for what will happen next, Liu Cong has no idea now.

However, he always believed that his motherland would come to rescue him.

The motherland is his strong backing, so how can he be afraid?

I don’t know how many hours have passed.

Liu Cong, who was drowsy, was awakened by a bright light.

Liu Cong opened his eyes in a daze and found several American men standing in front of him.

As for communication, Liu Cong can also hear clearly.

After all, he is a person with global language skills.

It probably means that Liu Cong will be brought to the United States in an hour.

After Liu Cong heard the news, he cheered up instantly.

What kind of place is the United States?

For him, it's like a tiger's mouth!

If he really went over and was imprisoned in a certain American research institute to work for them, then he really had no hope of coming back.

The United States will not give in and release people because of pressure from China.

For a talent like Liu Cong, they would rather destroy you than send you back.

When he thought of this, Liu Cong was really scared.

However, there is really nothing I can do now.

Although he could guarantee that he was capable of fighting, he could not guarantee that he could defeat the weapons in their hands.

If he was hit by a firearm, his mortal body would not be able to withstand it.

At that time, it will no longer be worthwhile to BBQ by yourself.

Liu Cong observed from inside that the big man in the middle seemed to be a relatively senior official in the US military.

Liu Cong couldn't tell from his appearance exactly how old an official he was.

The people in front of them watched Liu Cong communicate for about a minute, and then the two officers next to him took Liu Cong out.

Afterwards, the men said nothing.

Take Liu Cong and go outside.

Soon after, Liu Cong was taken into a black extended Lincoln car.

In the car, Liu Cong finally couldn't help but ask the officer beside him.

"Are you taking me back to your country?"

When the officer next to him heard what Liu Cong said, he just glanced at him, smiled at him, and said nothing.

Seeing this, Liu Cong continued: "Don't worry, even if you take me back, I won't work for you."

"I won't even die!"

Liu Cong's attitude was very firm, but the officer next to him still didn't speak.

At this moment, Liu Cong looked at the armed men holding firearms behind him, with a trace of despair in his eyes.

When he saw the plane, his mood fell to the bottom.

It seemed that this time he was going to fall into the hands of these American guys.

But fortunately, I still have a system.

If that didn't work, Liu Cong bought weapons directly from the system mall on the plane and perished with them.

Of course, this is just the worst case scenario.

Liu Cong still cherishes his life.

When the car arrived in front of the plane, these people took Liu Cong out of the car.

At this time, Liu Cong was about fifty meters away from his left and saw Academician Wilson looking at him.

He was flying on a passenger plane, while Liu Cong was flying on a military plane, so one can imagine such treatment.

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