Academician Wilson did not stay on the ground for long.

After looking at Liu Cong for a while, he dragged his hand that had been plastered and got off the plane.

And Liu Cong, who was being held by two soldiers at this time, also planned to get on the plane.

However, no matter how hard they tried, Liu Cong always stood still.

Seeing that coercion cannot solve the problem.

At this time, the officer who had not spoken to Liu Cong the whole time spoke.

"Academician Liu, I advise you not to be stubborn."

"As long as you come back to our country with us, we will give you whatever you want!"

"If you want to live with your family, we can also take your family there in person."

"You will not suffer any disadvantages when you come to our country!"

Don't know what is driving it.

People from this country always have a sense of superiority when talking to people from other countries.

They believe that as long as they are a person, they want to come to their own country and then be loyal to their own country.

As for the treatment, they only think that a nationality of their country is enough.

However, in Liu Cong's opinion, this was simply a big joke.

How could he easily betray his country for a small profit?

Even though he was arrested now, he did not think of betraying his motherland out of fear.


"I don't care at all what you said!"

Liu Cong glanced at the officer in front of him, and then turned his head away.

Liu Cong looked at the armed forces all around him, and for a moment, there were really ten thousand cao nima in his heart.

"Just for me, is this all?" Liu Cong thought to himself.

However, maybe Liu Cong is just a scientific researcher in his heart.

However, in their eyes, Liu Cong is not only a scientific researcher, they also regard him as a threat to their existence.

If such a person cannot be used for oneself, then it is better to destroy him.

Just when the officer in front of him was about to speak, the roar of fighter jets came overhead.

Liu Cong also noticed that there seemed to be something above his head, so he looked up at the sky.

This sight shocked him directly.

Dozens of fighter jets appeared directly above his head.

Moreover, one of the military aircraft dived down directly after seeing the target below.

This scene immediately stunned everyone present.

What kind of lineup is this?

Judging from the appearance, Liu Cong should be able to roughly judge that this is the latest generation of Qinglong fighter.

And there were dozens of them at one time.

You know, only the three permanent members in the world can achieve such a posture.

In everyone's shock, one of the military planes landed directly within the encirclement set up by the United States.

And the dozens of Qinglong fighter jets in the sky were constantly circling in the sky.

Not long after, a tall middle-aged man got out of the fighter plane.

This middle-aged man is Ma Zhaoyang, the commander of the East China Military Region who was in Japan last time.

Then, dozens of armed troops came down from behind him.

They are equipped with the most advanced rifles in modern times.

Liu Cong was completely stunned when he saw this scene.

He also did not expect that at this moment of despair, the motherland would send so many fighter jets to personally protect Liu Cong.

"Academician Liu, don't be afraid, we are coming!"

"If they dare to touch you today, our big mushrooms are ready!"

After hearing Commander Ma's words, Liu Cong really burst into tears.

Maybe, this is the so-called sense of security.

At this time, Liu Cong's eyes seemed to be covered by something, and even his vision became blurred.

He could only nod desperately to show his trust in the motherland.

At this time, faced with such a situation, the United States became more cautious.

The commander in front of him even shouted loudly: "Don't mess around, he is in our hands!"

As he said that, the soldiers around the officer surrounded Liu Cong.

Commander Ma Zhaoyang is not jealous either.

Faced with such a scene, he didn't panic at all.

Instead, he held the walkie-talkie and said something inside, and then a fighter plane in the sky flew directly forward.

China is not a vegetarian either. The armed forces just press forward.

This couldn't help but make the soldiers around Liu Cong feel a little panic.

At this time, after seeing this situation, the soldiers in the outer circle were not willing to be outdone and retreated directly inside.

The situation at the scene has reached the most tense level, and a fight may break out at any time.

Soon after, the fighter plane that just left also returned to the sky where Liu Cong was.

This scene instantly attracted the attention of the Cow Country.

Their army is also heading this way.

After all, under normal circumstances, countries do not allow fighter planes to fly into their territories.

After they arrived, they were shocked when they saw the stalemate in front of them.

They didn't expect the situation to become so serious.

Originally, they turned a blind eye when they saw the United States arresting people.

After all, they know the usual style of the United States.

Moreover, our own country also needs to rely on them in many aspects.

Therefore, when faced with this situation, it is not easy for them to stop it. Instead, they will only add fuel to the flames later.

The leader of the Cow Country looked at the dozens of new Qinglong fighter jets flying overhead and frowned.

Maybe this time it’s really a big deal!

At this time, Commander Ma Zhaoyang was already standing ten meters away from Liu Cong, shouting to Mi Fang.

"I advise you to release Academician Liu now. There is still room for discussion on this matter."

"Otherwise you look up today and see what these are on your heads!"

"The artillery shells installed on it are not just missiles!"

Commander Ma Zhaoyang said while a young soldier was translating next to him.

When the officer opposite heard the last sentence, his expression changed.

"If you really dare to do this, then Academician Liu may stay in this land forever!"

They knew that Liu Cong was China's weak spot, so they directly threatened Liu Cong.

It can be seen that in the face of absolute strength, they are sometimes afraid.

"Hand over Academician Liu, and I will pretend nothing happened."

"If Academician Liu hurts a hair because of you, then whether it is a dairy country or your country, I will teach you a lesson!"

Sometimes, strength means everything.

When you are weak, everyone treats you like a weakling and wants to pinch you.

When you have strength, everyone will keep your words in mind, and they will pay careful attention to every move you make.

Things have developed to this point and are already out of control.

The next step is to either release the person or carry out plan B.

And no one wants to see such a plan.

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