The two sides were in a stalemate, and no one dared to act rashly.

This situation is an extremely painful process for everyone.

Especially dairy country.

If both sides do not give in today, they are likely to become cannon fodder in this battle.

And he is the kind of cannon fodder who is completely powerless.

Contests between major powers are often at the economic and political level.

However, today's scene really opened the eyes of the dairy country.

For a moment, he regretted why he didn't let Liu Cong and the others take off, otherwise there wouldn't be such a problem.

However, there is no regret medicine in this world.

All they can pray for now is that the two countries try not to fight over this matter.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to eat and walk away.


Faced with such a situation, Liu Cong felt very uncomfortable standing in the middle.

He felt like he was surrounded and could not breathe.

"Let me say the last thing, let Academician Liu go, otherwise we will take coercive measures here!"

With that said, all the soldiers here raised their guns and loaded their bullets.

As long as an order is given, it is very likely that a war will break out between the two sides.

Once it breaks out, it's absolutely impossible to stop.

At this time, people from the Cow Country sent representatives to forcefully adjust the situation.

Although it is already very dangerous at this juncture, there is nothing they can do now.

The only way to stop this farce that was about to happen but didn't happen was by force.

When both sides saw that the Cow Country sent representatives to adjust, their moods relaxed a little.

After half an hour of conversation,

The Eagles still don't intend to give up on Liu Cong.

In this case, Liu Cong thought that he still had a small battle potion in his backpack.

I haven't used this little potion that can increase strength and speed for a long time.

Originally, my hands were free.

If you can take the opportunity to drink a small potion, you can escape from Eagle Fang's hands at lightning speed.

As long as he escapes from their hands, they will not go to war to catch him again.

at this time,

Commander Ma Zhaoyang directly made a very dangerous move.

I saw him holding the gun in his hand and taking a few more steps forward.

This move frightened both the Cow Country and the Eagle, fearing that he would do something irrational.

For Eagle, who has always been focused on profit, it is really not worth it if he escorts a person and loses his life here.

Seeing this, Liu Cong also found the opportunity.

Just pick up the small potion and pour it into your mouth.

When the soldiers around him saw Liu Cong drinking the small potion, they hesitated at first.

The next second is fear.

They were afraid that Liu Cong would lose his mind and commit suicide by taking poison.

However, they were wrong.

Not long after Liu Cong took the small potion, he jumped into the air and frightened everyone in the three parties.

With this jump, Liu Cong flew directly over the head of the Eagle Soldier.

Even if Liu Cong is like this, it will be easy for them to beat Liu Cong.

However, when they raised their guns, they looked at the fighter jets flying overhead and then at the people in front of them, and hesitated.

It was these few seconds of hesitation that made Liu Cong return to the rabbit.

When everyone saw Liu Cong coming back, they first surrounded him, fearing that the other side would kidnap Liu Cong again.

When Rabbit saw that Liu Cong was safe, he took Liu Cong and retreated.

Liu Cong, who was rescued, was also very excited and followed the large army to move back.

Not long after, Liu Cong, led by Commander Ma Zhaoyang, arrived next to the Rabbit military aircraft.

Under the escort of soldiers, Liu Cong also successfully entered the plane.

Under the gaze of everyone, the opponent has no way to deal with Rabbit.

Even if they have reasons, even if they are strong.

The rabbits of today are much better than the rabbits of the past. They now also have a power that cannot be underestimated.

Take the dozens of Qinglong fighter jets hovering in the sky.

Even their Eagles may not be able to produce such a new fighter jet at once.

From here we can see how important Liu Cong is to Rabbit.


After entering the plane, Liu Cong breathed a sigh of relief facing his compatriots from the motherland.

"Academician Liu, you really scared me to death!"

"If something unexpected happened just now, it would be really difficult for us to get back together."

"You don't even know how big the fire was up there this time."

"When they know that you are caught by an eagle, they are eager to fight with the eagle directly!"

Commander Ma Zhaoyang looked at Liu Cong and kept mumbling.

It can be seen that he is really worried about Liu Cong.

Liu Cong faced Commander Ma Zhaoyang at this time, like a child who had made a mistake.



Liu Cong has never been so nervous as now.

However, Commander Ma Zhaoyang softened his heart after seeing Liu Cong's aggrieved look.

At this moment, there was no trace of anger in Commander Ma Zhaoyang's heart.

It was replaced by heartache.

"Academician Liu, don't say you're sorry."

"It's us who should be sorry. It was us who failed to protect you at the beginning and allowed the other party to take advantage of you."


"It's not the motherland's fault!"

"If I didn't have a strong motherland behind me, I would probably be on my way to the Eagles now."

"I may not be able to return to the mainland again in the future and see my family!"

Speaking of which, Liu Cong spoke from the bottom of his heart.

Today, when he saw dozens of Qinglong fighter jets traveling thousands of miles to save him, he was very moved.

At that moment, he deeply felt the power of the motherland.

In order to save himself, Rabbit spared no effort to dispatch many fighter planes to escort Liu Cong.

These made him feel that all his efforts along the way were worth it.

"Okay, everything is over."

"The top priority is, let's take off now. We are not out of danger yet. It won't be too late to talk about this after we are out of danger!"

Commander Ma glanced at Liu Cong, and then shouted to the soldiers in front: "We can take off now, let's return!"

Just like that, Rabbit's plane took off in full view of everyone.

And none of the people below had the intention to stop it at this time.

Because they know that this situation can no longer be stopped.

Unless they want to be bombed by dozens of Qinglong fighters.

Academician Wilson, who was sitting on the passenger plane, was so angry that his eyes turned red when he saw Liu Cong being picked up.


"Why does this kid have such good luck every time!"

Wilson was so angry that he patted the window next to him.

In his anger, he forgot that his right hand was injured.

This shot directly caused secondary damage.


"I'm not done with you!"

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