When the plane flew over the dividing line between cow countries, Liu Cong's hanging heart was completely relieved.

At this time, the person sitting next to him was Commander Ma Zhaoyang.

When he saw Liu Cong smiling while looking at the scenery outside the window, he was also happy from the bottom of his heart.

"Academician Liu, I was really in a hurry just now. I haven't introduced myself yet."

"My name is Ma Zhaoyang, and I am the commander of the East China Military Region."

"It's a real honor to meet Academician Liu this time. I have admired you for a long time!"

When Liu Cong heard that Commander Ma Zhaoyang was the commander, he was not in the mood to look at the scenery.

Liu Cong originally thought that the middle-aged man in front of him was at most a military commander-level cadre.

But when Liu Cong heard the word commander, he couldn't help but be surprised.

"Commander Ma, I'm really sorry. I didn't know your identity just now."

"If I offend you, Commander Ma, please don't take offense!"

Liu Cong clasped his fists at Commander Ma Zhaoyang sincerely.

Not to mention how funny this scene is.

Commander Ma couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene.

"Academician Liu, you really don't need to be so reserved!"

"To be honest, we are really destined."

When Liu Cong heard what Commander Ma Zhaoyang said, he couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Oh? What do you mean?"

Commander Ma Zhaoyang said: "The last time you were assassinated, it was me..."

Ma Zhaoyang briefly told Liu Cong the ins and outs of this matter from beginning to end.

Liu Cong knew the situation of this matter, but he did not know that Commander Ma Zhaoyang was present in the last battle.

"According to this, you and I are really destined!"

"According to what you said, Liu Cong still owes you two favors!"

Seeing Liu Cong say this, Commander Ma Zhaoyang waved his hands repeatedly.


"Don't ever say that!"

"The military is there to protect the people's safety."

"Besides, you have made such a great contribution to the country, and the country will definitely not tolerate you being bullied like this."


While the two were talking, the plane had arrived in Chinese territory.

This is Liu Cong’s hometown and Liu Cong’s mother.

When Liu Cong looked down from below and saw acres of green farmland, he was particularly excited.

"Liu Yuan, we will be home in an hour!"

"At this time, we can still make it in time for dinner when we get back." Commander Ma Zhaoyang said.

"Yeah, I can still go back and catch dinner."


An hour later,

The plane landed smoothly at the airport in the military area.

Liu Cong got off the plane under the attention of everyone.

When Lieutenant General Li Hu saw Liu Cong, he could no longer bear the grievance in his heart.

"Liu Yuan, do you know how worried I am about you?"

"It's not that I didn't save you at that time, but I had no way to save you at all. Their army blocked us out, and I really had no choice."

"Fortunately you're okay, fortunately you're okay!"

Lieutenant General Li Hu shed tears as he spoke.

Seeing this, Liu Cong quickly stepped forward to wipe Lieutenant General Li Hu's tears.

This ambiguous scene instantly relaxed the atmosphere at the scene.

Many people originally had sad faces, but now they all have gossipy smiles.

"Lieutenant General Li, you are a lieutenant general, why are you crying!"

After hearing this, the people around him laughed.

Especially Commander Ma Zhaoyang.

"Academician Liu is right, you are a lieutenant general, why are you acting like a bitch!"

"It's up to you whether a man bleeds or sheds tears."

"Tsk tsk tsk~"

Amid Commander Ma's teasing, everyone seemed to have forgotten what they had just experienced.

Lieutenant General Li Hu also felt very embarrassed when faced with the ridicule.


Later, Liu Cong returned home under the escort of Lieutenant General Li Hu.

Of course, Liu Cong would not mention what happened in the Milk Country to the outside world, let alone his family.

Just pretend that nothing happened and let it pass.

The whole family was very happy when they saw Liu Cong coming back.

Liu Jianguo even started asking Liu Cong to show him the medal as soon as he came up.

"Boy, where's your medal?"

"Hurry and show it to grandpa."

Liu Jianguo rubbed his hands and couldn't wait anymore.

Liu Cong looked at his grandfather who was as curious as a child and immediately took out two pure gold medals from his bag.

When Liu Jianguo got the medal, he was even more excited.

"As expected of the Benoir Awards, they are all made of pure gold!"

With that said, Liu Jianguo put two medals around his neck, and then took out his mobile phone.

"Xiulan, take a picture of me quickly. I want to show it off when I get back to work."

When Li Xiulan saw Liu Jianguo's happy expression, she couldn't displease him, so she had to take photos of him honestly.

The whole family was immersed in joy after seeing Liu Cong come back with the award.

Even Liu Yang, who usually doesn't like exaggeration, took the initiative to pick up the medal and let Zhang Guimei take pictures of him.

This shows how satisfied everyone is with Liu Cong winning the medal.

Knowing that Liu Cong had not eaten, the family decided to give Liu Cong a break.

In the evening, I went to the seafood market and bought abalone, lobster, and oysters.

Just as everyone was returning home from shopping for groceries, Chen Qiong also came over after hearing the news.

The first time Liu Cong saw Chen Qiong, he gave Chen Qiong a hug.

"Nice to have you!"

Chen Qiong was immediately confused by Liu Cong's words.

"What's wrong with you? Who did you learn to say such stupid things from? I've never seen you say that before."

"Tell me! Are you having sex with another girl outside?"

When Liu Cong heard what Chen Qiong said, he was instantly petrified.

Sure enough, girls’ brain circuits are different from men’s.

"Look at you, I finally said such sensational words, but why did they taste so bad in your mouth?"

"I don't care, you are not allowed to get along with other women."

"Don't think that you can do whatever you want now that you are successful. I have my amulet!"

With that said, Chen Qiong ran to Zhang Guimei like a child and complained.

Seeing this scene, Liu Cong sighed for a while.

If the motherland hadn't spared no effort to rescue today, I might never have seen this scene.

"What are you still doing? Go to the kitchen and help your grandma!"

"We're having a seafood dinner tonight."

Zhang Guimei greeted Liu Cong, not giving him any face for winning the award, and asked him to take a rest.

However, this made Liu Cong feel real.

"Hey, good!"

"I'll go right now!"

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