Later, Liu Cong spent nearly an hour walking around the 10,000-acre open space.

At this moment, Liu Cong already had a preliminary plan in his mind.

He plans to make a detailed plan for this land after he returns today.

Then hand it over to the relevant departments and let them start construction as soon as possible.

Because of such a large scale, it cannot be completed in a few months.

It will take a year or two or more.

Of course, researching meteorological weapons is considered a long-term plan in Liu Cong's plan.

Once this weapon is successfully developed, it will not only bring harm to the enemy.

You can even use meteorological weapons to make artificial rainfall and snowfall.

From a civilian perspective, it also brings a lot of benefits.


After returning home,

Liu Cong based on the floor plan provided by Commander Ma and what he saw today.

So, relying on his own judgment, he began to draw the park on the computer.

He wanted to maximize the use of such a large open space.

Even if weather weapons are successfully developed in the future, this land can be used as an industrial park and high technology can be developed.

According to Liu Cong's future plans, Liu Cong here most likely wants to build him into a semiconductor paradise.

Even though China is gradually catching up with foreign countries in the semiconductor industry.

However, compared to other countries.

In the semiconductor industry, China seems to be pulling back the growth.

There is prosperity in the sky, but in fact it is all empty inside.

This is why Liu Cong has repeatedly emphasized the establishment of a semiconductor major in school and a semiconductor research laboratory.

His goal is to make China's semiconductors lead the world in a few years.

However, for now, let’s get the design drawings out first.

It's not that people over there can't do it, but Commander Ma offered to do it for someone else, but Liu Cong refused.

This kind of thing can only be reassured by Liu Cong himself.

In this way, from dinner in the evening, Liu Cong sat at the computer desk until four o'clock in the morning.

In this way, Liu Cong didn't even get a third of his drawings.

Looking at the approaching dawn outside, Liu Cong lay down on the bed and rested.


Liu Cong got up after not sleeping for a while.

The reason is that I have my own class early this morning, and I have to get to school before eight o'clock and then give lectures to the students.

Eight ten in the morning,

Liu Cong stood in the large classroom, looking at the classroom full of people, without any disturbance in his heart.

Even some teachers in the school wanted to listen to Liu Cong's class.

Came here early in the morning to occupy a spot.

Apart from Shu Lao, probably only Liu Cong has received such treatment.

Looking at the darkness underneath, Liu Cong was also very pleased.

After all, what teacher doesn’t want to see students love learning?

"Okay, everyone, be quiet!"

"We will start the lecture next."

Liu Cong took out a piece of chalk from the chalk box.

Then, like my elementary school math teacher, I cut off the chalk tip into a small section with one hand.

In Liu Cong's own opinion, this move was very handsome.

But the students in the audience were very puzzled.

They are used to using PPT, and it is rare to see students completely using blackboards in class.

At this time, Liu Cong also felt the strange looks from everyone.

So he coughed lightly to relieve his embarrassment.

"Well, today I want everyone to experience the traditional way of class again."

"My class is not difficult either. I write on the blackboard to make it easier for you to take notes and memorize it."

On the surface, Liu Cong said so high-sounding, but in fact, he was too late to draw the picture last night and did not do the PPT at all.

It wasn't until he arrived at school that he noticed that he hadn't done the PPT, so he had no choice but to do it.

Fortunately, when Liu Cong explained the reasons, many people were very moved.

They also thought that Liu Cong was afraid that they would not understand, so he deliberately wrote on the blackboard.


"Today we will continue to talk about the knowledge that was left unfinished in the last class."

"I believe everyone knows about the quasi-Fermi level."

"What it means is that if there are excess carriers in the semiconductor, the semiconductor will not be in a state of thermal equilibrium, and the Fermi level will change."



While Liu Cong was writing formulas on the blackboard, he kept deducing them for the students in the audience.

"You must consolidate this knowledge when you go back. They are some basic formulas and concepts."

"If you want to achieve higher achievements in the future, you must remember these for me!"

With an old-fashioned tone, he kept repeating the knowledge points and constantly warned his students how important these knowledge points were.

The students and teachers all listened very seriously, which made Liu Cong very pleased.

As long as there is no problem with their learning attitude, students will be able to master these knowledge points sooner or later.

By then, the plan to strengthen the country will be just around the corner.


At noon, class is over.

Liu Cong was escorted out of the school by school security.

With the previous experiences, Liu Cong was completely proficient this time, and he no longer dared to eat in the school cafeteria.

twelve o'clock,

Liu Cong and Lieutenant General Li Hu came to a snack bar near Beiping University of Technology.

After lunch, Liu Cong planned to visit the space launch base in the afternoon.

It's been a while since the last case.

This matter is also being investigated by the higher authorities.

Although the source of the information leak has been identified, it will still take a while to catch them all.

Now, the launch of Starlink satellites has reached a critical moment.

These Starlink satellites will play a very important role in a few months.

Therefore, Liu Cong would come and take a look whenever he had time.

Make sure all processes are error-free.

After the last incident, the security measures at the space launch base have become stricter than before.

After the last incident, all internal scientific researchers had their identities checked.

After checking again and again, it turned out that those two people were not of Chinese nationality, and the others were all locals.

This also made Academician Zhang's hanging heart relax a little.

After parking the helicopter, Liu Cong walked along the square to the new office building of the space launch base.

Soon, Liu Cong found Academician Zhang who was doing research.

After seeing Liu Cong coming, Academician Zhang immediately put down what he was doing.

"Academician Liu, you are here!"

"You came just in time, I have good news to report to you!"

PS: Thanks to Dabuxiong for sending Xiuer, thanks to Aibaicai 666 for sending flowers, thanks Mu Xishu for sending a love letter, thanks wrent for sending razor blades, flowers, and several power generation with love, thank you all for sending the balance. flower. I’m writing a small book, so I’m really grateful for everyone’s support!

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