Academician Zhang's expression changed from the previous decadence.

I saw that he was in high spirits now, with a smile on his face from time to time.

"Academician Zhang, the good news you are referring to is related to the Starlink satellite, right?" Liu Cong asked.


"At present, we have 16,000 satellites and 12,000 have been launched."

"There are still 4,000 satellites that we have that will all be launched."

Liu Cong hasn't been here for a while, and he didn't expect the progress to be so fast.

It may be that the last leak of data made Academician Zhang feel a sense of crisis, so he is now launching satellites day and night.

When Liu Cong came over just now, he saw a rocket carrying a satellite taking off.

"Academician Zhang, actually we can slow down the progress."

"Everyone's health is important. It won't work if you don't get enough rest. I know you are still upset about what happened last time, but it won't work if everyone is working at a high intensity all the time." Liu Cong comforted.

However, Academician Zhang does not think so.

As an aerospace worker, he regards these data as more important than his own life.

He would definitely feel bad if the information was lost.

The only thing he could make up for now was.

Make progress as soon as possible. After all the satellites are sent up, they can all be operational, and he will feel better.

"Academician Liu, the sooner this matter is completed, the better."

"I also vaguely know the plan behind launching Starlink satellites."

"As long as our outer space is properly arranged, we can detect the person beyond the ocean at any time."

Academician Zhang looked at Liu Cong seriously and expressed his attitude at the same time.

"Academician Liu, these 4,000 satellites will guarantee coverage of Blue Star within a month."

"Right now, these 12,000 satellites have not fully covered except the poles and Africa. We can observe all other areas clearly."

Academician Zhang constantly reported to Liu Cong the coverage status of Starlink satellites.

Liu Cong nodded repeatedly after hearing this.

"Academician Zhang, I have really worked hard on you during this time."

"I will report to the superiors later and let them reward you well."

"The treatment of our scientific researchers cannot be bad!" Liu Cong said.

"No need, I made such a big mistake and I deserve it."

"If you hadn't tried every means to stop me, Academician Liu, I would have wanted to resign from this position."

It can be seen that Academician Zhang is still brooding about the incident last time.

Seeing this, Liu Cong stopped mentioning the reward and directly changed the subject.

"By the way, Academician Zhang!"

"I haven't visited the new office building yet. Please show me around!"

Liu Cong's words made Academician Zhang's expression, which was originally full of sadness, soften a bit.

"Okay, Academician Liu, come with me!"


America, guofangbu.

"Admiral Smith, our last plan failed."

"That young man from China named Liu Cong seems to be very important to them!"

"How should we implement our follow-up plan?" the middle-aged man on the side asked with a sad look on his face.

Admiral Smith didn't speak, but his face didn't look very good at this time.

He seemed to be thinking about something.

About another minute passed before Admiral Smith finally spoke.

"Don't worry about that young man now. Since he can't be used by us, let's let him be destroyed!"

"As long as there is nothing going on at the base, there can't be any mistakes there."

"Our plan is approaching and we must not let them survive."

"Since you are going against us, you will either perish together or you will perish!"

When Lieutenant General Smith said this, he patted the table excitedly.

"By the way, Lieutenant General Bob, have I figured out all the military bases in China?" General Smith asked.

"Go back to General, the spies over there have given us all the base maps."

"I promise to paralyze all their lethal weapons by then."

"Even if they have a small amount of lethal weapons, we don't need to be afraid."

Lieutenant General Bob's face was full of joy, and he seemed to have a winning chance.

"So what is the current situation of the Starlink satellite developed by China?"

"Is there any progress?" General Smith asked again.

Lieutenant General Bob was speechless because he did not know the specific situation.

However, he still explained everything he knew to General Smith.

"That's right, according to our country's satellite observations."

"There are thousands of space satellites launched by China recently, but I don't think they can pose any threat to us."

"Our country now has the latest generation of weapons, the latest generation of fighter jets."

“And we have the One in heaven backing us up.”

"If there really is a fight then, China will definitely not be able to resist it,"

"As long as China is removed, our next target is the woolly bear."

"At that time, Blue Star will be our world!"

Speaking of this, Lieutenant General Bob was immersed in his fantasy.

However, General Smith's next words directly brought Lieutenant General Bob back from his fantasy to reality.

"Have you ever thought about what China would do if it survived?"

When General Smith asked, Lieutenant General Bob was stunned for a moment, and then said: "This is impossible. Our plan was implemented more than ten years ago."

"We will never lose."

Seeing Lieutenant General Bob's affirmation, Lieutenant General Smith lit a cigarette and also lit it for Lieutenant General Bob.

“I wish I was overthinking it!!”


The next day.

Liu Cong came to the Chinese Academy of Sciences early in the morning.

Because today he had to hold a meeting with all the executives of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, including Mr. Shu, who had arrived early.

The huge conference room was full of people.

All these twenty or thirty people are academicians.

One can imagine how important this meeting is to everyone.

"Today's meeting will be chaired by Academician Liu. Everyone is welcome!" Mr. Shu said.

The next second, everyone in the audience stood up and applauded Liu Cong.

Although everyone is familiar with each other, some superficial etiquette still needs to be taken into consideration.

“Thank you all for taking time out of your busy schedule to listen to my meeting.”

"The paper placed in front of you is the main content of this meeting. I believe you already know it in advance."

After hearing what Liu Cong said, many people picked up the white-covered paper and read it.

The whole place was extremely quiet at this time, with only the sound of papers being turned back and forth.

After everyone read it for a while, they were instantly attracted by the content in the paper.

"This is a plan for controllable nuclear fusion for military and civilian use!!!" an academician at the venue exclaimed.

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