Before this, everyone knew that it was about projects related to controllable nuclear fusion.

However, they did not expect that Liu Cong would suddenly reveal such a plan that shocked them.

"Academician Liu, why haven't I heard such breaking news from you before?"

"My little heart really can't stand the fact that you took him out of the conference room right now!"

Academician Sun looked at the contents of Liu Cong's plan and was shocked for a moment.

Previously, Liu Cong's use of controllable nuclear fusion for power generation was enough to shock everyone.

Liu Cong even directly won the Benol Prize for this technology.

Not long ago, Liu Cong wanted to apply controllable nuclear fusion to practice.

For them, this is not just a technical issue.

This is because I have no previous R\u0026D experience at all.

If controllable nuclear fusion can be used in military or daily life, then mankind can completely get rid of the energy crisis.

The conference room was very lively at this time, everyone was discussing this matter.

On the other hand, Shu Lao was very calm.

Because he knew about this in advance.

When Liu Cong told him, Shu Lao was also very surprised like everyone sitting here.

However, when I heard Liu Cong mention this matter again, I was no longer surprised.

Liu Cong looked around at the expressions on everyone's faces in the conference room and could understand everyone's reactions very well.

Most of these academicians are in their fifties or sixties, and they have been involved in the scientific community for decades.

They can understand how significant controllable nuclear fusion is to mankind.

"Don't be surprised, everyone. I am holding this meeting to let everyone know my plan."

"It will facilitate the smooth progress of subsequent research."

"Actually, when controllable nuclear fusion was applied to power generation, I thought about applying it to military and daily life."

"Why I didn't say anything is because my original plan wasn't that perfect yet."

"I want to finish this series of things before I tell you about it."

"Anyone who knows me knows that I don't fight a battle I'm not prepared for."

"So, what I'm going to show you next are all things I've practiced repeatedly using formulas and 3D diagrams."

With that said, Liu Cong opened the PPT prepared in advance.

"Everyone who has done this must have learned about controllable nuclear fusion before, and many of you have even gone to the field to investigate."

"The controllable nuclear fusion we are talking about today is smaller than the one that generates electricity."

“The technology required is also at a higher level.”

"In other words, we were completely blank in this field before and had no understanding of it at all."

"However, the knowledge used is almost the same as before."


The more Liu Cong talks, the more excited he becomes; the more he talks, the more excited he becomes.

"I know that maybe this technology is difficult for everyone to achieve right now."

"It's also a big problem for me."

"But once we break through the technical barriers, then China can lead the world and enter the first-level civilization."

"At that time, we can go to space to mine energy."

"Even flying out of the solar system in the future is not a dream!"

Having said this, many people in the conference room were breathing rapidly.

Among them are aerospace experts, and they understand what Liu Cong means.

Since ancient times, people's exploration of space has never stopped.

From the ancient story of the Heavenly Palace, Chang'e flies to the moon.

Then someone tied a rocket made of gunpowder and planned to go up to the sky to see what happened, but in the end it fell to pieces.

Until now, people have used the power of science and technology to carry out manned space flights, and then to manned flights to the moon.

Countless people are striving to explore more space secrets.

Among them, what each country needs to overcome most is the problem of aerospace engines and energy.

Once it is overcome, human civilization will surely take a big step forward! ! !

"Liu Yuan, when do you plan to start the project you mentioned?" Academician Sun asked.

"Good question. This is the main purpose of calling you to the meeting today."

"I plan to start construction during this period, preferably within these few days."

"Because we still need to do a lot of preparation work, including the experimental site."

"But as the experimental site, we can choose the place where we previously developed controllable nuclear fusion power generation equipment."

“Now that the venue problem is solved, we need people!”

"Our country is currently very short of such talents. We must pay high prices to recruit these talents and at the same time cultivate them."

“This way we can have a steady stream of talent input.”

Everyone agreed very much with what Liu Cong said.

"So what are Academician Liu's plans now?" someone asked in the conference room.

On this point, Liu Cong is relatively able to speak.

"It's like this. Nowadays, as long as they are willing to come here for nuclear talents, whether they are undergraduates, graduate students or PhDs, we will hire them at a high price."

"As for the follow-up talent training, I am already working on this with Mr. Shu."

After listening to Liu Cong's story, many people's faces were full of questions.

Therefore, Liu Cong personally explained the ins and outs of the matter to everyone present.

When everyone heard that Liu Cong and Shu Lao were willing to teach in universities, they were all shocked.

As academicians, they have never thought of going to university to teach.

Because they think that it is good enough for their dignified academicians with high-level scientific research to guide doctoral students and graduate students.

If they were allowed to teach in universities.

One is that there is no time, and the other is that it feels too dimensionally reducing.

For example, if a PhD student graduates, is he willing to teach elementary school kindergarten?

It's the same thing when it comes back.

However, after listening to Liu Cong's story just now.

Their original concepts changed instantly.

The reason why many students today are not good at scientific research.

One is that people nowadays are too utilitarian and cannot calm down and do research.

The second is that many teachers in colleges and universities now have only empty reputations and no real ability. How can they teach students well in this way?

This is the crux of the matter.

"Academician Liu, I very much agree with the concept you just expressed!"

"Education is the same as scientific research. No matter how well it is built, if the foundation is not firmly laid, it will collapse sooner or later."

"This is why we lag behind foreign countries in many places!"

"So, I very much agree with what Academician Liu said. We should focus on education on the basis of scientific research." Academician Ma said.

After listening to Academician Ma's speech, everyone agreed.

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