Time moved forward a few days.

Through Liu Cong's influence, talent recruitment these days has gone more smoothly than Liu Cong imagined.

Most of these nuclear talents come from universities such as the Seven National Defense Colleges.

Moreover, the minimum academic qualifications are graduate students.

This is much better than Liu Cong imagined.

On this day, Liu Cong came to inspect the research institute that previously developed controllable nuclear fusion power plants.

The previous research equipment is still here, but now the research institute and workshops are all empty.

This is because many of these talents have been sent to the northwest or across the country.

They will all participate in the subsequent construction and research and development of controllable nuclear fusion power stations.

In other words, Liu Cong provided these talents to the motherland in disguise.

At first, Liu Cong taught a few people knowledge.

After these people completed their studies, they began to lead others to learn knowledge.

As time goes by, there are more and more talents in this field.

Talent is the foundation of a country's development.

With these talents, the country will become stronger in the process of continuous development.


ten o'clock in the morning,

Liu Cong took several academicians and several doctors to the workshop where controllable nuclear fusion was developed.

The first controllable nuclear fusion generator is still placed there in the workshop.

"Academician Liu, you can imagine how much effort Academician Li and the others spent at that time." Academician Ma on the side couldn't help but sigh.

Those who were here for the first time behind them all showed expressions of wonder.

"Academician Liu, this is the first time I have seen the true appearance of controllable nuclear fusion."

"This tokamak is the largest device I have ever seen."

"Yes, this is my first time seeing such a big device!"

It was the first time for everyone to see such a device and they all actively expressed their opinions.

Liu Cong also knew that everyone was very curious about this device.

So he took down the surrounding cordon and let everyone observe it up close.

After observing for a while, Liu Cong took everyone to visit other places in the institute.

Let everyone get acquainted with the institute initially to facilitate future research.

At noon, Liu Cong followed Academician Sun, Academician Ma and others and drove out of the institute in a car.

Then he returned to the Chinese Academy of Sciences for a brief meeting.

In the afternoon, Liu Cong returned to his community.

As soon as he got home, Liu Cong turned on the computer and continued working.

After working around the clock during this period, two-thirds of the research base drawings for meteorological weapons have been completed.

It doesn't take long for Liu Cong to complete the previous drawing task.

At that time, all you need to do is submit the drawings and construction can officially begin.

Liu Cong was immersed in the world of drawing homework until three or four in the morning.

Liu Cong smiled when he saw the completed project drawings and electrical drawings on the screen.

"Hey, it's finally done!"

"This thing is really difficult to do."

Liu Cong held on to his eyelids and slowly closed the computer.

He walked to the bed and fell asleep.


Early in the morning, after Liu Cong woke up, he hurriedly sent the drawings he made last night to the relevant departments by email.

Just when Liu Cong was about to go out, a phone call came.

Liu Cong picked up his phone and found it was an unfamiliar number.

After hesitating for a while, Liu Cong answered the phone.

"Hello, are you Academician Liu?"

Liu Cong had just received the call when a sweet young lady's voice came from inside.

"Ah! I am." Liu Cong said.

"That's right."

"That's right, we are from the embassy."

"In view of what happened to Academician Liu in the Cow Country some time ago, the representative from the Cow Country plans to apologize to Academician Liu in person. I wonder if Academician Liu has time to meet with the representative there?"

After Liu Cong heard what the young lady said, he was stunned in front of the phone for a few seconds.

Then he said slowly: "Are you from the embassy of the dairy country?"

"Let him let that matter go. There is no need to meet again."

"If anything happens, you should contact our people here. I won't come."

Liu Cong's attitude was very firm.

It is better to do less than to do more. Besides, he is usually so busy, so there is still no need to think about it.

"Academician Liu, do you want to stop thinking about it?" the young lady said again.

"No, there's nothing to think about."

"If you have any issues, just contact our relevant departments directly. I believe they will solve it better than me."

Afterwards, Liu Cong didn't waste any time and hung up the phone directly.

Looking at the unfamiliar number on his phone, Liu Cong shook his head helplessly.

"I don't know what their plan is this time. Is it because they are being submissive?"

Liu Cong didn't think too much. He packed up his clothes and got ready to go to school.


The next afternoon,

Liu Cong just came out of school after class.

As soon as I got in the car, an unknown phone number called me again.

Liu Cong looked at the phone number starting with 01 and frowned.

"There are so many harassing calls these days!"

Lieutenant General Li Hu on the side heard Liu Cong complaining and glanced at the screen of Liu Cong's mobile phone.

"Hey! Don't hang up. This is not a harassing call."

"This is the special encrypted phone number of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology." Lieutenant General Li Hu said.

Seeing that the time for the phone to ring was approaching, Liu Cong quickly answered the phone.

"Hello, Academician Liu, I am Zhao Long from the Information Security Department, Director Zhao." Zhao Long came up and announced his identity.

"We are now encountering a very difficult problem. Academician Liu, do you have time now?" Zhao Long asked.

Liu Cong is certainly able to contribute when the country needs help.

"Hello, I have time now. Where can I find you now?" Liu Cong asked.

"In this way, I will add your contact information in my personal capacity later. Then you can send your location and we will send someone directly to pick you up!"

"Okay, you can add me later and I'll give you the address."

Soon, the two added their contact information.

Liu Cong sent his location via his mobile phone.

Thirty minutes later, a Hongqi H9 parked directly in front of the snack bar.

Then, three neatly dressed middle-aged people walked in directly from the outside.

As soon as they entered the store, they directly found Liu Cong and Lieutenant General Li Hu sitting in the corner eating.

"Hello, Academician Liu, this is Zhao Long who just spoke to you on the phone."

Liu Cong raised his head and looked at the three middle-aged men in front of him.

"Have you eaten? Why don't you sit down and eat some?"

Zhao Long and the other two people in front of them did not expect Liu Cong to greet them in this way.

"Okay, it just so happens that we haven't eaten either."

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