In order to upgrade to a bachelor's degree: Master the photolithography machine technology at t

Chapter 431 Knowing clearly that there are tigers in the mountains, but traveling to the tiger mount

Liu Cong really didn't know much about decryption.

Although he knew about related issues in this area, he had never tried it.

However, decryption should not be difficult for Liu Cong.

When he was working on black people's systems and computers, Liu Cong often used these encryption methods.

Although there will be some discrepancies, it shouldn't be too difficult for him to learn.

"Director Zhao, don't worry now. Can you show me the encrypted message you deciphered before?" Liu Cong asked.

"Academician Liu, it's all in this computer."

Academician Fei pointed to the computer next to him, then stepped forward and quickly opened it.

"The cases we have cracked before and those we have not cracked are all here, but I encrypted the files."

"Academician Liu, please wait a moment. You'll be ready soon."

Academician Fei said while typing his fingers quickly on the computer, faster than a keyboard warrior.

After a while, the encrypted file was opened.

"Academician Liu, it's ready."

Academician Fei made a gesture of invitation.

Liu Cong was not polite and bypassed Academician Fei and sat down among the computers.

After clicking on the file, there are encrypted files inside, most of them thousands.

From here we can see how much the Ministry of Information Security has quietly contributed to the country’s information security.

It can be seen from these encrypted files that most of them are from the United States, and a small number belong to Japan.

However, there is still a gap between Japan's encryption technology and China's, so many times the Information Security Department directly breaks it for him.

Liu Cong slid the computer files up and down and scanned them.

Then I clicked on the recently broken encryption information.

This is a string of encrypted numbers:

(12) (07) (16)

(123), (34)

Facing the first three, Liu Cong also knew that they should represent dates.

But Liu Cong behind him was a little confused for a while.

"Academician Fei, the front of this represents a special date, what's behind this?"

"Behind this is the area." Academician Fei explained to Liu Cong immediately.

Liu Cong suddenly realized, "That makes sense."

"If I'm not wrong about the encrypted information intercepted by you, it's Shanglu, right?"

Academician Fei nodded, "Yes, it's in Shanglu."

"We only deciphered this encrypted information later. By the time we deciphered it, all of them had disappeared."


Academician Fei couldn't help but swear. It could be seen that he was really angry.

Academician Fan on the side wiped the sweat from his head and said, "Over the years, we have been fighting against the old rice."

"We have never been so helpless as this time, and we can't even find any clues."

Zhao Long kept sighing on the side.

He couldn't speak at all about professional knowledge.

"Then what happened to the encrypted information that you said can't be deciphered this time?" Liu Cong asked.

Facing Liu Cong's question, Academician Fei immediately opened another file.

Liu Cong was shocked when he saw the encrypted numbers inside. If it had been placed elsewhere, he would have suspected that a child of several years old had entered it randomly.

Because there is no trace at all.

"Academician Fei, are you sure this was not entered randomly?"

To be on the safe side, Liu Cong confirmed with Academician Fei again.

Academician Fei stared at the computer for a while and nodded slowly.

"I'm sure this is the encrypted intelligence we intercepted this time."

"Everyone in our Information Security Department, from top to bottom, has to spend sixteen or seventeen hours a day in the Information Security Department to decipher this encrypted intelligence."

"However, no matter how hard we try, we still can't find anything fishy."

"Later, we handed these pieces of encrypted information to guofangbu, and they still failed to decipher it for two days." Academician Fei carefully explained to Liu Cong.

"You mean it's been almost a week since this encrypted document was discovered?"

Liu Cong's expression became nervous along with everyone else. For him, this matter was not a trivial matter.

Because it is related to the country's information security and the safety of every civilian in China.

He guessed that the reason why there have been so many visits there in the past six months may still be related to their inhumane plan.

Therefore, in Liu Cong's opinion, this matter should not be taken carelessly.

"Yes, there are dozens of such encrypted files these days, all using new encryption methods. We really have no choice!"

When Academician Fei said this, his head was pounding.

Liu Cong looked at the string of encrypted numbers on the computer screen and fell into deep thought. He really couldn't find any pattern in the combination of these numbers and English letters.

"In this case, don't worry first. Find me a relatively quiet environment and I will study it carefully."

At this point, Liu Cong had no choice but to bite the bullet.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements for you right now, wait a minute!" Zhao Long said at the side.

Seeing this, Liu Cong really didn't have any confidence in his heart, so he could only bite the bullet.

About twenty minutes later, Zhao Long walked back to the office.

"Academician Liu, the room has been arranged. Let's move on."

Liu Cong nodded to Zhao Long, "Okay!"

Soon after, Liu Cong and Lieutenant General Li Hu followed Zhao Long to an office measuring thirty to forty square meters.

This office only has a computer and desk, and nothing else. It seems to be specially prepared for Liu Cong.

"Academician Liu, you think this is okay. If you need anything else, I will make arrangements for you." Zhao Long said.

"No, that's fine."

"Next, I need to be quiet, and I want to trouble others not to come in."

"Are you all ready with the information?"

Liu Cong pointed to the computer on the desk.

"Everything is ready for Academician Liu."

"That's good!"

With that said, Liu Cong walked to the computer.

The computer is on and the files have been prepared in advance.

"Academician Liu, if nothing happens, I will go out. If anything happens, call me anytime."

Zhao Long took the initiative to close the door for Liu Cong. Upon seeing this, Lieutenant General Li Hu also planned to go out, but was stopped by Liu Cong.

"Lieutenant General Li, I may stay here today. If you have other matters, you can go back to the army. You don't need to be by my side at any time."

"That won't work. I will be wherever you are, Liu Yuan. This is a task assigned to me by my superiors."

"If I go back, I'll be dead."

Lieutenant General Li Hu looked at Liu Cong with a pitiful expression. He still looked like a lieutenant general.

However, Lieutenant General Li Hu now regards Liu Cong as a friend, so he doesn't care so much.

"Well, you ask Director Zhao to arrange a place for you to rest. I don't think I can finish it today."


"This feeling is good!"

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Lieutenant General Li Hu took the initiative to close the door and went to look for Zhao Long.

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