At this time, Liu Cong was the only one left in the room.

Like before, Liu Cong opened the previously decrypted file and wanted to find some patterns in it.

After one operation, nothing was found in the past two hours.

Liu Cong looked up at the scenery outside the window.

At this time, the sky has been dyed red by the sunset.

Just when Liu Cong was about to continue using the computer, Lieutenant General Li Hu poked his head in.

"Liu Yuan, it's dinner time, do you want to go down and have something to eat?"

"If you don't want to go down, I can take it to you."

Liu Cong looked at the computer and then outside, still planning to go out and relax.

"Wait for me, I'll go."

Soon after, Liu Cong picked up his mobile phone and went out.

Seeing the sunset outside, Liu Cong turned on his mobile phone and recorded this beautiful scene with his camera.

Later, Liu Cong posted on WeChat Moments and added a poem about watching the sky at dawn and watching the clouds at dusk, which was only visible to Chen Qiong.

After Chen Qiong saw it, she also liked and commented on Liu Cong.

At this moment, time belongs to both of them.

"Liu Yuan, who are you chatting with and laughing so happily? It can't be my sister-in-law!"

Seeing that Lieutenant General Li Hu was gossiping, Liu Cong turned his head away and continued chatting with Chen Qiong.

After dinner, Liu Cong went back to the office, started the computer, and prepared to continue working.

This time, Liu Cong didn't plan to look for patterns in the previous documents, because he couldn't find any patterns at all.

He directly clicked on the new encrypted information and continued to study it.


United States, Information Security Department.

"Yamosi, is there any new progress in China?"

A middle-aged man with yellow hair in his fifties, with his legs crossed and a cup of coffee in his hand, looked at the young man next to him with a very relaxed expression.

"Reporting to Academician Loki, China has not cracked any of our new encrypted information. It seems that they have no solution now."

The young man named Yamos looked happy and reported the basic situation to Academician Loki.

Academician Loki couldn't help but tilt his mouth when he heard what Yamos said, and then quickly disappeared, as if nothing happened.

"Well, I understand. We need to monitor the current situation over there at all times. Our plan has reached the most critical moment."

"If anything goes wrong at this time, we cannot afford it."

"As of now, China cannot crack this new type of encryption within a few months."

"By then, even if they can crack it, it will be too late!"

With that said, Academician Loki picked up the coffee in his hand and drank it, then yawned.

"In this way, we need to increase our efforts and strive to map them to all parts of the country to find out their details."

"Know yourself and your enemy, and you can fight a hundred battles without danger."

"This is a mantra that Chinese people have been saying for thousands of years. Now that I think about it, it really makes sense."


late at night,

Liu Cong stared at the computer screen without any thought of stopping.

"What are these?"

"It's not Morse code, it's not fence encryption, it's not three-pointers, what on earth is this?"

"It's not a combination of them either."

"What is this 9*9 matrix? Why does it look so messy!"

Liu Cong talked to himself and sighed deeply at the computer.

Liu Cong thought about every possibility in his mind and used various mathematical algorithms to calculate these encrypted files, but there was still no clue.

Liu Cong stared at more than 400 disordered letters and numbers, lost in thought.

There are no rules.

Liu Cong tried to use software to input garbled codes, but what he got was still a string of garbled codes.

There is only one explanation for this situation.

You mean that the other party's encryption method has been improved, or it is a new encryption method.

Liu Cong also had to admire what kind of person he was who could invent such an encryption method.

The person behind this is definitely a mathematician, and even has high attainments in other aspects.

This technology involves more than just math, and even some physics.

Liu Cong tried to organize these garbled codes and convert them into functions.

The result is, None.

So Liu Cong tried octal and hexadecimal systems again.

The answer is still, nothing.

Liu Cong was about to collapse and was struggling in his heart.

Liu Cong had been exhausted physically and mentally from long hours of high-intensity work, but now that he was doing this, everything was in chaos.

Liu Cong left the computer, walked around the office a few times, and then returned to the computer.

"Since all the above are fruitless, let's clear our brains and look for other ways out."

"If someone can figure it out, I can crack it for them."

What Liu Cong can be sure of is that he can definitely break this, but it will take a little time.

Liu Cong was lying on his office chair, staring at the computer screen motionlessly, with various encryption functions in his mind.

"This doesn't work, and that doesn't work either. How can I do it?"

"It shouldn't, it shouldn't, there must be traces to follow!"

"Come on, Sao Nian, don't sleep!"

For some reason, Liu Cong suddenly started typing on the keyboard again, as if he had been given a shot of blood.

When it was almost dawn, Liu Cong couldn't hold it any longer, so he lay down on the table and slept for a while.

But just sleeping in it made his brain unusually empty.

After waking up, Liu Cong seemed to have found some inspiration.

"Since I can't calculate the function alone, I will bring it in and calculate it together."

"I don't believe there are numbers I can't calculate!"

This time, Liu Cong simply picked up the draft book next to him and started calculating by hand.

Eight in the morning,

Lieutenant General Li Hu took the initiative to bring breakfast to Liu Cong.

Seeing Liu Cong's concentration, he put down his breakfast and went out quietly.

"Find the derivative of the numerator and denominator based on L'Hopital's law."

"Talking these numbers into the curve equation."

The pen in Liu Cong's hand rubbed against the draft paper, and he smiled from time to time.

This time, Liu Cong's calculation was extremely smooth, without any obstacles.

After a while, dense formulas were written on a piece of white draft paper.

Liu Cong turned over the next scrap of paper and continued to calculate the answers on it.

Another half hour passed,

The breakfast brought by Lieutenant General Li Hu was cold on the table, and Liu Cong hadn't touched it yet.

Liu Cong, who had calculated the answer, was overjoyed.

Then I sorted the numbers on the scratch paper onto a new piece of scratch paper, and entered the numbers into the computer program facing the scratch paper.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Cong obtained the second crack password.

This time, unlike last time, the answer appeared directly on the screen.

Liu Cong clapped his hands, and the smile on his face became stronger.


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