The numbers calculated by Liu Cong turned out to be eight sets of data, several more sets than before.

They are, (09) (06) (08) (123) (12) (7) (9)

You can still ignore the first three, they are separate dates.

As for (123) (7)

These two numbers are addresses.

Ever since, Liu Cong opened the computer web page and entered the longitude and latitude.

The results obtained made Liu Cong frown.

This address is exactly Peking.


"No way!"

Liu Cong couldn't believe his eyes.

Liu Cong confirmed the data he had just calculated and found that there was no problem.

What is certain is that this latitude and longitude is correct.

After a brief shock, Liu Cong looked at the next two numbers.

(7) (9)

After some searching, Liu Cong discovered that these two sets of data also recorded geographical location.

And this location is near his meteorological weapons research base.

"These people are really evil-minded!"

"I have to hurry!"

With that said, Liu Cong left his seat and walked out of the door.

Later, Liu Cong went directly to Zhao Long's office.

Zhao Long was shocked when he saw Liu Cong's unkempt appearance.

"Academician Liu, you..."

"Don't worry about my image for now. I deciphered the encrypted information for him." Liu Cong said.

When Zhao Long heard this sentence, he was stunned for a while before he reacted.

"What did you say, it was deciphered!!"

"Yes, it's been deciphered."

After Zhao Long confirmed the answer, he couldn't hide his excitement.

"I'll contact Academician Fei and the others immediately!"

With that said, Zhao Long was about to make a call, but was stopped by Liu Cong.

"Stop calling now. Follow the address I gave you and send someone there quickly. It must be quick!"

When Zhao Long saw Liu Cong's anxious look, he didn't dare to say anything or ask, so he could only nod.

"I remember the address I mentioned next."

"No. 23, Kangzhuang Avenue, Lianhua Road, Langhe District, Beiping City."

"Hurry up and call someone to come over, the sooner the better!"

As the director of the Information Security Department, Zhao Long understood Liu Cong's intentions and immediately called the relevant departments.

After the call, Zhao Long put down his phone and planned to discuss the next step with Liu Cong.

But Liu Cong didn't give him this chance at all.

"I'll leave this to you first, I still have important things to do."

"As for whether you notify them or not, that's up to you."

With that said, Liu Cong hurriedly left Zhao Long's office.

Zhao Long was left alone in the office in a daze.

After seeing Liu Cong leave, Zhao Long shook his head happily but helplessly.

"Academician Liu is Academician Liu. Even his temper is so unique. I like him very much."


Liu Cong returned to his office and continued to tinker with the computer.

This time, Liu Cong did not open the deciphering software, but directly opened the compilation software.

Because of programming language issues, Liu Cong could only use compilation software from other countries to program.

He wanted to make a software that could automatically decipher the garbled code directly.

Compiling this kind of thing is simply a trivial matter to Liu Cong. After all, he has even designed the kernel browser himself. A mere decoding software is nothing to him.

In order to get the software out earlier, Liu Cong even skipped lunch.

When I was hungry, I picked up the breakfast delivered by Lieutenant General Li Hu in the morning and ate it. I didn't care whether it was cold or not, and whether it was delicious or not, as long as it could cushion my stomach.

The crackling sound of the keyboard made Lieutenant General Li Hu, who originally wanted to call Liu Cong for dinner, stop.

Because he knew Liu Cong, he knew that Liu Cong would not go to eat at this time anyway.

Therefore, he simply let him go without disturbing him.

At this time, programming took Liu Cong six hours and hundreds of thousands of lines of code.

Liu Cong looked at the compiled code and breathed a sigh of relief.

Later, Liu Cong carried out the final encapsulation of these codes and obtained a software code with a size of more than ten MB.

After clicking it, Liu Cong entered the garbled code that had not been cracked.

After a dozen seconds, all the answers were clearly visible on the screen, including the exact address.

Liu Cong laughed loudly when he saw this scene.

"It's nothing more than that!"

"Maybe my idea at the beginning was wrong, so I wasted so much time, but it's good to get it out." Liu Cong said to himself.

"I have to send this software to them quickly."

Liu Cong inserted the USB flash drive into the computer and copied the software out.

Five or six o'clock in the afternoon is when people eat.

But Liu Cong hurried towards Zhao Long's office.

When they arrived at Zhao Long's office, Zhao Long was about to close the office door and prepare to eat.

"Academician Liu, I heard from Lieutenant General Li that you just had breakfast. Do you want to have something with me now?" Zhao Long asked.

"Director Zhao, let's put the meal aside for now. I have something very important to discuss with you."

"I have developed the software to decipher their intelligence."

As he spoke, Liu Cong took out a USB flash drive from his pocket.

"Take this, it contains the decryption software to decipher their intelligence. You can install it when you go back and use it."

"As for whether they will change the encryption method in the future, my short-term judgment is probably not."

"Because this password is already considered to be the highest level in Blue Star, and there won't be anything more complicated than this in the short term."

Zhao Long took the USB flash drive handed over by Liu Cong and felt it was heavy in his hand.

This small piece of software is related to the fate of a country, and Zhao Long doesn't allow him to make any mistakes.

At this time, Zhao Long was no longer in the mood to eat, so he directly called the two academicians.

After the two academicians learned the news, they rushed to the scene as soon as possible.

Looking at the latest encrypted files that were cracked in the computer, the two academicians immediately became uneasy.

They know how difficult it is to crack such encryption.

This amount of calculations alone could not be completed in three days and three nights by just relying on the two academicians, but Liu Cong could complete it in a few hours.

I also compiled the decryption software by the way.

What kind of technology is this, and what level of strength can achieve this?

When the two academicians faced Liu Cong, who was thirty-four years younger than themselves, they were truly impressed.

"Academician Liu, I really want to kneel down for you."

"I have studied information security all my life, and I have never seen such a perverted subordinate like you!"

Academician Fei looked at Liu Cong like a monster.

"Yeah, I haven't seen it either." Academician Fan also echoed,

"With this decryption software, we can directly know the other party's address and break through one by one."

"Academician Liu, you have really made a great contribution to the country this time!" said Academician Fan.

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