Faced with the pursuit of the two academicians, Liu Cong seemed unusually dull.

"Two academicians, you have given me the award."

"Establish a mind for heaven and earth, establish a destiny for life, inherit the unique knowledge of the past saints, and create peace for all generations."

"This is something that every Chinese person should do."

"Besides, my ability is here, so I have to pay a little more, and that's okay!"

As soon as these words came out, the three of them nodded quickly.

"Academician Liu, what you said is absolutely correct. As we are in this position, we should contribute to the country and the people!"


Liu Cong, who had been busy all day and night, was hungry and tired.

He looked at the two academicians who were busy in front of the computer, and then looked at the dark sky outside.

Liu Cong planned to go out and get some food first before making further plans.

So, Liu Cong and Lieutenant General Li Hu and Zhao Long came to a hotel near the Information Security Department.

After a simple meal, Liu Cong chatted with the two for a while.

Just when they were leaving, Zhao Long's phone rang.

After receiving the call, Zhao Long's expression was extremely serious.

"Academician Liu, the thing was found and the person was arrested!"

When Liu Cong heard this, he became interested instantly.


"Anything found?"

"What do you say over there?" Liu Cong asked.

Zhao Long calmed down his excitement, and then said: "That's it."

"After you told the address this morning, we sent someone to look for it."

"After searching for a long time, I finally found a black package in the center of the open space of the Meteorological Weapons Research Institute, with the detection device inside."

"Then the exploration team continued to search and found two suspicious foreigners not far away."

"It was finally determined that these two foreigners were spies."

After listening to Zhao Long's story, Liu Cong didn't speak, but Lieutenant General Li Hu spoke first.

"Okay, good catch!"

"There are two types of people I hate the most in my life. One is a traitor and a lackey, and the other is a spy!"

"If I'm here, I'll have to scratch his ears to make these foreigners remember it, and then shoot him!"

Liu Cong was extremely excited after learning such exciting news.

"We need to hurry up on this matter. If it is discovered by the other side, it will be difficult to catch it."

"Academician Liu, don't worry about this. We have joined forces with Guofangbu. As soon as the password is broken, they will immediately transfer people there."

"I guarantee you won't be able to pull any one down!"

After receiving Zhao Long's assurance, Liu Cong slowly relaxed.

"Academician Liu, you don't even know that when I told Guofangbu about your code breaking at noon, they were unusually calm, as if they knew you would break their things."

Zhao Long was very confused about this.

However, it is estimated that only Liu Cong knows what is going on!

And they now unconditionally believe in Liu Cong, and naturally believe that Liu Cong has the strength to decrypt.

"I don't know, maybe they think I can crack it!"

Liu Cong's words were so vague that Zhao Long couldn't guess the reason for a while.

"No matter, now that it's cracked, it's a good thing."

"I will report to the superiors another day and see if I can do you any good." Zhao Long said.

"No need, Director Zhao."

Liu Cong has never paid much attention to these awards.

One is that he feels it is unnecessary, and the other is that he feels that he lacks nothing now, so he will not occupy too many public resources.

"Academician Liu, you have made such a great contribution, and you definitely can't do without a reward."

Even though Liu Cong said this, Zhao Long still wanted to fight for Liu Cong.

"Director Zhao, if Liu Yuan doesn't want it, forget it. He really doesn't need it. These rewards should be reserved for those who need them!"

"The one who knows me is Lieutenant General Li!"

Liu Cong gave a thumbs up to Lieutenant General Li Hu.

Seeing what Lieutenant General Li Hu said, Zhao Long didn't mention the matter again.

Liu Cong still doesn't plan to go back tonight, because this is a critical moment and he may be needed at any time.

Therefore, Liu Cong and Lieutenant General Li Hu followed Zhao Long back to the Information Security Department.

This night was destined not to be a peaceful night.

When many people are immersed in sleep, there is this group of people's heroes protecting them from behind.

This night, the entire building of the Information Security Department was brightly lit.

An encrypted file team from across the ocean can solve it.

The next second, Guofangbu will be contacted here, and then the army will be dispatched.

This went on for the whole night.

Before dawn, all the encrypted files were unknowingly broken by Huaxia, and the other party has not noticed anything strange yet.

Because their self-confidence prevented them from observing the problems on China's side.

Of course, it doesn't matter now.


After dawn,

Guofangbu led many people to eliminate all the spies planted in China.

After the information security department received such news, the entire department was dancing with joy. The problem that had stumped both of their departments was finally solved.

Liu Cong was very happy to see everyone immersed in joy.

"Liu Yuan, now that everything has been resolved, should we leave?"

“I’ve really slept on enough recliners in the past two days, what an old man I am!”

Lieutenant General Li Hu held his waist in pain and looked at Liu Cong from time to time.

"Lieutenant General Li, are you not being vain?"

"If you are weak, I can buy some ginseng and wolfberry at my own expense to replenish you, but I can't treat you badly."

Upon hearing that Liu Cong said he was vain, Lieutenant General Li Hu immediately became more energetic.

"I was joking just now. I am from the army and I am in good health!"

"Look at your small body, I'll leave the good things to you!"

"Fuck you!" Liu Cong laughed and cursed.


United States, Information Security Department.



"I thought it was perfect, but why was it cracked by China so quickly?"

"More than a thousand pieces of encrypted information!"

"What method did China use to decipher all my hard work on research over the past few years in one night?"

"It hurts! It hurts so much!"

Academician Loki roared crazily in his office, while Yamos beside him didn't even dare to fart.


Things fell everywhere.

"Why is that? Why?"

"Impossible, this must be a trick used by China to deceive us!"

"Yamos, check it out for me!"

Yamos was so frightened by Academician Loki that he did not dare to speak and nodded repeatedly.

Then he went out in despair.

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