Academician Luo Ji in the office had red eyes and bloodshot eyes.

"How could my God code be broken!"

Just when Academician Loki's face was full of unwillingness and anger.

He thought of a name that once dominated many people in his country.

"The descendant of the dragon, are you?"

Academician Loki murmured to himself. He couldn't believe this fact, but he had to accept it.


Huaxia, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Liu Cong and Shu Lao were sitting on a bench in a corridor together.

"Academician Liu, I have heard from people in the National Information Security Department that you have made great achievements again this time!"

"I have to say, you are really young and promising."

Shu Lao looked at Liu Cong dotingly, with a smile on his lips.

"I'm still a lot worse than you."

Shu Lao laughed loudly when he heard what Liu Cong said.

"You, please stop being modest. It's just me and no one else."

"I'm not like other people, I don't care."

As he spoke, Mr. Shu put the crutch in his hand aside.

Then he turned and looked at Liu Cong seriously, "Academician Liu, I want to discuss a very serious matter with you. I hope you won't refuse my request!"

Liu Cong saw Mr. Shu being so serious, and he also became serious.

"You tell me, if there's anything I can do to help, I won't refuse!"

When Mr. Shu heard what Liu Cong said, he nodded, then hesitated for a few seconds, and finally said: "I want you to be the president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences!"

"I can't!" Liu Cong waved his hands repeatedly.

"Academician Shu, as long as I can fulfill your other requests, I will try my best to comply with you."

"But I will never agree to the position of president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences."

Liu Cong has rejected Shu Lao several times before. He feels that he is still young now.

Although he manages many companies himself, a company is a company, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences is the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Moreover, I have never been good at management.

If he really wanted to take the position of president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, he felt that he could make a mess.

"Academician Shu, you are still in such good health. According to your current condition, you will have no problem staying at the Chinese Academy of Sciences for another ten to eight years."

When Shu Lao heard what Liu Cong said, he looked dumbfounded.

"I'm really older now, and I feel powerless in many places."

"Although I often talk about my youth, I still know my own body."

“Since the last time I went to school to teach, I have fallen in love with the atmosphere of school teaching and I want to go back to school to teach.”

"Now that I'm old, I can't do any substantial research, but my knowledge is still there, and I can still pass it on."

"But you are different. Teaching is not the only way you can contribute to the country."

"You are like the sun at seven or eight o'clock in the morning, right in the east, with infinite possibilities."

As he spoke, Shu Lao took Liu Cong's hand and held Liu Cong's right hand tightly with both hands, his face full of sincerity.

"Academician Liu, I, Shu Qing, have never asked anyone for anything in my life, but this time I beg you, can you just agree to the old man's request?"

Seeing Shu Lao like this, Liu Cong really didn't know how to answer Shu Lao for a while.

Knowing that Liu Cong was in trouble, Mr. Shu continued: "You don't need to give me the answer now. I also know that you are very confused now."

"After all, this matter is not a small matter."

"The reason why I chose you to be the dean is because there is really no one in the Chinese Academy of Sciences who is more suitable for this position than you, not even Academician Sun!"

"You should think about it again!"

Shu Lao sighed, then picked up the crutch beside him and prepared to get up and leave.

When Liu Cong saw Shu Lao was about to leave, he stood up in a hurry.

"I'll help you!"

Shu Lao stood up, picked up the crutches, and waved his hand.

"No need, you have your own things to be busy with. I'm in good health now!"

Looking at Shu Lao's retreating back, Liu Cong smiled at the place where Shu Lao left.

"Maybe you are right!"



Liu Cong and Lieutenant General Li Hu came to the Information Security Department.

When Liu Cong entered, he saw everyone busy at their respective posts.

And Zhao Long's demeanor was more energetic than before.

After seeing Liu Cong coming, he came up to greet him.

"Academician Liu, you are here."

"Well, I'm here. I want to see how the situation is here now and whether there are any new troubles."

Liu Cong has never dared to be careless about matters at the national information level.

Nowadays, the most important thing between countries is information warfare. If the enemy finds out your details, then you basically don’t have to play anymore.

From satellites to precise area monitoring.

If a fight really breaks out, it will be a dead end.

Therefore, regarding information security, Liu Cong strives to prevent any accidents from happening, which is not bad at all.

Moreover, the anti-nuclear bomb system developed by Liu Cong is now being mass-produced and shipped to the places where it is most likely to be hit.

Once this is known to spies, his plan cannot be carried out quietly.

Of course, the higher-ups also pay enough attention to it. They are also observing the trends there anytime and anywhere. They are also very strict internally and do not allow for any mistakes.

At this time, Zhao Long's reaction made Liu Cong breathe a sigh of relief.

"Academician Liu, ever since you cracked their password, they have become discouraged. There has been no movement at all."

Liu Cong nodded, "Even if this is the case, we cannot relax. We must increase security."

"Inspections at customs and airports should also be stricter."

"Academician Liu, you don't know something."

"Since this incident happened, the country has not allowed foreigners to enter, and many suspicious people have been quickly deported from the country."


Zhao Long explained everything to Liu Cong, and Liu Cong nodded repeatedly after listening.

"If that's the case, I'll be relieved."

"Next, I will continue to develop a security system for you to decrypt other secret information, which can greatly reduce your workload."

"Your system is too outdated. Many times, you rely on your scientific researchers to calculate by hand, which is not feasible."

"Join the other side and play with you on numbers. What should you do if you can't crack so many in a short time?"

"Just like last time, with strong encryption and lots of intelligence, you will be in chaos in an instant."

"Facing the enemy, this is what we are most afraid of. Our side will be defeated before we even start." Liu Cong said.

"Yes, yes, Academician Liu, you are right!"

Just when Zhao Long was about to continue talking, a group of people suddenly walked in from outside.

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