I saw these people wearing military caps and epaulettes on their shoulders. Everyone's face was full of energy.

Liu Cong recognized the identities of these people at a glance.

Because he has dealt with these people too many times.

"Academician Liu, you are here too!"

A middle-aged man walked up to Liu Cong and took the initiative to say hello to Liu Cong.

Judging from the epaulettes, the middle-aged man in front of him is on the same level as Lieutenant General Li Hu.

"Academician Liu, let me introduce you."

"This is Lieutenant General Zhou Wuzhou, and the one behind him is Major General Li Ming and Li Xia..."

Zhao Long introduced Liu Cong one by one.

After some introductions, the group got to know each other simply.

"Lieutenant General Zhou, have you made any new discoveries here?" Zhao Long asked.

General Zhou nodded, "Yes."

"Last night, based on the address you provided, we discovered new intelligence at the controllable nuclear fusion power plant in the northwest and arrested five people."

"These are all American students studying in our northwest region," Academician Zhou said calmly.

"That's good. It's fine if people find him. I'm afraid he won't be found."

"I don't know what's going on recently. I feel like the United States has become more serious. I don't know what their intentions are now."

Zhao Long was very puzzled, and General Zhou also chose to remain silent.

"That's right. The main purpose of our coming here today is to continue to collect the next intelligence so that we can make the next plan."

"It's like this. There is no big movement in the United States now, or even no movement at all. I don't know what they will do next." Zhao Long truthfully reported the latest intelligence to Lieutenant General Zhou.

"okay, I get it."

"We were just passing by here and stopped in to ask. Since there is nothing else, we left first."

Later, Zhou Zhongjiang turned to look at Liu Cong, who had been silent.

"Academician Liu, thank you for your hard work and your contribution to the country."

With that said, General Zhou bowed to Liu Cong in front of everyone, and the people behind him saw him and sat down with him.

"What are you doing? This is what I should do."

"It's you who have done the hard work. Without you at the front to protect us civilians, we wouldn't be able to live and work in peace and contentment like this!" Liu Cong said.

He quietly devoted himself to the country and never thought about receiving awards from others or achieving any status.

He really loves his motherland and sincerely hopes that his motherland will get better and better.

Because the blood of China flows in me, and patriotism is engraved in my bones.

There are family members and loved ones that he wants to protect here, so how can he just sit back and ignore them.

Since they were really busy in the middle of the week, they left in a hurry after chatting with Liu Cong for a while.

After the group left in the middle of the week, Liu Cong planned to stay and make the system he just mentioned on site while the two days were not too busy.

It's still the same office, and Liu Cong is still alone.

Liu Cong simply sorted out his ideas, calculated the specific formulas, and then started programming.

Finally, at around three o'clock in the morning the next day, all the tasks were completed.

So, Liu Cong stored the files and fell asleep on the table.

Early in the morning, after Liu Cong submitted that he had completed the system, he left with Lieutenant General Li Hu.

Because, early in the morning, Liu Cong received another piece of good news that made him very excited.

That is, through the unremitting efforts of all aerospace workers, all 16,000 Starlink satellites have been sent into the sky.

After receiving the notice, Liu Cong immediately asked Lieutenant General Li Hu to contact the helicopter and prepare to fly to the space launch base.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Liu Cong officially arrived at the space launch base one or two hundred kilometers away from Peking City.

The difference between today and the past is.

The moment Liu Cong got off the helicopter, he saw the walls of the space launch base covered with various red banners.

Because all satellites have been successfully launched, there are much fewer people patrolling today than before.

Soon after, Liu Cong followed Lieutenant General Li Hu to the third floor of the office building of the space launch base.

This is where Academician Zhang works.

Liu Cong first went to Academician Zhang's office and found that Academician Zhang was not in the office at this time.

Immediately, Liu Cong came to the door of the launch hall again.

Before he entered, Liu Cong heard cheers inside.

The moment Liu Cong opened the door, everyone's eyes turned to Liu Cong, and the hall suddenly became quiet.

"Academician Liu, you are here!"

Academician Zhang, who was originally immersed in joy, immediately walked to Liu Cong's side after seeing Liu Cong.

"Academician Liu, all our satellites have been launched." Academician Zhang said excitedly.

Liu Cong looked at Academician Zhang, then looked around the hall, and found that everyone's face was filled with smiles.

When Liu Cong saw this scene, he was also happy from the bottom of his heart.

"Academician Zhang, I have really worked hard on you during this time."

"Thank you for your hard work!" Liu Cong shouted loudly to a group of scientific researchers behind him.

"No hard work! Academician Liu!" Everyone responded to Liu Cong in unison.

"Academician Liu, all 16,000 satellites are now working normally."

"The radiation areas are all corners of the world."

Academician Zhang reported to Liu Cong on-site the current status of Starlink satellites.

"Academician Liu, come here to see."

Academician Zhang hurriedly pulled Liu Cong to the big screen and showed Liu Cong the various functions of Starlink satellite operation.

"Academician Liu, you see, this is the regular function of Starlink satellites. It can provide the highest-speed network services for our military equipment in space."

Academician Zhang used the mouse to control the software on the computer.

"Also, this is the low-orbit mode of the Starlink satellite. It has been tested and everything is normal so far."

"The lowest limit we tested is 540 kilometers."

"If a war breaks out, they can provide us with the highest-definition battlefield images, which will help our army make subsequent preparations for war."

"and this……"

Academician Zhang proudly introduced to Liu Cong how outrageous the functions of Starlink satellites were. Little did he know that when Liu Cong was developing Starlink satellites, he had gone through strict and precise calculations.

The maximum error will not exceed ten meters.

After some exciting introduction, Academician Zhang finally came to his senses.

"Academician Liu, I was so excited just now that I thought you were the leader who came to inspect."

Liu Cong smiled and said: "It seems that you usually do a lot of popular science for the leaders."

"That's right!" said Academician Zhang.

"Next, I will apply to the higher authorities to allow all aerospace workers to take a month's paid leave."

"This period of time has been really hard!"

Liu Cong's voice was not loud, but it was enough to resound throughout the audience.

After everyone heard it, they were very excited, and cheers came from the hall.

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