Liu Cong looked at this group of scientific researchers and suddenly felt very sad.

In the past six months, they had almost never left the gate of the space base.

Each of them works at two o'clock and one line almost every day, and some of them even sleep directly in the office area.

It can be seen from when Academician Zhang came and now that he has become visibly thinner.

This shows how much effort these people have spent on the development of the motherland's aerospace industry.

"Academician Liu, now that the Starlink satellite has been developed, I think it's time for us to leave."

“It’s just that after staying here for several months, I’m really reluctant to leave suddenly!”

Academician Zhang pursed his lips, and then took a deep breath.

"Academician Zhang, you don't have to sigh too much."

"You've been working so hard these past few months, it's good to take a break." Liu Cong said with a smile.

Academician Zhang shook his head when faced with Liu Cong's comforting words.

“You can rest there!”

"I'm back at the Aerospace Institute. There are still many things waiting for me to deal with there, so I can't rest!"

When Academician Zhang said this, he had a smile on his face.

It can be seen that Academician Zhang really loves his profession.

"Academician Zhang, I think you can take a break and spend time with your family."

"During the few months you were away from the Aerospace Academy, it was pretty good there."

"It just so happens that you can spend more time with your family during this holiday."

Having said this, Academician Zhang sighed.

"I sometimes want to spend more time with them, but in our line of work we really can't help ourselves."

"On one side is the country, on the other side is the family."

"I can only leave my small family behind."

Liu Cong can really relate to what Academician Zhang said.

I often neglect my family because I am engaged in scientific research, especially my girlfriend. Sometimes I can’t talk to him more than a few words a week.

Liu Cong is quite apologetic about this.

"Academician Zhang, scientific research is endless."

"Anyway, you have learned a lot of new things this time. You don't need to make any breakthroughs in the short term. You'd better go home and take a look."

"The organization will approve you!" Liu Cong said.

Academician Zhang thought for a long time and nodded.

"Academician Liu, I better listen to you and go home and take a look!"

"That's right!" Liu Cong patted Academician Zhang on the shoulder readily, like an old friend.


Three days later,

Liu Cong stood at the gate of the space base, watching the evacuation of batches of machines and people, with mixed feelings in his heart.

"Academician Liu, I don't know if we will cooperate together in the future."

"After leaving like this, I don't know when we will see each other again."

"To be honest, I still admire you." Academician Zhang sighed.

"Believe me, it won't be long before we work together again."


"How to say?"

Academician Zhang looked at Liu Cong curiously, wanting to find the answer.

Liu Cong just responded softly, "You will know when the time comes."

Academician Zhang saw Liu Cong being so mysterious and didn't ask.

"Well, I hope we meet again."

Watching the group of people go away, it seemed that it was time for Academician Zhang and Liu Cong to leave.

The two of them were outside the door of the space launch base, looking at the empty buildings inside, feeling that something was missing in their hearts.

At this moment, an old man holding a broom was standing at the door looking at Liu Cong and Academician Zhang.

When Liu Cong noticed him, he waved towards Liu Cong and Academician Zhang with one hand.

This old man was the first person Liu Cong met when he came here, Wu Jianguo.

Since the space base was officially put into operation, Liu Cong has rarely seen this old man and almost forgotten him.

Liu Cong did not turn around and get on the helicopter, but trotted straight to the old man's side.

"Grandpa, I'm really sorry. I haven't visited you in the past few months since I came here."

"On the contrary, we were about to leave, and you came to say hello to us. I'm really sorry!"

Liu Cong's face was full of apology, but the old man didn't seem to care that much.

"Young man, I know you have a lot to do. I'm just an ordinary old man. What do I need you to see?"

"Hahahaha, young people, work hard. The hope for the development of the motherland rests on your generation!"

The old man smiled heartily.

Hearing what the old man said, Liu Cong also laughed.

"Yes, Grandpa, please don't worry!"

"Okay, you go, old man, I have to clean up."

With that said, the old man turned around and waved to Liu Cong and never looked back.

Seeing this, Liu Cong and Academician Zhang Bin and Zhang boarded the helicopter and left.


After returning to Peiping, Liu Cong ushered in a rare leisure time.

For this reason, Liu Cong immediately called Chen Qiong and wanted to spend some time with Chen Qiong in their free time.

Coincidentally, Chen Qiong's company is not busy today either.

So the two agreed to meet at the music restaurant where they first met.

This time Chen Qiong drove the Bentley he met Liu Cong for the first time, while Liu Cong drove the bulletproof car that Lieutenant General Li Hu often gave him.

"I've really missed you all this time!"

When Chen Qiong came up, she gave Liu Cong a bear hug and put her legs around Liu Cong's waist.

Fortunately, Liu Cong is in relatively good health, otherwise most people would not be able to do this.

"I miss you too, but I really have no choice."

Liu Cong looked at Chen Qiong hanging on his body with a gentle look on his face.

"That's understandable!"

Afterwards, Chen Qiong did not continue to be pretentious, but took the initiative from Liu Cong.

"Let's go! Let's go in." Liu Cong looked at the theme restaurant inside.

"Okay, okay, you have to hold my hand!"

Chen Qiong spread her little hands and pouted her cherry-like mouth, which was very cute.

"Okay, okay, hold Qiongqiong's hand and let's go in together!"


A few days later,

America, guofangbu.

"Admiral Smith, I really have no way to reproduce a secret intelligence that is more complicated than the God Code in the short term."

Standing in front of Admiral Smith was Academician Loki.

These days, he has been looking for a breakthrough.

But China's control is very strict, and he has no plans to make new tricks at all.

Admiral Smith sat in his seat and looked at Academician Loki, thoughtfully.

"According to you, our project is not feasible?"

"Yes, Admiral Smith, I really have no choice at the moment." Academician Loki shivered in front of Admiral Smith.

This seemingly gentle man has unimaginable tricks behind his back.

"Academician Loki, don't be afraid."

"If it doesn't work, then just don't do it."

"The intelligence we have collected over the years is enough. Relax!"

Admiral Smith's smile grew brighter.

But the more this happened, the more scared Academician Luo Ji became.

"Yes! Admiral Smith!"

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