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Chapter 438 Research on Controllable Nuclear Fusion for Military Use

The weather slowly started to get hot in mid-July.

People also switched from their original jackets and trousers to T-shirts and shorts.

Liu Cong is no exception. He also wears large pants and a T-shirt every day. He doesn't look like an academician at all, which also adds a lot of affinity to him.

On this day, Liu Cong and Lieutenant General Li Hu came to the original research institute for controllable nuclear fusion power generation, now called the Peking Special Research Institute.

It's more lively here now than before.

Because this research institute is currently developing controllable nuclear fusion technology for military use.

Therefore, many of them are high-tech and highly-educated talents from the army working together with scientific researchers from research institutes.

Overall, the atmosphere here can be said to be extremely good, and everyone works very hard.

Liu Cong came here today mainly for technical guidance.

During this period of time, Liu Cong has spent most of his time in this research institute. He usually eats and gets off work with the scientific researchers.

"Lieutenant General Li, it's the same as before. You can pick me up after ten o'clock in the evening. You can go about your own business."

Lieutenant General Li Hu was also relieved. After all, the military defense here was much safer than his own.

"Okay Liu Yuan, then I'll pick you up in the evening."

With that said, Lieutenant General Li Hu turned around and drove away.

Afterwards, Liu Cong also walked towards the research institute.

The address of military controllable nuclear fusion research is still the original No. 1 workshop, but now it has been slightly transformed, making it no longer look like a factory.

The control here is very strict. In the distance of two to three hundred meters from the square to Workshop No. 1, Liu Cong saw at least twenty soldiers patrolling.

Moreover, there are many more cameras here than before.

This shows how much attention the above attaches to this research and development.

When we arrived at Workshop No. 1, everyone was already hard at work.

Liu Cong continued to walk inside and found Academician Sun.

That's right, it's Academician Sun.

Since the launch of Liu Cong's project, Academician Sun has been staying at the institute and never left.

Although he could go back like Liu Cong, in order to complete the research as soon as possible, he and several other academicians lived in this research institute.

The reason why academicians can become academicians.

First, they have wisdom that ordinary people don't have, and second, they are willing to endure hardship and are not afraid of loneliness.

Living in the institute for several months is a common occurrence in the eyes of Academician Sun and others.

After seeing Liu Cong coming, Academician Sun immediately put down what he was doing.

"Academician Liu, you came quite early today."

"It's only eight o'clock. You stayed up so late last night. Why don't you sleep at home for a while before coming over?"

Academician Sun said as he brought a bench to Liu Cong.

The environment here cannot be compared with the office of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

This is an office that is very transparent all around, and there is a reason why the workshop was chosen as the office.

After all, the research and development of military controllable nuclear fusion is different from other projects, and every link requires communication at any time.

When scientific researchers want to have academic exchanges, they can walk from the middle corridor to each of the surrounding research groups at any time, which can be said to be extremely convenient.

"Now is not the time to sleep. If you don't sleep, how can I be embarrassed to sleep?"

"Young man, he's full of energy and won't get in the way."

Liu Cong took Academician Sun's seat and then sat down next to the research table.

On the research platform, a model of an aircraft carrier is being made.

Currently, Liu Cong and Academician Sun are planning to build a controllable nuclear fusion aircraft carrier. As long as the experiment on the model is successful, it will be a matter of time before this technology is used on a real aircraft carrier.

"Academician Sun, did you calculate the value of the controllable nuclear fusion aircraft carrier power formula last night?" Liu Cong asked.

Because it was very late last night, Liu Cong decided not to stay here with them.

"Academician Liu, it's done."

"The formula you mentioned is correct. We made a principled mistake at the beginning."

"According to Newton's mechanical formula, on the basis of the gravity of the Blue Star, we have to add..."


Academician Sun picked up the draft paper and started doing calculations. Liu Cong kept nodding after seeing Academician Sun's calculations.

"Academician Liu, the answer we finally calculated is 1110N, which is the power in the model."

"In other words, we need to equip this model aircraft carrier with at least two controllable nuclear fusion devices so that the aircraft carrier can complete water navigation."


Academician Sun hesitated to speak.

Liu Cong looked at Academician Sun with confusion on his face.

"But what?" Liu Cong asked.

Academician Sun hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Academician Liu, that's it!"

“How to solve the problem of heat dissipation in the tokamak device that can control nuclear fusion?”

"As you know, the tokamak device needs to reach a temperature of at least 12,000 to 3,000 degrees Celsius to start up."

"Originally, if we had followed the normal procedures, I wouldn't have had any concerns."

"But now that we put this device on an aircraft carrier, how do we solve the huge heat caused by the activation of the tokamak device?" Academician Sun asked.

Regarding the question asked by Academician Sun, there is indeed such a possibility.

The device is originally small enough, and it also has to complete the principle of boiling water in a limited space, which is very difficult.

If we consider that the device is attacked by enemy forces, what kind of risks will the energy generated cause? These are issues that Liu Cong and his team need to consider.

The information Liu Cong obtained only covered technology.

However, he cannot guarantee that every detail of military equipment can be made so well. Many of them still require Liu Cong and his team to practice in person.

However, Liu Cong had already planned what Academician Sun said.

At that moment, Liu Cong said: "Academician Sun, I think these problems are not problems. "

"Many of the issues you are considering can refer to controllable fusion power plants. The technology there is now very mature."

"What you are worried about is that now the device has become smaller and the available space has become smaller, but you have to satisfy everything that should be satisfied. Do you think the space is too crowded and the heat dissipation is not enough?"

"Or are you worried that being attacked will cause unnecessary harm?" Liu Cong asked.

Academician Sun and other academicians all nodded unanimously after hearing what Liu Cong said.

Liu Cong laughed loudly when he saw this,

"You really don't have to worry about these, I have countermeasures,"

“I wonder if you know how big computers were at the beginning of the last century and how big they are now?”

Liu Cong looked at Academician Sun.

After hearing what Liu Cong said, Academician Sun opened his mouth in disbelief.

"Academician Liu, what do you mean?"

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