Liu Cong looked at Academician Sun's somewhat surprised expression and said, "Yes, it's what you thought."

"We can further compress the equipment, and some of the originally large equipment can be made smaller through special technology."

"For example, condensing equipment!"

"We can turn the original direct-flow pipe into a return pipe, and isolate the outside with special insulation equipment. This will prevent the pipes from getting too hot and causing them to stop working."



“I knew there was a material that would be just right.”

Just when everyone was confused about the materials, Liu Cong's words successfully aroused everyone's curiosity.

"Academician Liu, what material are you referring to?"

An academician behind Academician Sun asked.

Academician Sun also wanted an answer very much, so he also asked Liu Cong.

"Academician Liu, what is this material you are talking about?"

"Few materials can withstand the radiant high temperature of several thousand degrees. If they are even slightly closer to the device, these condensation containers will be completely baked by the radiant high temperature."

"Even if it is resistant to high temperatures, the radiant high temperature emitted by the tokamak device is enough to make all the oil or water in the condenser tube boil!"

In fact, what Academician Sun said is true.

Although, the insulation work of the tokamak device has been done very well.

The reason is that it reacts in vacuum and magnetic field, and the temperature during the reaction can reach more than 100 million degrees.

It's because it works in a vacuum and magnetic field, so it doesn't come into contact with metal.

However, even if it does not come into contact with metal, the high temperature it radiates is thousands of tens of thousands of degrees Celsius.

Therefore, the layer of metal outside the tokamak device is extremely resistant to high temperatures.

However, these metals are not heat-resistant, otherwise they can be used as condenser tube materials.

Seeing Liu Cong sitting there without speaking, Academician Sun couldn't wait.

"Academician Liu, what kind of material are you talking about?"

"Can he withstand temperatures of several thousand degrees and be insulated?" Academician Sun confirmed to Liu Cong again.

Liu Cong looked at Academician Sun's curious expression and laughed heartily.

"Academician Sun, when did I lie to you? It's true!"

"I wonder if you still remember the graphene battery I released some time ago?" Liu Cong asked,

"You know, what's the relationship between the two?" Academician Sun was very puzzled.

After thinking for a moment, Academician Sun seemed to have thought of something.

"You mean the material you mentioned at the press conference last time?"

Liu Cong nodded, "Yes, pure alloy."

"Yes, yes, it's pure alloy. Why did I forget this material you studied!"

Academician Sun patted his thigh excitedly, then stood up from his seat and paced back and forth around the table, as if he had discovered a new world.

"Academician Liu, according to what you said, once this material can be used, we will save a lot of space, so we don't need to worry about space issues!"

"Good! It's really good!" said Academician Sun.

"In this way, I will give you the information on the net alloy later. Isn't Academician Ma of our team an expert in this field? I'll ask him to assist you later."

Academician Ma, who was sitting in the corner, was flattered when he heard Liu Cong calling his name.

"Hey, good!"


Ten p.m,

Liu Cong is still studying the model with Academician Sun and others.

"Academician Liu, according to your idea, this plan is indeed feasible."

"This is a model we made on the spot."

Academician Sun on the side took a one-meter-long drawing that had just been printed.

After Liu Cong took the drawing, he looked at the contents of the drawing and nodded with satisfaction.

"Well, that's probably it, but the condenser pipe still needs to be modified to be smaller."

"Don't worry about heat dissipation, trust the materials!"

"And here, this location also needs to be utilized..."

Liu Cong explained to everyone one by one on the drawings, and several academicians also listened with interest.

The time came to eleven o'clock in the evening, and Lieutenant General Li Hu was waiting anxiously outside.

After coming in, Lieutenant General Li Hu saw that Liu Cong was still doing research, so he didn't want to disturb him.

So I found a seat aside and sat down.

At this time, Liu Cong also noticed the arrival of Lieutenant General Li Hu, and then looked at his mobile phone and found that it was already late.

Thinking that he would have a morning class tomorrow morning, Liu Cong didn't plan to stay here.

"Everyone, it's getting late. I have something to do tomorrow, so I'll go back first."

"Academician Sun, if you need anything, you can call me at any time. My phone will not be turned off."

"Okay, I'm here, don't worry." Academician Sun said.

Afterwards, Liu Cong followed Lieutenant General Li Hu out of the research institute's gate. Under the escort of a group of people, Liu Cong returned home.

When I came back, it was almost twelve o'clock.

At this time, his parents had already fallen asleep. They seemed to be used to Liu Cong coming back in the middle of the night, and they simply didn't wait for Liu Cong to come back to sleep.

After Liu Cong took a shower, he found some late-night snacks in the kitchen and then returned to his room.

After returning to his room, Liu Cong could not rest because the PPT he would use for class tomorrow had not been completed.

Ever since, Liu Cong sat at the computer desk and started working on the PPT that will be used in class tomorrow.

Since we need to talk about some profound knowledge tomorrow, many of the pictures on the PPT can only be drawn by myself.

If this was not a necessary lecture content, Liu Cong would not have planned to use PPT and would just find a reason to write on the blackboard, which was very convenient.

Two hours later, Liu Cong closed the computer.

At this time, Liu Cong wasn't feeling sleepy yet, so he turned on his phone and prepared to watch short videos to sleep.

Liu Cong scrolled back and forth, and all of them were videos of young ladies dancing, which made Liu Cong very hot after watching them.

"Harming people!"

"I'm a young and energetic young man. Can Big Data please stop pushing this to me? I won't read it!"

Liu Cong said on the surface that he didn't want to read it, but he couldn't help but press the like button with his finger.

Liu Cong was quite happy at first, but a short video on military science made Liu Cong, who was originally very excited, calm down.

This short video talks about a comparison of fighter jets between China and the United States.

The total length of the video is about four minutes.

The blogger clearly explained the differences between the two countries' fighter jets from all aspects.

The main difference actually lies in the aerospace engine.

From the video, we learned that the engines used by Chinese fighter jets are at least more than 30 years behind those of the United States.

In other words, the current level of Chinese fighter engines is the level of the United States in the 1970s and 1980s.

Think about it, how far behind it is.

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