Liu Cong knew a lot about aero engines.

Especially since he is engaged in scientific research, he has a better understanding of this aspect.

In Liu Cong's impression, the engines used by Chinese fighter jets are a whole generation behind those of the United States, or even more.

For example, if the engine used by China's fighter jets is a fifth-generation fighter, then the opponent is already a sixth-generation fighter, and their seventh-generation fighter is half researched.

For ordinary people, this is a generation gap.

But in the eyes of all military researchers, this is not just a generation gap.

This is a goal that they have been striving for for decades. This is thousands of days and nights. This is a difficult problem for the national military industry to achieve technological breakthroughs.

Today, there are only three countries in the world that can produce high-thrust turbofan engines for fighter jets.

Those are the three countries: China, Bear Country, and the United States.

Like the bear's FN11, FN12.

American F35, F135, F11.

China's turbofan 10.

The above mentioned are the most advanced high-thrust engines in the world today.

However, there is no harm without comparison. China is still far behind the other two countries in this regard.

Take the F35 as an example. Its service life reaches 10,000 hours and its maximum thrust reaches 18 tons.

The largest thrust aircraft engine in the United States can even reach a terrifying 24 tons. What a terrifying thrust it is.

On the other hand, look at Hua.

Although China has been catching up and forging ahead in recent decades.

However, our turbofan 10 engine has a maximum thrust of only 13.4 tons.

The service life is only 1600 hours, which is the service life after improvement.

The previous service life was even more pitiful, only 500 hours.

And now that our Chinese fighter jets can develop to the current level, these seniors who have been doing obscure scientific research behind the scenes are indispensable.

However, a gap is a gap, and it is something that cannot be avoided.

Today, the maximum flying speed of American fighter jets is Mach 3.3.

China's fastest fighter, the Qinglong Fighter-20 heavy fighter, only reaches Mach 2.5.

The difference in speed is very clear.

This also shows that we still have a long, long way to go in the field of aerospace and military industry.

After watching the popular science video, Liu Cong no longer had the intention to swipe the girl, but silently opened the system.

After Liu Cong entered the system, he quickly came to the system mall and the military industry section.

When he turned to the third page of the mall panel, Liu Cong saw the technical information of the turbofan engine.

"Fifty-five million reputation points!" Liu Cong couldn't help but take a breath.

Liu Cong looked at himself and saw that he still had more than 230 million reputation points, and it was growing every moment.

Liu Cong doesn't think this is a mere 55 million.

At that moment, Liu Cong clicked directly into the turbofan engine.

After clicking in, it clearly said seventh-generation turbofan engine.

In other words, this engine is one generation ahead of the country outside the ocean.

From this point of view, Liu Cong doesn't feel that he is at a loss.

At that moment, Liu Cong clicked the button to confirm the purchase.

The next second after purchasing, all the information about the turbofan engine appeared in Liu Cong's mind.

As usual, a USB flash drive appeared in my hand.

For a moment, the information in Liu Cong's brain made it difficult for him to react.

He used to use his brain too much, but now so much new knowledge came to him that it almost short-circuited his brain.

After Liu Cong exited the system, he looked at the USB flash drive in his hand.

"That's the end of today's unhappiness."

"Oh, no, it should have been yesterday!"

"Forget it, why are you thinking so much? Go to sleep!"

After saying that, Liu Cong put the USB flash drive in a hidden place and stored it, then lay on the bed and began to fall asleep.



When the first ray of sunlight shone in the east, the light slipped in very familiarly along the crack of Liu Cong's curtain door.

Then, as usual, it called Liu Cong very skillfully.

After Liu Cong woke up from the light, he touched his phone and saw that the time on the phone was 6:50 in the morning.

Liu Cong's alarm clock was set for seven o'clock in the morning.

But this ten-minute time difference doesn't matter to Liu Cong.

After putting on his clothes, Liu Cong went to the bathroom on the second floor to wash up, and happened to meet Zhang Guimei coming downstairs.

"Son, did you come back very late last night?"

Liu Cong looked at his mother sleepily, then nodded.


"Hey, you kid, whatever you want to eat in the morning, I'll make it for you!" Zhang Guimei said with concern.

Liu Cong stood there and thought for a while, then said casually: "Just soy milk and fried dough sticks, no milk, I can't get used to it."

"Okay, just wait a moment."


after breakfast,

Liu Cong drove to Peking University of Technology.

Looking at the time on his phone, Liu Cong knew that he was going to be late.

So I hurriedly ran all the way to the classroom. Fortunately, Liu Cong's physical fitness was not bad, otherwise carrying a heavy computer bag for this kilometer would have exhausted him to death.

Today's classroom is as crowded as usual.

Moreover, there were many students standing outside the windows who came late and failed to get a seat.

Even in Liu Cong's class, other university professors personally greeted the teachers from BIT one day in advance and came to study in advance.

For them, this opportunity is undoubtedly for further study, and it will be of great help to them in publishing papers.

Liu Cong spent the whole morning in the classroom.

I saw that everyone was listening with great interest and relished it.

As a teacher, Liu Cong was also very happy.

During this period, the progress of academic research at Peking University of Technology has been much faster than the previous year.

Under the leadership of teachers such as Liu Cong and Shu Lao, the semiconductor research laboratory and automation research laboratory of Peking University of Technology are also running steadily.

Soon after, the Institute of Nuclear Physics of Peking University of Technology will also be successfully constructed.

By then, this project can be carried out smoothly.


After finishing his class in the morning, Liu Cong drove back home.

Knowing that there was nothing important happening at the Peking Special Research Institute today, Liu Cong discussed with Academician Sun not to go there for the time being.

Because, I have more important things waiting for me to do today.

That is to submit the latest engine information.

Before setting off, Liu Cong also spent several hours studying all the information, and then briefly made a PPT.

And the department he was going to was no other department, but the China Aerospace Research Institute in Bei City, which was five hundred kilometers away.

This is an aerospace engine research institute with a history of 70 or 80 years. The turbofan engine on the Qinglong fighter was produced by this research institute.

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