After listening to what Liu Cong said, Mr. Zheng didn't even think about it.

"Academician Liu, even if I didn't see your information today, it would only take one sentence for you to ask me to help."

"Besides, you shocked me so much this time. I don't feel at ease unless I go there. I feel that this is probably the most high-tech engine I have ever come into contact with in my life."

"If it weren't for the information you gave me, I would have doubted whether this was alien technology. There are so many technologies that I have never seen before." Mr. Zheng said excitedly.

In fact, what Mr. Zheng said was not wrong at all.

In a sense, this is alien technology. This technology was obtained by Liu Cong from the system. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is alien technology.

However, in Liu Cong's eyes, whether it is alien technology or technology on Blue Star, as long as it can help China develop, it is a good thing.

He won't worry about where this technology came from.

"Mr. Zheng, you praise me too much. It would be great if I could really contact aliens."

"Then when the time comes, I will level down Xiaori and Miguo as soon as possible and let them have a taste of my power!"

Liu Cong's words also completely amused Mr. Zheng.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Academician Liu, I found that you are really good at joking. Every time I stay with you, I feel very relaxed and happy."

"This feeling cannot be given by other young people. It is really comfortable!" Mr. Zheng said.

Later, the two saw that it was already getting late, so Mr. Zheng suddenly came up with the idea of ​​taking Liu Cong to a nearby small restaurant for dinner, and Liu Cong readily agreed.

In this way, Liu Cong, Mr. Zheng, and Lieutenant General Li Hu drove to a small restaurant three kilometers away where Mr. Zheng often went to eat.

After entering the small restaurant, the owner of the restaurant greeted Mr. Zheng very skillfully.

"Mr. Zheng, you are here."

"Do you still want a piece of pork head and a bottle of beef Blue Mountain today?" said a slightly fat middle-aged boss.

Seeing someone next to Mr. Zheng, the middle-aged man immediately changed his mind and said, "Mr. Zheng, this is your student!"

Mr. Zheng smiled and said, "No!"

"Bring out all the signature dishes in your restaurant today, and by the way, bring me a bottle of good wine!"

Mr. Zheng was extremely happy today and had not been together for the longest time.

"Academician Liu, Lieutenant General Li, are you drinking?"

Mr. Zheng glanced at Liu Cong and Lieutenant General Li Hu.

"No, Mr. Zheng, Lieutenant General Li and I don't drink!"

"Yes, Mr. Zheng, we don't drink!"

Hearing what the two said, Mr. Zheng was a little disappointed.

"Yes, young people don't drink anymore now, and Lieutenant General Li will still be driving later, so forget it!!"



Twenty minutes later, all the dishes were served.

In order not to waste, the three of them ordered four dishes, three dishes and one soup.

"Academician Liu, try the pig head meat. It's really delicious!" Mr. Zheng looked at Liu Cong expectantly.

Liu Cong was not polite and directly picked up the pork head on the plate and put it in his mouth.

"Mr. Zheng, it's very delicious!" Liu Cong couldn't help but praise.

To be honest, this pork head meat is really delicious. This is something Liu Cong can't eat in high-end restaurants.

Afterwards, Liu Cong looked at the dishes on the table and then at Mr. Zheng.

He suddenly felt that it was really frugal for such an old man to eat these things.

From the conversation between the boss and Mr. Zheng just now, we learned that when he usually comes here, he drinks Niu Lanshan for fifteen yuan a bottle.

If he hadn't brought Liu Cong here today and encountered a happy day, he would never have been willing to buy good wine.

Moreover, the good wine in his eyes does not cost more than one hundred yuan! !

Liu Cong was really puzzled after seeing it. It was clear that people like Mr. Zheng were not short of money at all, why they still lived so frugally.

Finally, Liu Cong couldn't bear it anymore and asked: "Mr. Zheng, the salary paid to you by the state is so high, why are you still so frugal!"

When Mr. Zheng heard Liu Cong ask this, he put down the wine glass he had picked up.

He smiled and said: "Academician Liu, this is not how you spend your money!"

"It's not like you can't drink the wine that costs tens of dollars. Isn't this twenty-one plate of pork head delicious?"

"I have eaten in high-end hotels, but I am really not used to the food and wine there!"

When Mr. Zheng said this, he frowned and shook his head.

"Academician Liu, you don't even know that their five-star hotels will sell you a small lion head for 200 yuan. Isn't this robbery?"

"Two hundred yuan is enough for me to drink for two months and eat more than ten meals of pork!"

"With this money, I might as well donate it to students in impoverished mountainous areas who want to study but don't have access to school. Maybe the next me will appear!"

As he spoke, Mr. Zheng picked up the wine glass with a longing look on his face, and then took a long sip.

I don’t know if the wine was too strong. The moment Mr. Zheng drank the wine, his expression was distorted, but the smile on his face did not diminish at all.

"Ah! It feels so good!"

Liu Cong was completely moved when he heard this.

Since Mr. Zheng said these words, it means that he really did it.

An old Chinese scholar, who was over 10 years old, was wearing a very ordinary T-shirt and drank more than ten yuan of wine. The money he saved was donated to the children in the mountainous areas so that they could have a better life.

It can be said that more than 95% of people cannot do such a thing.

Even Liu Cong felt that he was not as good as Mr. Zheng. The inch-inch shirt he was wearing was worth five thousand instead of ten thousand.

Thinking about it this way, Liu Cong felt very ashamed.

"Mr. Zheng, let me have a drink with you!"

Liu Cong's words made Mr. Zheng's smile brighter.


"Xiao Wang, bring me another wine glass!"


After a while, the two of them picked up their wine glasses and started drinking.

Liu Cong didn't care whether the wine was spicy or not. With his current physique, he wouldn't get drunk after drinking two pounds.

Liu Cong picked up the wine glass and stood up, "Mr. Zheng, I respect you!"

Seeing this, Mr. Zheng quickly picked up his wine glass.

"Okay, drink!"

"Academician Liu, please sit down, we don't need to be like this."

Mr. Zheng held the wine glass in one hand and pressed Liu Cong's shoulder down with the other.

Liu Cong didn't be polite to Mr. Zheng and sat down directly.

"Okay, sit down and drink!"


The wine glasses clinked together and made a crisp sound.

After three rounds of drinking, Mr. Zheng was almost done drinking in the atmosphere of cheerful conversation.

In the end, Liu Cong couldn't bear Mr. Zheng getting drunk, so he drank the rest of the wine himself.

"Academician Liu, I'm really happy today. I used to come here to drink alone!"

"How about I come with my students, and they don't drink. I just drink one drink every time, and I pack the rest of the wine and take it back."

"It's really not sexual at all!"

"I have decided, I will go to Peking with you tomorrow!" Mr. Zheng said.

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