Mr. Zheng's words undoubtedly gave Liu Cong a shot in the arm.

At that moment, Liu Cong responded to Mr. Zheng, "Mr. Zheng, that's great!"

"Then you leave, what will you do with your research institute?"

"Our research and development cycle is very long. It's very likely that you won't be able to come back for a year and a half!"

In this regard, Mr. Zheng didn't care at all.

"Academician Liu!"

"I am already quite old. I will say goodbye to this world in a few years. I have already reached the age of retirement and it is long past time to enjoy my own life."

"However, I still can't let go here. I still want to do something for our research. Now that the seventh generation of turbofan engines have been released, it's time for me to retire."

"After I go back today, I will transfer everything I have to my students. It's time for them to take charge of their own affairs. I believe they can also take on this important responsibility!"

Mr. Zheng spoke very calmly, and there was no trace of nostalgia for the China Aviation Research Institute in his words. ,

Perhaps, it was the information provided by Liu Cong that solved Mr. Zheng's regrets for many years and completed the task that he had never been able to complete in his life.

That's why he was so determined this time.

"Mr. Zheng, since you said so, I completely respect your idea!"

"Moreover, when you come to us, you can also meet your most proud student, Academician Zhang Bin!"

"He always talks about you!" Liu Cong said with a smile.

Speaking of Academician Zhang, Mr. Zheng's eyes revealed a different kind of sincerity.

Although there is no blood relationship between Mr. Zheng and Academician Zhang, Mr. Zheng has long regarded Academician Zhang as his own child in private, because Mr. Zheng knows that Academician Zhang has been an orphan since he was a child.

Academician Zhang has always treated Mr. Zheng as his father. For a few years, Academician Zhang even took Mr. Zheng directly to her home to spend the New Year.

"Hahahaha, that boy Xiao Zhang is indeed the most outstanding student I have ever taught in my life."

With that said, Mr. Zheng stood up.

Then he took out a cloth bag from his pocket, took out cash from it, walked to the boss and gave the money to the boss.

Mr. Zheng originally planned to give him some change, but since there was still a few dollars missing, the boss was very cheerful and wiped off the change directly for Mr. Zheng.

But Mr. Zheng resolutely gave the change to the boss, and then said something in the boss's ear.

The boss, who was still smiling at first, gradually lost his smile after hearing Mr. Zheng's story, and was replaced by a touch of sadness.

"Mr. Zheng, do you really want to leave Beishi?" the boss asked with great concern.

Mr. Zheng nodded kindly, "Yes, Xiao Wu, I can't come to your place to eat in the future."

"take care!"


Parting always brings a touch of sadness.

The boss stood in front of the hotel and personally watched Mr. Zheng get into the car.

On the way back, the originally sunny sky slowly turned gloomy, and then it began to rain lightly.

"Lieutenant General Li, can you roll down the window a little bit?"

Lieutenant General Li Hu will certainly meet Mr. Zheng’s request.

The next second, Lieutenant General Li Hu rolled down the window and turned off the air conditioner in the car.

Fortunately, the rain outside was not too heavy, and only a little bit of rain drifted in through the car window due to the wind.

"The rain and wind in Beishi are still as gentle as ever!"

Through Mr. Zheng's slightly red cheeks, Liu Cong didn't know what he was thinking at this time.


Early the next morning,

Liu Cong personally drove to Mr. Zheng's residence nearby. Following the instructions on Mr. Zheng's phone, Liu Cong came to Mr. Zheng's community and finally arrived at the door of Mr. Zheng's home.

Liu Cong and Lieutenant General Li Hu stood in front of Zheng's hometown and rang the doorbell.

After a while, Mr. Zheng, dressed in casual clothes, opened the door for the two of them.

"You are here, please come in!"

Mr. Zheng was as enthusiastic as ever.

Liu Cong was not polite, and immediately entered Mr. Zheng's home with Lieutenant General Li Hu.

Through Liu Cong's observation, Mr. Zheng's home is not big, and the apartment is estimated to be only fifty or sixty square meters.

There are only two bedrooms in total, and one of the small bedrooms is also used to store sundries.

Mr. Zheng lives alone in this house. Like Mr. Shu, Mr. Zheng's wife left early and his children are not around all year round.

Therefore, this house is actually enough for Mr. Zheng to live alone.

But in Liu Cong's eyes, with Mr. Zheng's status, even if he lives alone, he deserves to live in a larger house, not a small house with only 50 square meters.

"Academician Liu, Lieutenant General Li, have a drink of water!"

Mr. Zheng took two bottles of mineral water and handed them to the two of them.

"I was about to leave, but I also put the teapot away!"

"You guys wait a moment, I'll get my luggage. Once I'm done, we'll start setting off immediately!"

With that said, Mr. Zheng turned around and returned to the room.

Liu Cong was worried, fearing that Mr. Zheng would not be able to carry his luggage alone, so he followed Mr. Zheng and went in with him.

"Mr. Zheng, I'll accompany you!"

After entering Mr. Zheng's bedroom, Liu Cong discovered that Mr. Zheng's bedroom was also so simple.

There is an unpacked luggage bag next to the bed, which Mr. Zheng used to store clothes.

Although Mr. Zheng is already in his eighties, he is still very flexible.

After a while, Mr. Zheng put all his clothes in the bag. Liu Cong found that the whole big bag weighed almost dozens of kilograms. If Mr. Zheng carried it alone, it would be quite heavy.

So, Liu Cong didn't let Mr. Zheng think about it, and directly carried Mr. Zheng's luggage out.

Mr. Zheng didn't want to be polite to Liu Cong. He immediately picked up his backpack, locked his door and followed Liu Cong and the others downstairs.

After getting on the bus, Liu Cong specifically asked: "Mr. Zheng, do you want us to go back to your institute to take a look and say goodbye to your colleagues and students?"

After hearing what Liu Cong said, Mr. Zheng smiled and shook his head. "Academician Liu, I accept your kindness. No need."

"I won't go back to the institute, otherwise we won't be able to get on the road in time. Let's just go back to Peking!"

From Mr. Zheng's eyes, Liu Cong saw a trace of reluctance, but this feeling quickly disappeared.

"Okay, let's set off now!"

Later, Lieutenant General Li Hu drove Liu Cong and Mr. Zheng to the designated location. Under the escort of the army, the two got on the helicopter.

After a while, the plane took off, and Mr. Zheng and Liu Cong also said goodbye to Beishi.

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