After a long journey, Liu Cong and Mr. Zheng arrived at the Chinese Academy of Sciences at one o'clock in the afternoon.

The helicopter hasn't completely landed in Hua Scientific Research's compound, and there are many people waiting for Liu Cong and Mr. Zheng to land.

This is the first time Mr. Zheng has come to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the battle must not be underestimated.

The helicopter lands and the cabin opens.

With the help of Liu Cong, Mr. Zheng got off the helicopter.

Afterwards, warm applause came from the scene, and everyone welcomed Mr. Zheng's first arrival.

Among the many people in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, many people admire Mr. Zheng very much.

For them, Mr. Zheng is not only a national scholar, but like Mr. Shu, he is also the spiritual sustenance of scientific researchers like them.

After the two came down, Shu Lao pushed his way through the crowd with a cane and walked over from behind.

"Old Zheng, long time no see!"

Elder Shu came to Elder Zheng on crutches.

"Lao Shu, long time no see. How have you been over the past few years?"

"I haven't seen you in the past few years. Why do you even use crutches?" Mr. Zheng asked with a concerned look on his face.

"Hey, as I get older, my legs and feet become weak. Sometimes my legs will become weak if I don't use crutches."

Mr. Shu did not show off his strength in front of Mr. Zheng like he did with Liu Cong, but directly told the actual situation.

"Old friend, my health is much worse now than it was a few years ago!"

In this way, the two octogenarians were talking in the crowd in front of everyone.

Later, after listening to Academician Sun's explanation, Liu Cong realized how deep the relationship between the two old people was.

Mr. Shu and Mr. Zheng both graduated from Huaxia University of Science and Technology in the last century. At that time, Huaxia University of Science and Technology was not called Huaxia University of Science and Technology, but was called Huaxia Military Academy.

Mr. Shu and Mr. Zheng were in the same class in the same school. Mr. Shu majored in physics, while Mr. Zheng majored in mechanics.

At that time, classrooms were limited, and classes with many different majors and the same classes would be in the same classroom.

It was at that time that Mr. Shu and Mr. Zheng formed a deep relationship.

The main reason is that Mr. Zheng and Mr. Shu were too good when they were young, and neither of them was convinced by the other.

They were originally two pairs of happy enemies, but in the end when the work was assigned, they were almost the same.

Whenever Mr. Shu had time, he would help Mr. Zheng calculate the formulas of mechanics.

In this way, as the two went back and forth, their friendship became deeper and deeper.

Seeing that the two old men were so happy to meet each other today, Liu Cong was also happy for them.

Their nearly sixty-year friendship has not changed with the passage of time. Instead, they each shine and heat in positions where they cannot see each other.

See you at the top! ! ! !

"Old Zheng, let's not stand here anymore, let's go in and talk!"

"Okay, let's go in and talk!"

With that said, the two old men walked to Shu Lao's office under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Today's meeting between Mr. Zheng and Mr. Shu will definitely become the headlines of tomorrow's news.



One day has passed,

At Shu Lao's warm invitation, Mr. Zheng stayed at Shu Lao's home.

However, the time we get together is always short, and the good times will also follow each other's tasks and cannot be perfected.

However, separation is almost normal for the two old people.

"Old Zheng, you must take good care of yourself after you go there!"

"Look, you've only stayed at my place for one night, and you're not willing to keep me here for two days!"

"That's all, you also have your mission, just go with Academician Liu. If I have time, I will go and see you in person!"

"You should take care of yourself!" Shu Lao urged.

When Mr. Zheng saw Mr. Shu like this, he was very reluctant to give up.

"Old friend, don't worry. As long as I have time, I will come to Peking and stay at your house. Then you can't dislike me, an old man!"

The atmosphere was originally very depressing, but when Mr. Zheng said this, the two old men laughed.

"Old Zheng, don't worry, I won't say anything even if you stay here, I'm just afraid that you won't come over!"

With that said, Mr. Shu turned around and looked at Liu Cong next to him, and then said: "Academician Liu, I will trouble you this time!"

"I'm not familiar with that place either. When you take Lao Zheng there, you can introduce it to him more!"

Of course Liu Cong would agree to Shu Lao's instructions.

"Lao Shu, don't worry, I will definitely do it!"

"Even if I don't show Mr. Zheng, he will show Mr. Zheng where his students are!"

After listening to Liu Cong's words, Shu Lao didn't react for a while. After thinking for a moment, Shu Lao clapped his hands.

"Yes, where is Zhang Bin now!"

"I feel relieved when he is here!"



Soon after, Liu Cong took Mr. Zheng onto the helicopter.

After the helicopter started, the distance from the ground became farther and farther. Even if the helicopter left Shu Lao's sight, Shu Lao was unwilling to leave.

Finally, under the escort of soldiers, Shu Lao was willing to leave and then came to the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

An hour later, Liu Cong and Mr. Zheng landed at the space launch base.

Before coming, Liu Cong had already made arrangements with Academician Zhang in advance.

Before Mr. Zheng arrived, he was waiting at the scene with some leaders of the research team.

Seeing the helicopter landing, Academician Zhang went directly to the foot of where the helicopter was parked.

After Mr. Zheng and Liu Cong came down, Academician Zhang came up to them immediately.

"Teacher, Academician Liu, you are here!"

Academician Zhang said with a smile on his face.

"Here you go, Academician Zhang!" Liu Cong greeted Academician Zhang very skillfully, because the two of them met often, so they didn't have so many restrictions.

At this time, Mr. Zheng stood opposite Academician Zhang and looked at Academician Zhang without saying a word.

"Did you not listen to me?"

Academician Zhang originally had a smile on his face, but after hearing what Mr. Zheng said, his face instantly drooped.

"Teacher, did I make another mistake?"

Academician Zhang felt as wronged as a child.

Mr. Zheng remained silent in front of everyone.

At this time, the atmosphere at the scene dropped to freezing point, and Liu Cong on the side was trembling and dared not speak. ,

After more than ten seconds, Mr. Zheng spoke.

"Why don't you listen to me and eat well?"

"Look, you've lost weight. What did my teacher tell you!"

Academician Zhang, who originally had a slumped face, secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Mr. Zheng say this.

But at the same time, I was very moved.

"Teacher, I'm sorry. To be honest, the student did not listen to you well!"

"But teacher, don't blame me. I also want to catch up in time, because this is really important to us!"

Having said this, Academician Zhang became excited.

Seeing that his students were so confident, Mr. Zheng became more and more curious about the experiments inside.

He had heard Liu Cong's long speech before.

However, no matter how wonderful Liu Cong's words were and no matter how good the plan was, there was still no truth that could be seen with the eyes.

"Academician Liu, Xiao Bin, let's go in and talk!" Mr. Zheng said.

"Okay, teacher, let's go in and talk!"

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