In order to upgrade to a bachelor's degree: Master the photolithography machine technology at t

Chapter 499 Arrive at the shell of the interstellar mining vehicle

Soon after, the three of them arrived at the aerospace office building, Academician Zhang's office.

After Liu Cong and Mr. Zheng sat down, Academician Zhang immediately poured tea for them. There are no conditions here like outside, and they basically make tea quickly.

"Teacher, Academician Liu, have tea!"

With that said, Academician Zhang Bin handed two cups of brewed green tea to the two of them.

Afterwards, he also made a cup of it.

After the three of them sat down, each holding a cup of green tea, you looked at me and I looked at you, not knowing how to speak for a while.

At this time, Liu Cong broke the tranquility of the scene.

"Academician Zhang, how is the recent research and development progress?" Liu Cong asked.

Although Mr. Zheng didn't say it, he must be most concerned about this. They are all engaged in scientific research, so what can they care about if they don't care about scientific research?

Academician Zhang said with a very relaxed expression: "The recent progress has been pretty good!"

"The outer part of the interstellar mining vehicle has been completely completed. If you want to visit it, I will personally take you to visit it later. You will know when we get to the site!"

"Although our shell department has almost completed the design, and we can complete some internal parts within the specified time, we still have two biggest problems at present, and I don't think Academician Liu and the teacher may also know about it."

"As long as the two biggest problems of chips and aerospace engines are solved, all our problems can be solved."

"However, it is easier said than done. We may not be able to break through the 1nm lithography machine process in a short time, let alone aerospace engines."

Having said this, Academician Zhang felt a little discouraged.

Liu Cong also understood what Academician Zhang was thinking. On the surface, these two things were indeed extremely difficult problems.

Even so, the experiment must continue.

However, what Liu Cong said next made both Mr. Zheng and Academician Zhang feel incredible.

"Academician Zhang, the 1nm chip is not something we should worry about now, because our technology has already made breakthroughs. It is only a matter of time before we develop the brain chip for the interstellar mining vehicle!"

Although Liu Cong spoke calmly, the two people sitting opposite him were not calm anymore.

"What?" they both said in unison.

"A breakthrough in the 1nm process? Why didn't I get the news right away?" Academician Zhang was puzzled.

Mr. Zheng can be forgiven for not knowing. He himself is a party to the research and development, so it would be unjustifiable if there is no news.

"It's like this. The news over there has been blocked by me for the time being. It has not been developed anymore. Mr. Wu and I decided not to make it public."

"We in China are now being assigned spies by many lawless elements, especially those in Xiaoli. Because they all have yellow skin and understand our Chinese language, we don't even know if they are one of our own!"

"Having learned the lesson from last time, do you think I will have a second chance to let them take advantage of the loophole?" Liu Cong said with a smile.

Speaking of this, Academician Zhang suddenly understood.

"So that's it, Academician Liu really has you!"

"I really haven't considered this aspect. If you say so, that would be great!" Academician Zhang said in a low and excited voice.

"Academician Liu, has our country really made a breakthrough in lithography machine technology?"

"That's really great!"

"Although Mr. Wu and I don't usually move around much, I also know how much he has suffered in this field for many years."

"Scientific research is really a difficult road to follow!" Mr. Zheng sighed.

Mr. Zheng was originally a man of action, but he had seen too many impossibilities during this period, and he himself became sentimental.

"Yes, teacher, this road is really difficult to walk. Fortunately, we have survived this way!"

When Liu Cong saw the two people sighing like this, he also knew that it was not easy for them.

"Mr. Zheng, Academician Zhang, the difficulty is only temporary, everything will get better slowly!"

"Our biggest problem right now is the aerospace engine."

"I have also decided that I plan to stay with you most of the time to overcome this difficulty together!"

Liu Cong looked at the two of them firmly.

Academician Zhang was very happy to hear that Liu Cong was coming to work with them to overcome difficulties.

Mr. Zheng is also very happy to work with Liu Cong on research and development. He really feels what kind of strength Liu Cong has.

"That would be great. With Academician Liu here, we will have a lot of confidence!"

"Yes, I have really seen Academician Liu's strength. He is not ordinary." Mr. Zheng on the side was full of praise for Liu Cong.

Liu Cong felt a little embarrassed when the two praised him like this.

He quickly changed the topic.

"Mr. Zheng, Academician Zhang, let's go to the workshop at the back to see the current research and development progress!" Liu Cong said.

"Okay, let's go now!"

Afterwards, several people put down their unfinished teacups and left the aviation office building together.

Ten minutes later, a few people arrived at the workshop behind.

It has to be said that this space launch base is really very large. The distance from the aviation office building to the workshop behind is at least more than a kilometer. The few people just walked very fast, and there was not much talking on the road.

Only Academician Zhang on the side introduced the main facilities and walking routes of the space launch base to his teacher from time to time.

When Liu Cong stood next to this behemoth that was many times bigger than himself, he was completely stunned.

This is also the first time in a long time that he has been to the site to visit.

Although such a big guy is not as huge as an aircraft carrier, Liu Cong looks like an ant when standing in front of him.

The model of the interstellar mining vehicle is just like the aircraft carrier model in the movie.

The difference is that he is amphibious.

There are many wheels under his ship, and these wheels can be retracted inside. When the interstellar mining vehicle is flying, these wheels cannot be seen at all.

In the center of the bottom of the interstellar mining vehicle is a cube space equipped with various ground detection instruments.

These instruments can accurately determine what type of ore it is when the interstellar mining vehicle is operating.

Moreover, such a detection instrument also has a memory function. As long as it is an ore that has not been seen before, he will judge it based on his own judgment, and then transmit it to Blue Star's main control room for scientific researchers to study, and then upload it to the main brain.

At that time, other interstellar mining vehicles can mine directly as long as they see this type of ore, and there is no need to go through scanning.

On both sides of his side are the tools he uses to mine ore. As long as they are accurately identified, the mining tools on both sides can work immediately.

Above the mining tools on both sides is where the ore is held.

It can also be said that except for the main control room in the front, the interstellar mining vehicle is filled with ore.

According to the information, a small interstellar mining vehicle can carry at least twice its own weight.

In other words, a small interstellar mining vehicle of 200 tons can carry a load of 400 tons.

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