"Forget it, no matter how much I say, I might as well take you to the site to see it for yourself!"

"Academician Wang is also debugging this new machine in the institute!"

"Come on, I'll take you to see it!"

With that said, Mr. Wu pulled away his stool and stood up.

Seeing this, Liu Cong also stood up quickly.

"Okay, Mr. Wu, let's leave now. I can't wait to hear what you say!"

Liu Cong is also very curious about what the chip produced by this 1nm lithography machine looks like. Liu Cong has wanted to verify it himself a long time ago, but he has never had the chance.

This time, when the finished product of the photolithography machine comes out, Liu Cong must take a closer look at this magical thing that is hailed as a product of space by humans.

With that said, both of them left their seats and walked out of the door.

Since Lieutenant General Li Hu is Liu Cong's personal bodyguard, he is certainly qualified to go in and see this time.

Five minutes later, Liu Cong and Lieutenant General Wu Lao and Li Hu arrived at the door of the underground laboratory, which was equipped with layers of protection.

Even Mr. Wu and Liu Cong had to hand over all their metal equipment and any electronic products when entering this underground research institute.

Of course, this is also a necessary process.

After all these security inspection procedures were completed, the three of them successfully entered the underground research institute.

Just like last time, you have to put on dustproof clothes in the dustproof room as soon as you come in.

The three of them also followed the process without any sloppiness.

After passing through a long corridor, Liu Cong and others successfully arrived at the real research room.

From a distance, Liu Cong could see Academician Wang, who was wearing clean clothes and arranging his subordinates to do things at a loud voice.

"Hey, Xiaoxia, please adjust the projection aperture setting a little smaller."

"Yes, yes, that's it, don't move!"

"Xiao Zhao, please increase the voltage slightly to 20v."

"Xiao Li..."

Academician Wang stared at the data on the big screen and was extremely busy.

Unknowingly, Liu Cong and Mr. Wu came to Academician Wang's side.

But this time when Academician Wang saw the two of them, he just said hello briefly.

"Academician Liu, Mr. Wu, you are here."

"I'm sorry, I have something very important to do now, please wait a moment!"

As he spoke, Academician Wang began to stare at the big screen again with serious eyes, and began to direct the scientific researchers in front of him to debug this huge machine.

Liu Cong and Mr. Wu smiled at each other when they saw Academician Wang being so serious.

Then, Mr. Wu whispered against Liu Cong's ear: "It seems we came at the wrong time!"

After hearing what Mr. Wu said, Liu Cong smiled and nodded.

"Yes, it seems that we came at the wrong time."

However, now that both of them are here, they have no intention of returning home.

Liu Cong and Mr. Wu watched Academician Wang directing the scientific researchers in front of them, staring at the data in front of the screen.

Seeing how busy Academician Wang is now, Liu Cong and Mr. Wu wondered if they could be of any help.

But after observing for a while, I found that these data were too precise, and the two of them couldn't help at all.

This is clearly the final debugging stage. As for the specific data, only Academician Wang knows it now!

In this way, for the next hour, Liu Cong and Mr. Wu stood behind Academician Wang and watched Academician Wang personally command and debug the equipment.

"Okay! Don't move, that's it!"

At the last command from Academician Wang, all parameters were fully debugged.

In response, Academician Wang looked at the hand-drawn formula on the table and couldn't help but smile.

"Okay, now it's finally finished! I think the accuracy should be even more accurate!"

While Academician Wang was still feeling complacent, he forgot that there were two people behind him.

After reacting, Academician Wang immediately turned around.

"Mr. Wu, Academician Liu, I'm really sorry!"

"I was just too busy!"

"I was the one who informed you to come over, and I was the one who released the dove. I'm really sorry."

Academician Wang looked apologetic, but Liu Cong felt that it was really nothing, because scientific researchers should maintain a focused attitude at all times.

Otherwise, during the research and development process, it is easy to get confused and cause immeasurable losses.

"Academician Wang, it doesn't matter. If we knew you were doing the final debugging work, we wouldn't bother you for the time being." Liu Cong said with a smile.

"Yeah, I didn't pay attention either. This is also my fault!"

"I'm already old, and I can't do these sophisticated things anymore."

Mr. Wu sighed, seeming to be troubled by not being able to help Academician Wang.

"Mr. Wu, if it weren't for you, the photolithography machine wouldn't have been developed so quickly. There are specialties in the art industry. Besides, what I've done is far less than what you have done!"

"But everything is fine now. All the equipment has been debugged. If we make the chip drawings now, we can produce the chips now." Academician Wang said confidently.

"Academician Wang, although I knew this day would come sooner or later, I was still very excited when I heard this news from you. I have been waiting for this day for a long time!"

Mr. Wu looked at the completely encapsulated photolithography machine in front of him with passion, and he had mixed feelings in his heart.

Liu Cong was also very happy today.

The completion of the research and development of 1nm lithography machine officially means that China has become the world's number one in the semiconductor field.

This is unmatched by any country now.

Originally, with the help of the United States, we can now produce 3nm lithography machines and 3nm chips.

With such a mix-up in China, it is estimated that the mentality of the United States will completely explode.

"Academician Liu, Mr. Wu, although we can't produce the specified chip now, I can show you a real one-nanometer chip using a one-nanometer manufacturing process!" Academician Wang said excitedly.

"Academician Wang, didn't you just show me the finished product? Now bring it over and show it to Academician Liu." Mr. Wu asked.

"Mr. Wu, that one is not really one nanometer at all. It is at most one point and one nanometer. This time the machine can only be considered a real one nanometer after I debugged it."

"Just watch it!"

With that said, Academician Wang immediately entered a series of passwords on the main control screen, and then shouted to the scientific researchers in front.

"Get ready, we are now conducting the 1358th round of production testing. This time only success is allowed and failure is not allowed. Did you hear that?" Academician Wang said loudly.

"I heard it, promise to complete the order!"

After hearing Academician Wang's instructions, everyone was on standby every minute.

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